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[Deep Wounds] - Now also applied by Serrate.





Mastery: Emblazonry - Increases the effectiveness of your Standards and Banners by 23.4%. Each point of Mastery increases this bonus by 4.6%.

Active Abilities

Cavort - Spin around rapidly, dealing 80% weapon damage to all enemies within 8 yds. Consecutive Cavorts increases your attack speed by 5% for 9 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. 

Iron Grip - Squeeze the target with an iron grip, stunning them for 3 seconds.

Miasmic Pierce - Pierce the target with your weapon, dealing 110% weapon damage plus 3,167 and and an additional 2,482 Nature damage over 4 seconds. Generates 10 Rage.

Serrate - Rend the target, dealing 140% weapon damage plus 284 and applying the [Physical Vulnerability] effect.

Standard of Vigilance - Set up a standard of vigilance, increasing the Stamina and armor of all nearby allies within 40 yards by 5%. Only one Standard can be active at a time. 

Passive Abilities

Commandant - Increases the effectiveness [Battle Shout] and [Commanding Shout] by 20%.

Daunting Presence - Whenever you successfully stun a target with Iron Grip you gain Daunting Presence, increasing the damage the the next direct damage melee ability by 25%.

Ruthless Tactician - You can equip one-hand and off-hand weapons in your off-hand.

While wielding a two-handed weapon, your auto-attack damage dealt is increased by 20%. While wielding a one-handed weapon, your Strength is increased by 10%.

Increases all periodic damage done by 30%.

Trauma - Your melee critical strikes increase the effectiveness of periodic damage effects on the target by 15% for 1 min.