User:Lakarialstraz/Erkolon Flamehawk

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HordeErkolon Flamehawk
Image of Erkolon Flamehawk
Gender Male
Race Blood elf
Class Mage, Archmage, Blood Mage, Dragonsworn
Affiliation(s) Red Dragonflight, Shattered Sun Offensive, Dalaran, Lakarialstrasz the Seer and Twilight's Hammer Clan (as a spy)
Occupation N/A
Location Brightmoon Island
Status Alive
Relative(s) Gylith, Isaniel and Tharama Flamehawk (Parents and Brother, Killed by the Scourge),


Erkolon is the son of Gylith and Isaniel Flamehawk. Erkolon rarely speaks of his parents due to that it brings out painful memories. He has actually only mentioned his parents name once and that was to the Red Dragon Lakarialstraz, who Erkolon has seen as a fathers figure due to that Lakarial has taken care of him for several years until Erkolon was ready to take care of himself. Erkolon during his young days as a simple Mage going on simple adventures was a pyromaniac, which when he almost lost his left hand when a spell backfired he stopped using Fire magic almost altogether and started using Frost magic. During an adventure in the Arathi Highlands he was tricked by an Orc named Zaruk to join the Twilight's Hammer Clan and serve the Old Gods. He remained loyal to the clan until he met Lakarialstraz again. Lakarial was shocked that his apprentice had joined such a vile cult, but decided to take advantage of the situation and use Erkolon as a spy.