User:Kulez/The Darkest Hour

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The Darkest Hour


One year has passed since the fall of the new Lich King, Bolvar Fordragon. Many triumphs and tragedies have passed. The Scourge has been utterly decimated from the face of Azeroth, with only a few holds left on the Plaguelands and Northrend. The Forsaken have begun to rebel against Garrosh Hellscream, and attack towns with their destructive Forsaken Plague mercilessly. As the rift to the Emerald Dream in the Maelstrom is about to be healed, once more the spell in interrupted. As the channeling awoke a great behemoth in the depths of the Nether, the beast opened a hole in the Rift of Aln, causing its less-than-savory corruption to spill into Azeroth. As this magic further awakens the behemoth, known as Sargeras, the Dark Titan, the Burning Legion prepare a new strike against Azeroth. As the hand of Sargeras bursts from the Maelstrom into Azeroth, bringing with it a rift to the Legion's stronghold, Argus, and a new, vast array of demons, the drums echo once again. The Fourth War has begun.

  • End Boss: Sargeras the Destroyer <The Enemy>
  • Level Cap Raised to 95 Elite
  • New Hero Class: Demon Hunter
  • New Continent: Argus
  • New Zones: Broken Isles,
  • New City: Mac'Aree
  • New Character Progression System: Path of the Titans
  • New Battlegrounds: Azshara Crater, Arauk-Nashal
  • New World PvP Zone: Tempest Shore
  • New Dungeons
  • New Raids
  • New Items
  • New Spells
  • New Pets
  • New Companions
  • New Monsters
  • New WORLD

World of Warcraft: The Darkest Hour

Demon Hunter



Black Screen, "For thousands of years..." A scene of a metallic bronze hand being covered by a lightforged gauntlet flashes, "...I followed them..." The other hand is covered with a gauntlet, also flashes, "...Followed their teachings..." Warrior covered in lightforged armor kneeling, holding onto heroic-looking sword, which is in the ground, cracks of light spider-webbing from it. This scene flashes by, then screen slowly dims black again, "But... they... have changed me..." Scene flashes by, then slowly dims black again: a battle between the warrior in lightforged armor, and some nathrezim-looking demons. The sky is red, and the warrior towers over the demons by almost double their size. He cleaves through the demons easily, but their waves are endless, "...They, have made me see the truth..." after the voice, a sharp, evil sounding music ensues, with continuous scenes now. The warrior is assuming a kneeling position just like before. This time, his armor is not glowing as brightly, and with a tint of red, and his sword is less heroic looking and slightly sinister in parts. The warrior stands up, drawing the sword from its place. His golden eyes are visible from without the helm; his face is hidden. The world around him shifts from a paradise to a hellish nightmare. As this transition happens, his armor darkens to a charred black, and his eyes now glow a sinister dark red. He turns his head to the sky, and the angle changes to show what he is looking at- demons are flying overhead, carrying some sort of beings in their talons, as the voice says- "Now I realize my foolishness. To believe those traitors for even a second!" It shifts back to the warrior. He looks down, at his sword, still stuck in the ground. Seething fissures emanate from the point of its contact with the earth, fire spewing forth from them. He looks forward again. As this happens, the voice says- "But now... I am the one who rules this hellish plane..." He puts both hands on the sword, closes his eyes, and pulls. The screen instantly goes black, the music stopping. Suddenly, the cinematic flares back to life, epic music playing. An enormous horde of demons is charging down a hil, at a beautiful world, their path turning into a dry, rocky, fiery wasteland. The now-evil warrior stands at the top of the hill, sword pointed, outstretched, downward. His sword is different, not as powerful looking. "I have awakened... and now... I come..." The demons join battle with armies of the Alliance and Horde. "I come... for Azeroth..." as soon as he says 'Azeroth', he kneels down, and plunges the sword into the ground. The screen goes black.