User:Kakim/Mithrilbeard Expeditionary Team

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

MithrilBeard Expeditionary Team, Is the crew of Kakim" the stout" Mithrilbeard. It was founded during a storm outside the eastern parts of Stranglethorn Vale The main ship of the Blackjack Maniacs was destroyed and the surviving members of the Blackjack Maniacs made a vow to assist Kakim Mithrilbeard on his everlasting quest of exploring. The original members were mostly former Blackjacks or friends of Kakim Mithrilbeard such as Nightskin, or Garionh Castellano. They performed many trips and flights all over the world. They even traveled to Draenor with the same portal that Kael'Thas used. They became a strong faction with their headquarter on the Mithrilbeard Islands. But Kakim diseapered from the surface of the world as his groups Zeppelins was ambushed by the Southsea pirates. He sacrificed himself for protecting his friend Cracklee. Most of the members leaved the team as they believied that he was dead. But 15 months later a rugged Dwarf had just arrived from a boat from Northrend and stood like a statue waiting for somebody to meet him on the newly made Stormwind Harbor. His clothes were torn and his hat smelled funny, but he was back. As his former friend Johann Egenoth brother of Garionh Castellano and his then wife Hyldae of Fenris picked him up .He then got four days of rest in Stormwind before all Nether broke out. The Scourge had unleashed their skirmishes against the living, and Stormwind was under attack everyday. Kakim didn't wast a minute and gathered a group of volunteers to stand against the undeads. One of these brave people was a certain Gnome that would be a friend to Kakim in the following times, and a important member of the Expedition. It was Phizl Bloodboil a gnome with a temper and a thing for Alchemy. More members that would follow was a good but insane soldier named Dunderfluff, a pure hearthed paladin named Mierelle. But Kakim traveled back to Northrend to speak to his cousin Balin Brewmaster. During the trip Kakim found a boundle of Anduin Lothar's notes, Kakim had heard stories of the fabled warrior in his youth and was stunned that he found a great lead that could uncover the location of Lothars Greatsword. Thus they started a new quest for the legendary sword of Anduin Lothar,the Ashkandir.


The Mithrilbeard has a base somewhere in Northrend. The Expedition lost it's base on the Mithrilbeard islands during a naval battle against the Southsea pirates while Kakim was gone. Most of the members are often seen inside of the Pig and Whistle Tavern.


-Phizl Bloodboil. [Right Hand, Pilot and Alchemist]

-Dunderfluff [Soldier]

-Mierelle [Veteran and Paladin]

-Dralane [Marksman]

-Zarryzoo [Tracker]

-Maxamuis the Chef. [Chef]

-Kelyon [Seasoned Mage and a member of the Kirin Tor]

-Ronie [Mage]

-Berton [Hunter]

-Blode [Engineer and Historian]

-Susanna[Silver] [Field Medic and Paladin]