User:Jaberwaki/The Sea of Fury

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

The Adventurers of Azeroth have crossed the sea to face each other, they have crossed the sea to vanquish the Lich King, they have crossed the sea to find Outland. Now though the sea is calling to them, it is a cry, a lamentation that echoes though out the world, the sea is calling to Azeroth. It wants the mortal races to return to its cold waters, where many strange, ancient, and unforgiving things lurk. It has been said that something ancient waits for them, waiting for revenge. So even as the goblin princes battle for supremacy, and a dragon war draws nearer something is calling out to the the sea is calling them. The sea wants to show the world something, something long forgotten, something long buried, it wants to show them its fury!


The Great Sea


The Broken Isles

Tel Abim


The Maelstorm

The Eye
The Rift



The Eastern Kingdoms

Hero Classes


Riders are completely at peace with beasts giving them the ability to ride any animal with ease, thye have the ability to cast elemental spells like the shaman and can also do significant melee damage



Elemental moves are used for spell dps

Spell Nature LightningOverload.png  Lightning Storm- The Rider summons a massive storm of lightning to strike down people over a large area


Riding as it implies is used to modify your mounts to make them better

Ability Hunter MastersCall.png  Tame Mount - You tame a beast into becoming your mount for one hour. Mount speed is based on the level of the rider.


Blades is the melee dps spec of the rider, it can also be used for buffs

Ability Warrior Shockwave.png  Eternal Strike - The Rider gathers all his energy and swings his blade into his enemy

Sea Lord

Sea Lords are one with water, they have studied for many long years to become completely in-tune with water,ice, and the sea. They can manipulate water to damage their opponents and to heal their allies.



Ice is spell dps for Sea Lords, it focuses on bursts of high damage rather than damage over time

Spell Frost FrostShock.png  Icy Explosion - The Sea Lord conjures ice and then fusses it together until it explodes


Water is the main healing spec for Sea Lords it has an even mix of heal over time and instant heals

Spell Frost Wisp.png  Spiritual Waters - The Sea Lord summons waters infused with the spirits of the ocean to heal many of is allies at one


Amphibian is the utility spec of the Sea Lord with some mixed in dps

Ability Shaman WaterShield.png  Water Breathing Water Breathing allows the Sea Lord to breath underwater

New Perks

  • Level Cap raised to 90
  • New water mounts at level 90
  • Two new hero classes
  • New Areas- The Great Sea, The Taladar Wasteland in Outland, and The Shadow Blood Caverns in the Eastern Kingdoms
  • New Profession
Spell Fire BlueFire.png   Elementalism
  • New Sanctuary- Undermine

New Factions

The Great Sea


The Drakus Hunters

The Eastern Kingdoms

The Brotherhood of Shadows

New Instances

The Great Sea

Aledar - This was the great Titan city on Azeroth, with the events of the sundering it fell beneath The Great Sea never to be seen again, now something has stirred, deep within the ruins a new threat awaits, one that will end the world as we know it

The Eastern Kingdoms