User:Jaberwaki/Spirit Walkers

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A Tauren Spirit Walker

The Spirit Walker is the new hero class that will be introduced in Nightmare Approaches . They are beings with a very strong connection with the Emerald Dream. When the attack upon the Emerald Dream became known the Spirit Walkers of the Tauren attempted to help in any way they could but there power was significantly diminished, desperate for help the Tauren turned to all the races of the world to help try and save Emerald Dream. They first came to the Night Elves and taught them the ways of Spirit Walking, they knew that if any race could understand the power of Spirits it would be them. After the Night Elves had become proficient they and the Tauren launched another attack against the Nightmare but this one also failed. Desperate the Tauren set out to find the wisest people of all the lands who could understand the power and beauty of nature and the spirit world. They than began to teach them the ways of the Spirit Walker, races like the Gnomes and Dwarves resisted it, but the Humans and Draenei welcomed it. Meanwhile the other Tauren set out to teach the Horde, the Orcs and Trolls became proficient but the Undead and Blood Elves could not accept it.

Spirit Walker Abilities

Icon Ability Min Level School Description
Spell chargepositive.png Spiritual Power of Water 65 Spirit The caster increases the target's spell power by X for 30 minutes
Spell nature elementalshields.png Damaging Growth 65 Nature Deals X nature damage over time to the target
Ability mount snowygryphon.png Summon Spirit Eagle 65 Animalistic Summons an Spirit Eagle under the command of the Spirit Walker for 10 minutes
Spell druid feralchargecat.png Strike of the Beast 65 Animalistic The caster hits the target for X melee damage and lowers attack speed by X for 10 seconds
Ability druid naturalperfection.png Spiritual Infusion 65 Spirit Heals your target for X to Y
Spell shadow demoniccircleteleport.png Spirits of Nature 66 Nature The caster calls down spirits to attack his target dealing X to Y damage over 5 seconds
Spell nature astralrecalgroup.png Astral Blast 68 Nature Fires a bolt of Arcane energy dealing X to Y damage to the enemy
Spell nature skinofearth.png Spiritual Power of Earth 70 Spirit Increases the defense of the target by X and the armor by Y
Spell arcane massdispel.png Splendor of Spirits 70 Spirit Heals the target for X over 15 seconds
Ability mount spectraltiger.png Summon Spirit Tiger 70 Animalistic Summons a Spirit Tiger under the Command of the Spirit Walker for 10 minutes
Spell arcane blast.png Soul Tap 72 Spirit Restores X spiritual essence at the cost of Y health
Ability druid galewinds.png Twister 74 Nature Summons 3 twisters in a target area, moving randomly and dealing X to Y damage and an additional Z damage over 5 seconds to all enemy targets in its wake
Ability mount razorscale.png Spirit of the Beast 74 Animalistic The caster calls down a Spirit of the Beast dealing X to Y damage and stunning the target for Z seconds
Ability druid twilightswrath.png Savior from Beyond 75 Spirit A spirit intervenes when a person is about to die and protects them from damage for 5 seconds a heals them for 1 percent of the health for 10 seconds, can only be cast on a target with under 5 percent health
Spell ice rune.png Soul Splash 75 Spirit Heals everyone in the area for X to Y damage
Spell nature protectionformnature.png Natural Attunement 75 Nature Passively increases nature resistance by 200
Ability druid tigersroar.png Instinct of the Wild 78 Animalistic The Spirit Walker hits the target for X to Y damage and increases the Spirit Walkers attack speed by Z for 20 sec
Spell shadow haunting.png Incorporeal Vortex 78 Animalistic The Spirit Walker transforms himself into a wild vortex for 10 sec, dealing X damage every sec to any enemy he touches and Y damage to everyone in a 12 yd radius. The Spirit Walker has full control while in vortex form.
Ability druid mastershapeshifter.png Feral Wrath 80 Spirit Increases the attack power of the target by X
Spell nature giftofthewaterspirit.png Summon Spirit Hawk 80 Animalistic Summons a Spirit Hawk under the Spirit Walkers control for 10 minutes
Spell arcane arcane02.png Fey Beam 82 Nature The Spirit Walker shoots a beam of Fey Energy at the target dealing X to Y damage over 5 seconds. Your health is healed by 20 percent of the damage caused
Ability druid replenish.png Nature's Fury 85 Nature You call down a beam of natural energy that deals X to Y damage.
Inv enchant shardbrilliantsmall.png Power of the Soul 85 Spirit The target is healed for X to Y damage and another Z health over 10 seconds
Ability druid primaltenacity.png Rabid Frenzy 85 Animalistic The Spirit Walker's attack power is increased by 1000 and his attack speed by 50%. Lasts 10 seconds

Talented abilities


Icon Ability Reqs Description
Spell arcane arcaneresilience.png Inclination Spirit 20 When activated, this spell finishes the cooldown on all nature and spirit abilities
Spell arcane prismaticcloak.png Exhaust Spirit 30 Transfers X amount of mana, rage or energy from the target every 3 sec and converts it into spiritual essence to the Spirit Walker. Lasts 8 seconds.
Spell holy improvedresistanceauras.png Spiritual Power of Eternity Spirit 40 Increases all attributes by X and another Y for every 100 Intellect
Spell holy powerwordbarrier.png Divine Invocation Spirit 50 Heals the target for X and increases all attributes by Y for 1 min.


Icon Ability Reqs Description
Spell shadow deathsembrace.png Hypnotic Screech Animalistic 20 The Spirit Walkers screams causing the target to flee
Ability hunter beastwithin.png Alacrity Animalistic 30 When activated, this spell finishes the cooldown on all Animalistic bbilities
Ability rogue shadowstep.png Phase Punch Animalistic 40 The Spirit Walker fades from the mortal world and shoots forward hitting the target for X to Y damage
Ability mount drake twilight.png Summon Spirit Drake Animalistic 50 Summons a Spirit Drake under the command of the Spirit Walker


Icon Ability Reqs Description
Spell nature spiritarmor.png Eternal Spirits of Nature Nature 20 All nature damage caused by the Spirit Walker is increased by X for 30 minutes
Spell nature nullifydisease.png Souls of Nightshade Nature 30 The target is paralyzed for 2 sec and takes X nature damage over 15 secs
Ability druid cyclone.png Roots of the Spirits Nature 40 The Spirit Walker roots the target and place and drains 10 percent of his health for 10 seconds
Spell shaman spectraltransformation.png Fey Shock Nature 50 The Spirit Walker blasts the target with fey energy dealing X to Y damage and another Z damage over 5 seconds