User:Jaberwaki/Quest:Stopping the Corruptors

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
NeutralStopping the Corruptors
Start Ysera
End Ysera
Level 85 (Requires 85)
Category Sanctuary of the Corrupt
Rewards 100g 0s

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Bring the heads of Lethon, Emeriss, Ysondre, and Taerar to Ysera


The time has come for you to stop the four dragons that are threatening the stability of the Emerald Dream, they once were my trusted warriors. but then the nightmare came and begin to corrupt there minds, it turned them into monsters and now they are spreading there curse across the world. I want you to venture into their lair in Deathwood and bring there heads to me. There heads contain the essence of their souls, they became so corrupt that their souls and there minds fused and became strange horrible twisted shells of there own selves. I believe i can heal their souls and perhaps fine away to stop The Nightmare


You will receive: 100g


Hurry, we have little time to stop them!


You have served me well now we see if it was worth the effort


All of the dragons can be found inside The Sanctuary of the Corrupt

Quest Chain Progression

  • Allies to the East
  • The Missing Owls
  • Looking to North
  • FInd the Sage
  • Running from Wolves
  • Falling Stars
  • Harvesting Stars
  • The Heat Required
  • Searching fro Owls
  • Using the Knowledge
  • Find What They Know
  • Searching the Caves
  • Shattered Peace
  • Killing the Cause
  • Shocking Implications
  • Stopping the Corruption
  • Back to the Sage
  • Find the Creator
  • Go to Exduendo
  • The Last Time
  • Looking at the Tree
  • An Unexpected Visitor
  • New Information
  • Strange Runes
  • Translating
  • To the Sage Once More
  • The True Meaning
  • Essence of the Stars
  • Essence of Nature
  • Essence of Life
  • Infusing the Stone
  • Calling out the Evil
  • Defeating the Evil
  • The Dreamer
  • Destroying the Corruption
  • In Search of the Source
  • Ancient Knowledge
  • The Heart of it All
  • Stopping the Corruptors
  • Finding the Life in the Stars
  • Healing the Souls
  • The Knowledge that is Needed
  • Find a Way In
  • The Splinter
  • A Piece of the Nightmare
  • Ending it All
  • A Disturbing Answer