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The Schwimmer can ALWAYS be found on the first page of the german Off-Topic.

The Schwimmer

The Schwimmer is a longlasting tradition of Threads in the official German Off-Topic Forum. The Thread, whose Postlimit is set to 500 (25 Pages + 1 Posting), is kept on the first page, therefore it is "swimming".

The person writing the last post in the Thread "blows" the Schwimmer and gets honored in the Schwimmerhof, a kind of "Hall of Fame".


The Schwimmer was created by a dwarven paladin called Redröm.

There was a try to export the Schwimmer to the french forum (under the name "Nageuse", See here), but it failed, since the frenchmen are useless in such things...


  • The first person to blow more than one Schwimmer in a row was Faraleth (Schwimmers 4&5).
  • The longest-lasting blowing-chain was by Cyrodiil (Schwimmers 63-66)
  • The person having blown the highest amount of Schwimmers is Gnomline with 26.
  • The Schwimmer used to have a smaller number than the "Sticky", this has changed in Schwimmer 156(?).
  • So far there have been over 9000 replys to the Schwimmers (123862 as of May 9th 2009 00:16 CET)

Epic List of Schwimmers!!!


Number Titel Blower
1 None Murgalan
2 n.a Madamefoster
3 n.a Jarnur
4 n.a Faraleth
5 n.a Faraleth
6 n.a Bummsibär (Frostek)
7 n.a Faraleth
8 Der Massenmördertroll Bummsibär (Frostek)
9 n.a Mujgo
10 Traut man das Redröm noch zu? Mujgo
11 Das große Geheimnis Mujgi (Mujgo)
12 Der tote Dichter Mialin
13 Der Glücksfred Milton
14 Frau Traut ist tot, Thusin nicht Chicá (Asmodan)
15 Pfui geschummelt Faraleth
16 n.a Faraleth
17 n.a Euter
18 die Mär von der glücklichen Kuh Jarnur
19 der wahnsinnige Gnom - Teil II Euter
20 n.a Grrml (Joe)
21 n.a Grrml (Joe)
22 n.a Grrml (Joe)
23 Milton kann auch schwimmen! Madamefoster
24 Wies'n oder Schwimmern? Grrml (Joe)
25 n.a Grrml (Joe)
26 n.a Wey
27 Für Carlos Pedersoli Wurks (Joe)
28 n.a Asmodan
29 n.a Dàn
30 n.a Ileron
31 n.a Ileron
32 n.a Ileron
33 n.a Dàn
34 n.a Frostilikus
35 n.a Ishmael
36 n.a Milton
37 n.a Ishmael
38 die Alieninvasion Kraia
39 n.a Azilús (Joe)
40 n.a Darkblâde
41 n.a Wagga
42 n.a Faraleth
43 n.a Drakzon
44 n.a Euter
45 n.a Gônzô (Southside)
46 n.a Sweny
47 n.a Cyrodiil
48 n.a Dàrkmoon (Dârkblade)
49 n.a Boogiewoogie
50 n.a Axayacatl
51 n.a Ifigenia
52 n.a Clouddragon
53 n.a Miep
54 n.a Branbbart
55 n.a Onitenshi
56 The OT Chainsaw Massacre! Eril
57 n.a Faraleth
58 n.a Gônzô (Southside) & Dàn
59 n.a Faraleth
60 Comeback of da Thusin Shifty
61 Frischer Wind ist da! Rakven
62 n.a Vanestra
63 n.a Cyrodiil
64 n.a Cyrodiil
65 n.a Cyrodiil
66 n.a Cyrodiil
67 n.a Ishmael
68 n.a Ashnil
69 n.a Faraleth
70 Return of the Troll! Ishmael
71 n.a Cyrodiil
72 Es ist wieder Cyrodiil. Jilina
73 Jilina sprengt OT Boogiewoogie
74 n.a Tekalis
75 n.a Cyrodiil
76 n.a Cyrodiil
77 n.a Ishmael
78 n.a Eiseisbaby
79 n.a Ishmael
80 n.a Stöffche
81 n.a Boogiewoogie
82 n.a Senjarxas
83 n.a Milton
84 n.a Jinkx (Senjarxas)
85 Apokalypse! Feka
86 n.a Eiseisbaby
87 n.a Kagrenac
88 n.a Ishmael
89 n.a Cyrodiil
90 n.a Kimosabe (Senjarxas)
91 n.a Feka
92 n.a Sorey
93 n.a Imovane
94 n.a Nerstunnerta (Eratores)
95 n.a Daemon (Branbbart)
96 n.a Snare
97 n.a Saridormi (Grashüpfer)
98 n.a Daemon (Branbbart)
99 n.a Astrya
100 Schwimmern wird olympisch Cereth
101 n.a Narr
102 n.a Arcos
103 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
104 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
105 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
106 n.a Tekalis
107 n.a Milton
108 n.a Nestunntera (Eratores)
109 n.a Tríana
110 schnell, schneller, Schwimmer! (EpicStickySchwimmer) Nerstunntera (Eratores)
111 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
112 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
113 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
114 n.a Makiru
115 n.a Arcos
116 n.a Feco (Tekalis)
117 n.a Gônzô (Southside)
118 n.a Leederlol
119 n.a Tríana
120 n.a Tríana
121 n.a Bab
122 n.a Venômooz (venômina)
123 n.a Serenìty
124 n.a Maleda
125 n.a Leeder
126 n.a Gônzô (Southside)
127 n.a Gônzô (Southside)
128 n.a Beefchief
129 n.a Naith
130 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
131 n.a Ownyousohard
132 n.a maleda
133 n.a Maleda
134 n.a Leeder
135 n.a Crossi
136 n.a Ishmael
137 n.a Boogiewoogie
138 n.a Globine (Maleda)
139 n.a Globine (Maleda)
140 n.a Bernadina
141 n.a Frostilikus
142 n.a Zuckerwatte (Maleda)
143 n.a Zehnkämpfer
144 n.a Roysen
145 n.a Sámara (Smaha)
146 n.a Sámara (Smaha)
147 n.a Pulz (Grashüpfer)
148 n.a Sámara (Smaha=
149 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
150 ... Reh! Frostilikus
151 Off-Topic > Illuminaten! Gnomline (Vexana)
152 Im Namen der Schlaumeier! Braunbart (Najeh)
153 DSF Lulz Gônzô (Southside)
154 the bright side of life ♥ Gônzô (Southside)
155 Faules Pack! Gnomline (Vexana)
156 Retreat! Retreat! Rekohord! Gnomline (Vexana)
157 n.a Dropkick


Number Titel Blower
158 //////////////////////////////////////// A wild MISSINGno appears!
159 Stop! Hammertime Gônzô (Southside)
160 <insert random title> Venômooz (Venômina)
161 Bald ist erster Advent ! Gônzô (Southside)
162 Missingo? Do i know u? Gônzô (Soutside)
163 n.a Beefchief
164 LOL WUT Gônzô (Southside
165 Die Era-ära Vimen
166 Lakeview Terrace ftw Pulz (Grashüpfer)
167 This is SPAARTAAAAA! Venômooz (Venômina)
168 Nasentropfen sucken Smaha (Sámara)
169 Hmhmhmhmhm Boogiewoogie
170 n.a Maleda
171 This is Mine! Gnomline (Vexana)
172 roflroflrofl Tríana (Tarih)
173 n.a Milton
174 Janine + Marvin inc Shindar
175 n.a Zehnkämpfer
176 n.a Cyrodiil
177 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
178 n.a Gônzô (Southside
179 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
180 n.a Pulz (Grashüpfer)
181 BOBBA!! Cyrodiil
182 n.a Pulz (Grashüpfer)
183 n.a Gnomline (Vexana)
184 n.a Pulz (Grashüpfer)
185 2009! Frohes neues Jahr! Gônzô (Southside)
186 Azila ist komisch Gônzô (Southside)
187 n.a Gônzô (Southside)
188 Oitrr luv big cooks Beefchief
189 n.a Smaha (Sámara)
190 I've got the power! Smaha (Sámara)
191 Backe backe Kuchen! Smaha (Sámara)
192 Käpt'n Balu roxx Venômooz (Venômina)
193 Humorloses Offtopic Gônzô (Southside)
194 weil Baum Gônzô (Southside)
195 lernen is doof! QQ Venômooz (Venômina)
196 bad Ruffian appears! Beefchief
197 meine Wohnung ist schön! Beefchief
198 Wie schnell die zeit vergeht.. Nursohier (Gnomline)
199 Ihr Kamele!!! Tarih (Tríana)
200 eine Legende wird geboren! Tarih (Tríana)
201 (Ex-200) Das das Beefchief
202 (Ex-201) Die Rückkehr des Bummsibär Daaren
203 Lauf, Stauffe, lauf! 8D Tarih (Tríana)
204 Ihr Kanalratten! Pulz
205 Dats tu in a roh! Pulz
206 Madness im irc? Beefchief
207 Clint Eastwood ist Dr. House? Gônzô (Southside)
208 Wir hassen Gônzô Beefchief
209 Nutella ftw Gnomline (Vexana)
210 Epic Sticky reloaded? Venômooz (Venômina)
211 tatütata! Nursohier (Gnomline)
212 NIEMAND mag gelöschte 498er Nursohier (Gnomline)
213 Anti-Valentinstag Smaha (Sámara)
214 Juhu Nr. 214 Nursohier (Gnomline)
215 Marv knackt Rekorde!!11 Gônzô (Southside)
216 Seit Anbeginn des OTs Pulz
217 Raute is teh gayzzz Smaha
218 Streik! Gônzô (Southside)
219 Schule ftl Beefchief
220 Frühling INC!!! Nursohier (Gnomline)
221 (666/3)-1 Suppenhuhn (Maleda)
222 We love coffee Gônzô (Southside)
223 The cake is a lie Nursohier
224 Zuvor gesprengt von Nursohier Alexandrîa (Smaha)
225 Panik Astrya
226 Kuschelkurs Maleda
227 gz Serveraulastung Pulz
228 pics plx Gônzô
229 n.a Astrya
230 warum nur?! Gônzô
231 Livin' la Vida Loca Arcos
232 Danke Altbier! Frostek


Number Titel Blower
233 Die Legende schlägt zurück! Gnomline
234 n.a Leeder
235 3 Stunden Entzug *kraisch* Leeder
236 n.a Boogiewoogie
237 n.a Wither
238 n.a Gnomline
239 n.a Venômooz (Venômina)
240 n.a Canisx
241 n.a Venôblaargh
242 n.a Gnomline
243 n.a Leeder
244 n.a Boogiewoogie
245 Neue Frisur inc Whiter
246 n.a Poppins
247 ich werd laaaangsam. Beefchief
248 Mikrowellen ftw! Beefchief
249 n.a Gelee (Ashleigh)
250 Jubiläum Poppins
251 beginn einer romanze Southside (Gonzo)
252 Gruppenbesprechung Skjør (Bâlder)
253 Vasektomie, nicht mit mir! Najin (Tarih/Tríana)
254 Räumt mal auf! Najin (Tarih/Tríana)
255 Ententäter Softboy (Beefchief)
256 Malady of Mind ? Gelee (Ashleigh)
257 Woozaa! Leider (Bufel)
258 Hans Dieter in da House Ichimts (Gnomline/Vexana)
259 Weils Spaß macht! Ichimts (Gnomline/Vexana)
260 Weils sonst keiner macht Najin (Tarih/Tríana)
261 in 3 Tagen bin ich 17, yay. Sandorius ( Benedikta)
262 Tabula Rasa! Giefgold
263 Piraten habens gut Veno...
264 Das 264. Jubiläum! Rbj (Cyrodiil)
265 Veno ist uncool Pullmoll
266 Wir haben versagt. Wolon (Eratores/Nerstunntera)
267 Willkommen Gewitter Sorey
268 Ein Sturm zieht auf! Dav
269 Roxana, bist du es? Àsh (Ashleigh/Gelee)
270 Gnarf! Ichimts (Gnomline/Vexana)
271 8D Giefgold
272 Lecker Marmelade :3 Softboy (Beefchief)
273 Schinkenkäsetoast Venouhuu
274 Waffenstillstand Smaha
275 Español por favor Giefgold
276 Hello Kitty Online is coming! Najin
277 personifizierter schw. Humor Clasi
278 n.a Clasi
279 n.a Beefchief
280 <insert random dummheit> Southside
281 Sag halt endlich! :O Ásh
282 selbe Sekunde, wtf! Leeder
283 Müde like hell Beefchief
284 Ich hab den Titel vergessen Southside
285 Noch 15 dann Spartaaaaaa! Beefwolf (wenigstens Beefchief)
286 π = 3,14159265 Beefkasten
287 Kasten mit Beef Beefkasten
288 einer muss es ja machen Southside
289 cheating extreme Clasi
290 save the OT ! Clasi

n.a = not available

That's it.

Evil Siblings


The Sinker is the Schwimmer's evil twin, its purpose being to sink instead of "swimming" on the first page. The Sinker has been reformed the new rule being that if there are no post in over 14 days it is considered sunk and a new one is opened.

Darth Imperium

These threads are not comparable to the Schwimmer, however they are the cancer that is killing /b...erhm, the WoW-OT I mean..

Most of the regulars at the german Off-Topic have been named by Arcos (alias Imperator Ultrawassergas, or something like that) with Darth names (I as an instance am Darth Civandalic).

Anyhow these threads (166 as of June 26th 2010) are a threat to the Schwimmer. And they are evil and everything!!!


The "Harmonie"-Threads can be considered as continuing the Schwimmer's legacy, although the former Schwimmer-base considers it a failed and ridiculous series of threads.

So far there 64 threads of this kind, originaly initiated by Lolwtf, the Harmonie-threads have taken over some traditions of the Schwimmer, most notably a theme/lemma for each thread and a Hall-Of-Fame.


There are several other parodies of the Schwimmer, the Schwimmreifen, or the Nichtschwimmer, etc.