User:Igiarmpr/Azshara's Rise/Zul'Dare

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Zul'Dare is a starting instance in my Expansion Idea Azshara's Rise.

The instance has 3 bosses and is mainly populated by Amani Trolls.

Torkede, the Beastmaster

Dragonhawk artwork

The first boss is the so called beastmaster, he is the keeper of four animals being the four the bosses in Zul'Aman transform into:

The beastmaster randomly frees the animals during the fight. They are easily killed but deal an awful lot of damage. The animal support Torkede in the fight against the group in differnt ways: Jubsar aggros the groupmember with the highest aggro on Trokede and tanks him until on of the two dies (Torkede can still be tanked by ae-attacks though), in this time Torkede calls Scorpids wich attack the group but can be killed with ease by any kind of ae; Arwed flies over the group an has to be killed by a ranged-dd, he periodicaly reduces the groups hitchance by several %; Kazzaa simply fires a ae-breath onto the group; Xa'krez randomly attacks and sometimes stuns groupmembers.

In the heroic mode ther is an achievement for this boss requiering to kill him whit the 4 animal alive.


Kzan'threash is master of Voodoo who curses the group at the begining, the member have to stand far away from each-other ore they will suffer a high amount of periodic damage. This is a problem for melees especially, but they can fullfill another role, killing the arriving demons that are sent by the final boss.

Another achievement is available here, the one of not suffering any damage from the curse he lays on you.

Witchdoctor Zilzan / Detheroc / Zul'jin


Zilzan is a witchdoctor possesed by the dreadlord Detheroc. He is trying to resurrect Zul'jin. The battle has tree phases, the troll form is where you fight Zilzan and he shoots shadowbolt salves and randomly dots a member of your group. At 20% he transforms into Detheroc a very powerfull dreadlord, his task was to restrngethen the amani and by these means attack the Forsaken.

His attacks are the same than his brothers Balnazzar:

Even though you fought Zilzan to 20%, Detheroc has full hp.

After he is killed the resurrected Zul'jin comes into battle, he's undead and rather weak. He randomly has one of four aspects active (for the whole fight, they don't change):

  • Bear: His attackpower is tripples
  • Eagle: His chance to dodge is augmented by 30%
  • Dragonhawk: He sometimes flies up and breathes fire down onto the group
  • Lynx: Every now and then he randomly attacks another teammember than the tank but can be aggroed back