User:HighlordDarionMograine/Demon Hunter

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Demon Hunter

Demon Hunter - The Storry:

As the Legion returns, not only did Sargeras revive old high ranked members of the Legion that was defeated long ago, he also brought back to life previous enemies of the Legion and offered them the possibility to fight under the banner of chaos durring Azeroth's final hours before he himself could leave the Twisting Nether and step into the mortal realm.

Among these old enemies was the Betrayer himself, Illidan Stormrage. Given the offer to fight alongside the Legion once again: Illidan turned down this offer and was once again haunted by the burning flame. Majorly having Kazzak after him who already have anahilated mostly what was left of Outland to begin with, he left nothing but a ruin of the Black Temple and tought Illidan to have fallen with it.

Surviving this attack, The Betrayer seeked out the Alliance, Horde and The Sha'tar within the reinforced city of Shattrath and made for a deal: He would teach the Adventurers of Azeroth to become the ultimate weapon to fight demons in change for protecion agains the Legion. After speculations and words upon words it narrowed eventualy down to that this deal was accepted.

Venturing back into Shadowmoon Valley along with the Heroes who seek out to become Demon Hunter's; Illidan now starts the training for a new army, an army unlike seen before wich could turn the tide against the Legion's burning rage.

Demon Hunter - Generel Information. (Keep in mind that these plans is a few YEARS old)

The Demon Hunter is a class that uses a new way of resource and rotation mechanics. They have regualr Health but the resource is divided into two: The one beeing "Demonic Stones" wich a Demon Hunter got a total of 5 of and consumes to do attacks wich generates their second resource called "Fel Force" wich is consumed to deal their primary attacks. In basics to the Demon Hunter also uses a new type of spell combination called "Shadowflames" Also to add is that as a Demon Hunter advance in level they gain a unique "Speciality" per spec.

  • A Demon Hunter changes their needed stats pending on their talent list, they got 3 different ones and can serve as "Tank - Melee DPS - Ranged Caster DPS" Using Stamina and Agility as Tank. Agility majorly as Melee DPS and Intelect as Caster. Despite having a own Resource bar they benefit from Spell Power by the intelect.
  • They use Mail as a armor to wear and can wield One Handed: Swords and Axes, Daggers and Polearms. (Swords, Axes and Daggers for different use as Melee and Ranged, Polearm and One Handed weapons except Daggers for tanking)
  • To start a Demon Hunter you need a character in atleast level 90 (Orginal planed) And they start off in level 67 and end their quests within the "Phased" Shadowmoon Valley at level 70, by that time they have been rewarded with gear enough to take on the following tasks around the world along with a special Ground / Flying mount. The quests trough the Demon Hunter phased zone is based upon Demon Hunter lore, teachign the different "Styles" to fight (Talents) and figthing alongside Illidan to re-claim this land as a start for Outland.
  • Besides figthing Demons the Demon Hunter will also serve as handy in the always going Alliance - Horde war despite that this war has slowed it's pace due to Sargeras's return.

(I will now engage in each of the different specs and come with some pointers and attacks. Keep in note that the "Example attacks" I add is only useable if you chose the specific spec, I will not add any example attacks wich all Demon Hunter's got in common to save some)

Demon Hunter - Fel Flames.

  • The Ranged Caster choise for this class that basicaly goes out on the Demon Hunter using x2 Spell advantage Daggers or Swords as a weapon and opening attacks by consuming Demonic Stones on opening ranged attacks wich mostly is Damage over time spells and afterwards consuming gained Fel Force on dirrect spell damage attacks. As they gain level this kind of Demon Hunter will specialize into consuming damage over time spells to make for massive dirrect hurling attacks and summoning forth fiery minnions. Fel Flame talents aloso unlocks a nice amount of area of effect attacks.

"Example Attacks"

  • Fel Bolt: (1 Demonic Stone, 30 sec cooldown) Hurls a bolt of Shadowflames at the targeted area wich erupts a area of effect nova that slows down all target's it hit for 5 sec and deals X - X damage. When the bolt lands you gain 10 Fel Force and will generate and additional 6 Force per target hit. If any target hit is affected by your "Fel Infusion" this will refresh it's time by 4 seconds of it's total time.
  • Fel Infusion: (1 Demonic Stone, Global cooldown) Sends a stream of energy at your current target that deals X - X damage and jumps to two additional targets and infuses them with a Shadowflame spell that deals damage each 2'th second for a total of 16 seconds. Using this attack also generates 10 Fel Force along with 5 additional force per target you hit.
  • Shadow Surge: (50 Fel Energy, 3 min cooldown) The Demon Hunter enter's a 15 second chanelling state where he pulls one and upto ten targets within 30 yards range to him and forces them to the air making them incapeable of action over the 15 seconds. Per second the Demon Hunter deals X - X damage and refreshes Fel Infusion if the target has it per tick, additionaly the targets are drained for 3% of their total health per tick and the Demon Hunter heals himself for 5% of the total health drained over each 5'th tick. This attack can't be stoped unless the Demon Hunter is killed or forced to move.

Demon Hunter - Shadow Stalker.

  • The melee DPS choise for Demon Hunter's that bases it self upon wielding one handed Swords, Axes or Daggers for rapid attacks infused with magic to deal leethal strikes. They consume Demonic Stones to deal weak yet effective simple strike attacks in order to build up Fel Force and consumes it to deal area and dirrect strike attacks. They also have two different infusions they can add at their main hand weapon wich should be active at all time. Specializing a Shadow Stalker as they level grants for the option to train the art of the "Shadow Realm" that opens for a new way of fighting unlike seen before.

"Example attack"

  • Shadow Strike: (2 Demonic Stones, 3 sec cooldown) Deals a rapid blow with both your weapons and aplies what Fel Curse you got on the main handed weapon as a damage over time effect. Should this be Flame-Spike you will also deal a aftermath strike that deal 115% of weapon damage. If it is Shadow-Force you will deal an area of effect shadow wave that deal X - X damage to all targets within Melee range. Generates 30 Fel Force.
  • Flesh Cleave: (2 Demonic Stones, 3 sec cooldown) Makes you do a spin attack dealing damage to maximum 6 targets within melee range. If you got Flame-Spike added your current target will take a shadowflame strike and will burn for 100% of the total damage you did over 2 seconds. If you got Shadow-Force added, each target will be striked by an additonal shadow wave dealing X - X damage. Generates 30 Fel Force.
  • Shadow Rush: (50 Fel Force, 45 sec cooldown) Imbues you with a fiery rush making you lock your attacks at one target and rapidly striking it over each 0.5 sec for a total of 5 sec, dealing X -X damage per strike. Beeing locked, this target cant flee from you unless it somehow dispatches. Regardless of what infusion you got on your weapon each strike will additionaly deal 50% of weapon damage as Shadowflame damage.
  • Realm of Shadows - The Dimension Realm: (100 Fel Force, 5 min cooldown) The Demon Hunter pulls himself and all hostile target within melee range into the shadow realm where they freeze in time and space for 10 seconds, for this period of time the Demon Hunter will manage to deal 10 strikes to each target dealing X - X damage per hit. Once the time ends the Demon Hunter will deliver a final blow, throwing each target away and slowing down their movement speed for 6 sec and increasing the damage the Demon Hunter deals to them by 20% of 10 sec.

Demon Hunter - Chaos Bender.

  • This is the final talent tree for Demon Hunter and bases upon tanking with two one-handed weapons. As Chaos Bender worsk in the way of using Demonic Stone attack to generate opening threat to enemies and then using the Fel Force attacks to maintain agroo. Their speciality as they advance anables the Demon Hunter to take on a shadowy shape to easier maintain agroo and keeping them selfs alive.

"Example Attacks"

  • Mind Bender: (1 Demonic Stone, 10 sec cooldown) The Demon Hunter forces his current target to attack him, this attack generates 25 Fel Force.
  • Cry of the Betrayer: (3 Demonic Stones, 30 seconds cooldown) The Demon Hunter forces all targets within 20 yards range to focus at him, this attack generates 10 Fel Force + Additional 5 Force per target.
  • Chaos Shape: (10 Fel Force, 3 min cooldown) Transforming into a shadowy figure wich drains the Demon Hunter for 10 Fel Force each second; The Demon Hunter wil while in this shape take 20% reduced damage, generate 150% more agroo and has a immolation aura active durring the lasting time)