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Yogg-Rul, the Wailing Maw
Image of Yogg-Rul, the Wailing Maw
Race(s) Old God (Aberration)
Level 93 Boss
Location Ahn'Jahad, Riplash Ruins

Yogg-Rul, the Wailing Maw. One of the thousand maws of Yogg-Saron. As the vast carcass of Yogg-Saron rots beneath the frozen earth of Northrend, his body spasms with the unnatural energies of the Old Gods. and pieces of it come to life and begin to attack on their own. Without Yogg-Saron's mind to guide them, his thousand maws erupt out of Azeroth's underworld to devour everything around them. Covered in blisters of rotting saronite, howling with madness and hunger, Yogg-Rul is one of the largest and most terrifying of these undying maws.

Yogg-Rul's Abilities

Phase One Abilities

  • Ability creature poison 01.png Wail of the Undying —  Strikes all targets in a line, dealing massive shadow damage split between all targets hit. 5 second casting time.
  • Ability creature poison 04.png Spawn Undying Tendril —  Periodically, Undying Tendrils will spawn and attack anyone close by with melee strikes.
  • Spell shadow brainwash.png Brain Drain —  Fires a bolt of shadow energy at a random target. The bolt will leap to an additional nearby target within 15 yards and deal damage to them as well. Every target struck by the Brain Drain bolt will become mind controlled for 8 seconds, +2 seconds for every additional target struck.
  • Ability warlock shadowflame.png Baleful Breath  —  Engulfs the platform with saronite fog, dealing lethal nature damage to anything it touches. Players must move to another platform to avoid death.
  • Spell fire playingwithfire.png Frightful Rampage  —  Deals massive damage to all targets. Used when no one is in melee combat with Yogg-Rul for longer than 4 seconds. Yogg-Rul will not use this for 10 seconds after casting Baleful Breath.

Phase Two Abilities

  • Spell fire felflamebreath.png Sinking into Saronite  —  Continously deals Shadowblight damage. Places the Saronite-Soaked Lungs debuff.
    • Ability creature poison 06.png Saronite-soaked Lungs  —  Increases all Shadowblight damage taken by a small amount. Stacks to 99.
  • Achievement boss warlord kalithresh.png Resurrect Veno'vyl  —  Veno'vyl is revived as a Saronite-Wracked Horror. Her health is continuously restored by the saronite-infused water, so she cannot die until Yogg-Rul does.
  • Spell nature thorns.png Whirl  —  Knocks back all nearby targets.
  • Ability devour.png Wail of Doom  —  Strikes the target for shadow damage.
  • Ability creature poison 04.png Spawn Undying Tendril —  Undying tendrils will continually spawn randomly all across the bottom of the chamber.

Yogg-Rul's abilities deal Shadowblight damage - if a target's shadow resistance is high, they will receive poison damage. If their nature resistance is high, they will receive shadow damage.

Saronite-Wracked Horror's Abilities

Yogg-Rul will revive the corpse of Serpent Queen Veno'vyl as an undead horror. Her health is continually restored by the liquid saronite in the environment.

  • Spell nature elementalshields.png Saronite Strike  —  A powerful physical attack that deals additional shadowblight damage.
  • Inv ore saronite 01.png Saronite Spines —  Attacking the Horror in melee combat will reflect physical damage back at the attacker.


Upon entering the Temple of the Shattered Eye, players will watch a short scene where Serpent Queen Veno'vyl attempts to capture the fragment of the Eye of Nerub. However, Xarosan appears and captures the eye fragment for himself. He then awakens Yogg-Rul, who devours Veno'vyl and begins the encounter. Yogg-Rul emerges from a massive gaping chasm in the center of the temple chamber - players will engage him while standing on broken platforms high above the chamber. Chains that hang from the ceiling can be used to move from platform to platform.

Yogg-Rul will use Frightful Rampage if he is not engaged in melee combat within 4 seconds. He will use all of his Phase One abilities, periodically engulfing the platform players are currently standing on with Baleful Breath. Players will need to use the chains that hang from the ceiling to move to another platform in order to avoid being slain. When Yogg-Rul has been reduced to 25% health, Phase Two will begin.

When Phase Two begins, Yogg-Rul will destroy all of the platforms in the chamber, plunging all players into the pool of liquid saronite at the bottom of the chamber. The saronite will break the players' fall, but players will be immediately afflicted with the Sinking into Saronite debuff, which prevents them from swimming but allows them to move normally as if they were on land. The debuff will also deal damage over time. Yogg-Rul will use all of his phase two abilities, and will also vomit out the corpse of Veno'vyl, which is revived as theSaronite-Wracked Horror, an undead naga monster. The Saronite-Wracked Horror will pursue the closest target and attack it, placing a stacking debuff on it. The encounter will continue until Yogg-Rul is finally slain.


  • The Wailing Maw - Slay Yogg-Rul, the Wailing Maw.
  • Nine Hundred and Ninety Nine To Go - Force Yogg-Rul to destroy the platforms before making a third jump and then destroy Yogg-Rul.


  • Veno'vyl yells: The spider-vermin are a failed race. We naga shall claim the benediction of the Old Gods!
Xarosan teleports into the chamber.
  • Xarosan yells: You naga never fail to amuse me. Slink back to your sea, worm, and allow the truly worthy to welcome the Old Gods into this world!
  • Veno'vyl yells: Highborne filth! You shall not interfere with my queen's grand design!
  • Xarosan yells: I was mastering the ancient powers when your queen was still a squalling infant. Allow me to demonstrate...
Xarosan calls up Yogg-Rul to break through the temple floor and devours Veno'vyl. Xarosan teleports away with the Eye of Nerub.
  • Xarosan yells: The undying maws of Yogg-Saron hunger, heroes! They hunger for you!
Saronite-Wracked Horror's random yells.
  • Rrn'g'h'lyheh Y'th'la'yh Nrgrai!
  • Phtnalg Y'Rrech Lych'hei!
  • Y'ath moq Thul! Y'ath moq Sa'tnag! Y'ath moq Hwssh!