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MobYogg-Nur, the Howling Maw
Image of Yogg-Nur, the Howling Maw
Race Undying Maw
Level 93 elite Boss
Location Saronite Flow, Terrormaw Hold
Status Killable

Yogg-Nur, the Howling Maw. One of the thousand maws of Yogg-Saron. As the vast carcass of Yogg-Saron rots beneath the frozen earth of Northrend, his body spasms with the unnatural energies of the Old Gods. and pieces of it come to life and begin to attack on their own. Without Yogg-Saron's mind to guide them, his thousand maws erupt out of Azeroth's underworld to devour everything around them. Covered in blisters of rotting saronite, howling with madness and hunger, Yogg-Nur is one of the largest and most terrifying of these undying maws.

Yogg-Nur's Abilities

Phase One - The Howling Maw

  • Spell shadow soulleech 1.png Saronite Fog  —  Yogg-Nur breathes a cloud of saronite vapors, dealing Shadowblight damage to anyone who stands in it.
  • Spell shadow plaguecloud.png Blood Ooze  —  Yogg-Nur's vile fluids into oozes that attack random targets.
  • Ability warlock eradication.png Summon Undying One  —  Yogg-Nur vomits forth a disgusting [faceless one]], dripping with saronite blood.
  • Ability creature poison 01.png Inhale  —  Yogg-Nur devours all nearby targets, sending them into his belly.

Phase Two - Belly of the Beast

  • Ability rogue deviouspoisons.png Digestive Vapors  —  Yogg-Nur's digestive systems is slowly dissolving everyone present in his belly. All targets take periodic Shadowblight damage. Damage will increase with time.
  • Ability creature disease 02.png Digestive Oozes  —  Oozes are spawned from Yogg-Nur's innards. When they reach a target, they explode, splashing anyone nearby with Disgestive Ooze, increasing Shadowblight damage taken.
  • Ability deathwing grasping tendrils.png Inner Tendrils  —  Tendrils sprout from Yogg-Nur's organs, attacking nearby targets with melee damage and blocking their path.
  • Spell nature elementalshields.png Saronite Tumour  —  A hideous growth that glows with evil energy. Destroying these growths deals damage to Yogg-Nur.

Phase Three - Undying Horror

  • Spell shadow lifedrain.png Death Throes  —  Yogg-Nur's internals have been destroyed, but the fiend refuses to die cleanly. Yogg-Nur is taking damage over time, periodically spawning multiple Blood Oozes.
  • Ability warlock eradication.png Summon Undying One  —  Yogg-Nur vomits forth a disgusting faceless one, dripping with saronite blood.

Undying One Abilities

Undying One.
  • Achievement boss yoggsaron 01.png Dire Arc  —  Deals physical damage to the target and 50% cleaving damage to all nearby targets.
  • Spell shadow antimagicshell.png Eldritch Shield  —  Absorbs physical damage for a short amount of time, but renders the caster more vulnerable to magical damage.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Shatter Mind  —  Any spells cast at the Undying One will deal damage to the caster while this ability is in effect. Channeled ability.


Yogg-Nur is only available in Heroic Mode. He can be confronted anytime after the defeat of Szklurk the Slimelord.

In Phase One, players will not be able to attack Yogg-Nur directly, but must instead survive against his attacks and an onslaught of Undying Ones and Blood Oozes.

After a time, Phase Two will begin, and Yogg-Nur will cast Inhale, drawing all players into Yogg-Nur's belly. Players must navigate the belly of the beast and destroy Saronite Tumours in order to damage Yogg-Nur, all while surviving against the Undying Maw's unnatural digestive system. After players have destroyed 15 Saronite Tumours, they will be expelled and Phase Three will begin.

During Phase Three, Yogg-Nur's health will automatically deplete, and players must again survive against hordes of Undying Ones and Blood Oozes. If players can survive until Yogg-Nur's health reaches 0, the encounter will be won.


  • The Howling Maw - Slay Yogg-Nur, the Howling Maw.


  • Terrormaw Furbolg yells: Rrragh! Intruders! Face the terror of the great beast's howling maw! Let it devour you forever!
  • Terrormaw Furbolg yells: Sacrilege! The howling maw is no more! You will suffer for this blasphemy when the great beast rises!