User:GoldenYak/Wyld Hunt

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The Wyld Hunt
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The Wyld Hunt
Location The Wyld Hunt, The Shimmerwyld
End boss Madness of Kurnog
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The wyldborn of the Darkholt Pack have long been the most ferocious hunters of the Shimmerwyld. Now, the once-proud beings have fallen to the darkness. Their leader, Kurnog the Huntmaster, has embraced the dark power of the Nightmare, and in his arrogance has condemned his people to evil.


The wyldborn of the Darkholt Pack were the fiercest hunters in the Shimmerwyld. Beast and mortal inhabitant alike feared their Wyld Hunt, the great hunting-pilgrimages that saw the Darkholt hunters trek far and wide across the Dream in search of prey and trophies. Kurnog the Huntmaster, chieftain of the Darkholt wyldborn, has drawn the power of the Nightmare into the Darkholt's hunting grounds, turning it into a mire of darkness and corruption. Once great hunters have become insane monsters under the influence of the Nightmare, and at the heart of the corruption, in the Darkholt's great lodge, the Huntmaster himself awaits.

Storyline and Encounters

After Kurnog the Huntmaster slew the eagle Wild God, Shaharroth, he retreated to his lodge deep within the Darkholt hunting grounds. The region has become utterly polluted with the darkness of the Nightmare, and Kurnog's packmates have embraced the dark power and become even deadlier. The shayetar demand the head of Kurnog in vengeance for their fallen deity, and have joined forces with the heroes of Azeroth to bring down the corrupted Huntmaster.

Torvol the Tracker, Master Huntsman

  • Torvol the Tracker yells: You have wandered into the hunting grounds of Trovol the Tracker, outsiders! I will make you my next trophy!

Kurnog's best tracker, Torvol can follow the prey-sign of a quarry through any terrain. Torvol had reservations about Kurnog's dealings with the Nightmare and its manifestations, but remained loyal to his chieftain in the end and followed him into corruption. Now Torvol prowls the Nightmare-blighted hunting grounds of the Darkholt, hunting all who dare approach.

Bjorgen the Berserker

  • Bjorgen the Berserker yells: Beat! Beat! And beat again! I'll grind their bones! I'll hang their guts from the trees!

Even amongst the wyldborn, Bjorgen is an enormous specimen of nature's fury, whose raw strength and size exceed even his chieftain. His simple-mindedness prevented him from ever truly being a challenge to Kurnog for leadership, though before his corruption by the Nightmare Bjorgen was in truth a gentle soul as far as wyldborn go, content to simply hunt and live day to day alongside his packmates. With the corruption of the Nightmare flowing through him, however, Bjorgen has become an unstoppable juggernaut of bloodlust and fury.

Ralna Winnowill, Hag of the Nightmare

  • Ralna Winnowill yells: Do you hear the voices too? They whisper of blood and power! More than I'd ever dared imagine!
  • Ralna Winnowill yells: The Dream is dead! Now is the age of the Nightmare!

The medicine woman of the Darkholt pack, Ralna was already a fearsome wielder of dark magic even before the Nightmare infused her with darker might still. Now her very body seethes with corruption, and her twisted, cunning mind directs the manifestations of her will to fiendish purpose.

Kurnog the Hunt-Master

  • Kurnog the Hunt-Master yells: More prey finds its way to my very lair! If you seek to make a hunt of the Hunt-Master, you are greater fools than I thought!

One of the mightiest hunters of the Emerald Dream, Kurnog never imagined that the Nightmare would be able to corrupt him. He arrogantly believed that he could control the power of the Nightmare for his own ends, and in doing so opened his heart to corruption. Now his thoughts turn towards dark ambitions of an endless hunt, of making prey of all that lives, and laying skulls and trophies at the foot of the black throne he sees in his dreams.

Madness of Kurnog

  • Kurnog the Mad yells: Y'knath k'th'rygg k'yi mrr'ungha gr'mula!!

Upon Kurnog's defeat, the dark miasma of N'Zoth erupts from beneath his lodge, engulfing the wyldborn's body and triggering a grotesque metamorphosis. Transformed into a colossal monstrosity by the Nightmare, Kurnog has lost his sanity and is a creature of pure rage and bloodlust.