User:GoldenYak/World's Heart Expansion Concept/World's Heart Profession Items

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The only thing I like on Earth... the only thing I truly like... is lists.

World's Heart Prime Crafting Reagents

  • Awakened Saronite - The metalized blood of Yogg-Saron. The metal shivers at the touch of flesh. It is not dead. It is alive. World's Heart equivalent of  [Blood of Sargeras].
  • Void Embers - Extra fragments of Void power drawn from crafted items. World's Heart equivalent of  [Obliterum Ash].
  • Voidchrys - The condensed essence of the Void in a crystallized form. World's Heart equivalent of  [Obliterum].
  • Blood of Azeroth - The essence of the Final Titan. World's Heart equivalent of  [Primal Sargerite].
  • Amniotic Voidchrys - The blood of the Titan Azeroth, somehow harmonically fused with the crystallized essence of the Void. The power within this material is palpable. World's Heart equivalent of  [Primal Obliterum].

Underworld Mining

  • Whispering Stone - Common ore found throughout the Underworld.
  • Screaming Iron - Uncommon ore found throughout the Underworld.
  • Frozen Nethercite - Rare mining reagent sometimes obtained from Whispering Stone and Screaming Iron deposits and seams.
  • Blood Gold - Very rare ore found in the depths of the Underworld. Refined Blood Gold ingots glisten like freshly spilled blood.
  • Maleficarium - Ebon black ore found only on Malgoth. It pulses with a disturbing regularity, like something slowly breathing.

Underworld Gems

Gem quality is listed for uncommon, rare, and epic.

  • Red Gems
    • Demon's Eye
    • Underworld Ruby
    • World's Heartstone
  • Orange Gems
    • Fire Eye
    • Sun Pearl
    • Frozen Flame
  • Yellow Gems
    • Cat's Eye
    • Chrysoberyl
    • Titan's Treasure
  • Green Gems
    • Troll's Eye
    • Arachnid Emerald
    • Nightmare Zoiscite
  • Blue Gems
    • Ocean's Eye
    • Glacier Sapphire
    • Iceheart Opal
  • Purple Gems
    • Spider's Eye
    • Royal Jet
    • Shadow Tourmaline
  • Gemcrafter's Unique Gemstones
    • Whispering Diamond
    • Chronobreak Emerald
    • Void Heart

Underworld Herbs

  • Underworld Fungus - Common drop from all herbs, used to grow more herbs at Doorward. Do not eat.
  • Weeping Lotus - Rare drop from all herbs, used by alchemists to make flasks. Experienced druids who hold the flower to their ear can hear a quiet weeping.
  • Spider Vine - Found in Naz'Zurak Weald. Strong and sticky.
  • Bloodstone Rose - Found in Bloodstone Chasm. Its thick petals weep a blood-like fluid when damaged.
  • Molten Bloom - Found in the Fire Sea. Blossoms when exposed to elemental flame.
  • Strangleweed - Found in the Saron Defile. Harvest with caution; unwary herbalists who grab a handful of these vine often find it grabbing back.
  • Wilting Nerubloom - Found in Azjol-Nerub. The flora of Azjol-Nerub was said to be quite beautiful in ancient times, though in recent ages the strains have lost much of their splendor.
  • Aqiri Sandpetal - Found in Azj'Aqir. This flower can take root and thrive even in dry, dead sand.
  • Writhing Blackroot - Found in Malgoth. The herb never stops wriggling, even long after it has been harvested.

Underworld Inscription and Milling

  • Sepulchral Pigment - Commonly found from milling Underworld herbs.
  • Stygian Ink - Made from Sepulchral Pigment.
  • Eldritch Pigment - Rarely found from milling Underworld herbs and Writhing Blackroot.
  • Godblood Ink - Made from Eldritch Pigment.
  • Darkmoon Card of the Deep Void - Create a card from one Madame Gogol's four Darkmoon Deep Void arcana.
  • Darkmoon Deck: The Unblinking Eye - "Now I've got a tale to tell you... of the ones from long ago."
  • Darkmoon Deck: The Devouring Maw - "There's an evil that's been dreaming, but now it's softly screaming! From the darkness their power will grow."
  • Darkmoon Deck: The Black Heart - "Their voices are made of poison! When you listen you are sure to be disturbed."
  • Darkmoon Deck: The Secret Keeper - "You can lock your doors, you can say your prayers, no creature can resist their wicked words!"
  • Shath'yar Hide Parchment - Parchment made from the skin of eldritch monstrosities.
  • Page of the Umbranomicon - Re-create a page of the dread Umbranomicon, the Book of Dark Names. Written on flesh, inked in blood, forbidden knowledge and madness can be found on those pages.

Underworld Tailoring

  • Spiderweave Cloth - Common cloth material found in the Underworld.
  • Voidweave Cloth - Rare cloth material found in the Underworld.
  • Strand of Shadow - Rare thread used for tailoring. Steeped in the essence of darkness, it is used to imbued rare cloths with great power.
  • Saronite Sewing Needle - Forged from the black blood of Yogg-Saron, seething with his undying dark power, this sewing needle is used to sew the most powerful and evil of clothes.
  • Sandsilk Cloth - Cloth material used by the aqir to make clothing for the most exalted castes. Smooth as the finest sand.
  • Living Shadowcloth - Cloth material used in the garments of the inhabitants of Malgoth. It writhes unpleasantly against the skin.

Underworld Skinning and Leatherworking

  • Underworld Leather - Found on Underworld beasts with mammalian hides. Used to craft leather armor.
  • Shadowscales - Found on Underworld beasts with reptilian hides. Used to craft mail armor.
  • Unearthly Hide - Rarely found on Underworld beasts. There is something unnatural about this material.
  • Blackstone Fangs - Found on certain Underworld beasts, most commonly in Bloodstone Chasm and the Fire Sea. Used to enhanced leather armor.
  • Saronite-Plated Talons - Found on certain Underworld beasts, most commonly in Naz'Zurak Weald and the Saron Defile. Used to enhanced mail armor.
  • Sand-weathered Hide - Found on the beasts of Azj'Aqir. The harsh environment of Azj'Aqir has lent the hides great durability.
  • Voidhide Leather - Found on the beasts of Malgoth. The skinned hides quiver with dark vitality long after they've been removed.

Underworld Archaeology

  • Underworld Dweller Artifact Fragment - Fragments of relics crafted by the races who dwell in Azeroth's underworld, including the duggum, hahn'tan, croojer, and others.
  • Titanforged Artifact Fragment - The Titanforged once ruled the world after the fall of the Old Gods. The relics of their ancient reign lie buried deep beneath Azeroth's surface.
  • Black Empire Artifact Fragment - Remnants of the age when the Black Empire spanned the world, and the vile spawn of the Old Gods reigned unopposed.
  • Stonewrought Historial Tablet - Contains many different historical depictions of events from the age of the Titanforged.
  • Starmetal Ring - The silver metal of this ring is icy cold to the touch. Inlaid is a smooth clear gem stone, seemingly containing a swirling sea of stars within it.
  • Crystallized Brain - The aqir frequently mummified their dead. The brain would eventually crystallize, and could contain the living thoughts and memories of the aqir in its shimmering facets.
  • Shimmering Star Prism - In the light, it appears a rather plain piece of glass. In total darkness, it glows from within, lit by a thousand tiny stars. These constellations were visible on Azeroth eons ago.
  • Quivering Eyeball Medallion - The medallion is ancient and decorated in the style of the aqir. A quivering, three-lobed eye is set within the medallion, turning to glare at any who look upon it.
  • Hahn'tan Memory Statuette - The figure of a hahn'tan, sculpted in stone. No two of these statuettes look the same.
  • Starmetal Coronet - Crafted by the Titanforged to denote status. The metal used to craft it has never been found on Azeroth.
  • Writhing Tentacle Philatory - A jar made of some black clay, sculpted with depictions of loathsome beasts. When opened, a mass of writhing tentacles emerged, lashing madly all nearby.
  • Engraved Resonance Crystal - Created by the Titanforged as a means of long-distance communication when placed within certain machines.
  • Sigil of Yith'zog - A metal disc engraved with green glowing runes. They writhe and hurt your eyes if you gaze at them for too long.
  • Many-Eyed Facemask - A metallic mask representing the face of some insect. Seven asymmetric eyes are depicted, coated in transparent green glass.
  • Faceless One Idol - A miniature representation of a n'raqi warrior.
  • Talisman of Eidolonic Binding - A deranged yet minute elemental being is bound to this necklace. It is made of a dark stone and engraved with potent runes.
  • Vermin Prince Starmetal Hive - This metallic sculpture resembles an insect's hive. A soft buzz can be heard within. Releases a cloud of tiny metal insects to attack the enemies of the holder.
  • Jeweled Soulwine Decanter - A fluid pours from this decanter that shines with rainbow colors. The taste is delicious, though never the same twice.
  • Void Cleric's Ritual Dagger - Used to conduct sacrifices in the age of the Black Empire. Some might be able to wield it as a potent spell-casting weapon.
  • Starmetal Scorpid Figure - A tiny scorpion golem made of some unknown dark metal with silver eyes.
  • Effigy of the Void Lords - An artifact of black metal, its twisting spires twined together. Contains a volatile black liquid within that remains perfectly still.
  • Page of the Umbranomicon - Upon these pages are written the secrets of the Black Empire. Those who read them with mind unguarded weep tears of black oil and die, mad and screaming.

Underworld Fishing

  • Deepwater Blindfish - Commonly found in all water sources in the Underworld.
  • Underworld Grouper - Rarely found in all water sources in the Underworld.
  • Cave Clam - Rarely found when fishing. Sometimes contains fishing-related items.
  • Magma Crab - Commonly found when fishing in the Fire Sea.
  • Stoneskin Skate - Rarely found when fishing in the Fire Sea.
  • Saronite-Soaked Salmon - Commonly found when fishing in the Saron Defile.
  • Boneless One - Rarely found when fishing in the Saron Defile.
  • Thumb-Biter - Commonly found when fishing in Naz'Zurak Weald.
  • Riplash Remora - Rarely found when fishing in Naz'Zurak Weald.
  • Living Fossilfish - Commonly found when fishing in Bloodstone Chasm.
  • Darklight Anglerfish - Rarely found when fishing in Bloodstone Chasm.
  • Spider Crab - Commonly found when fishing in Azjol-Nerub.
  • Shadow Eel - Rarely found when fishing in Azjol-Nerub.
  • Aqiri Water-Strider - Commonly found when fishing in Azj'Aqir.
  • Blackscale Sand Trout - Rarely found when fishing in Azj'Aqir.
  • Writhing Void Tendrils - Commonly found when fishing in the 'waters' of Malgoth.
  • Malgoth Voidleech - Rarely found when fishing in the 'waters' of Malgoth.

Underworld Vendor Meals and Cooking

Underworld Vendor Meals

Vendor Meals

  • Giant Bogleech Jerky
  • Blood-Drop Sporestalks
  • Scraggletwist Snowpear
  • Raw Riplash Eel
  • Naz'Zurak Bleu
  • Draugmar Waybread

Gourmet Vendor Meals

  • Molebear Ribs
  • Stuffed Undercap Dumplings
  • Blackheart Cave-Apple
  • Poached Blindfish
  • Saronberry Yogurt
  • Quartzclaw Sourdough

Drinks and Alcohol

  • Underworld Cave-Water - Pure water from underground aquifers. Teeth-achingly cold.
  • Spiderbite Coffee - Made from beans grown on the shores of the Fire Sea and flavored with fermented spider venom for that extra kick.
  • Mushroom Ale - A mild alcoholic beverage made with underworld fungus.
  • Deepbrew Larger - A moderate alcoholic beverage, made with water from underground rivers. Has a distressingly gritty texture.
  • Nerub'var Bloodwine - A potent alcoholic beverage enjoyed by the elite of Azjol-Nerub. Don't ask what it's made from. ...It's made from blood.
  • Doorward Cave-Potato Vodka - A very potent alcoholic beverage invented by dwarves from Doorward that have seen too much and need to forget.
  • Oggram's Finest Scrumple - An extremely potent alcoholic beverage made by Nanny Oggram of the Quartzclaw Clan. Made from apples. Well... mostly apples.

Underworld Delicacies

  • Spider Pie - Fluffy pastry crust, stuffed with... stuff.

Underworld Light Meals

  • Wriggling Repast - Slimy, yet satisfying.

Underworld Large Meals

Underworld Feasts

  • Gloaming Supper - Mounds of wormflesh steaks, hillocks of fricasseed larvae, stuffed fungus dumplings, still-wriggling tentacles, and other underworld foodstuffs, slathered in rich blood-gravy that's blacker than the blackest black, times infinity.
  • Feast of Forbidden Delights - Prepared in the style of the Eldritch Gastromancers of the Silent City of Ny'alotha, this banquet of underworld savories has undergone a strange and unsettling transformation. None of the fare's component ingredients are recognizable any longer, but the taste is out of this world.