User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/The Faded Lords of Azj'Aqir

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BossThe Faded Lords, Yurgozax and Shaggazi
Image of The Faded Lords, Yurgozax and Shaggazi
Gender Male
Race Aqir
Level ?? Boss
Location Gateway to the World's Heart, World's Heart
Status Killable



The twin lords of Azj'Aqir are monstrous, powerful aqir beings who escaped the destruction of the insect kingdom by fleeing into the Void. Now they have returned, hideously twisted and stronger than ever.




Faded Lord Abilities

  • Ability creature cursed 05.png Banish — The Faded Lord banishes his current target to the Void Breach.
  • Spell holy prayerofshadowprotection.png Fade — Deals increasing damage to all targets unless interrupted. Increases the instability of the Void Breach.
  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows.png Devouring Darkness — Surrounds several random targets with hungry shadows that deal a heavy burst of damage to the target and any other nearby targets when the spell effect ends. If any additional targets are damaged, they are afflicted with Devouring Darkness as well.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Eldritch Flame — The ravenous fires of the Void burst underneath random targets periodically.
  • Spell arcane blast.png Call the Void — Constricting bands of seething Void energy surround the caster, drawing those struck by them inwards. Gained when below 15% health.
  • Spell fire sealoffire.png Call the Flames — Expanding bands of blazing Void fire erupt from around the caster, blasting those struck by them away. Gained when below 15% health.
  • Spell arcane prismaticcloak.png Void Overlap — When the Faded Lords health has a difference of greater than 5%, they deal massive periodic damage to all targets.
  • Spell arcane portaldarnassus.png The Veil is Torn — When the Faded Lords are within 20 yards of each other, they deal massive periodic damage to all targets.
  • Spell shadow burningspirit.png Brand of the Faded Lord — Each Faded Lord gains their own stacking buff gradually over time while Void Prisms are active. Being struck by Annihilate removes all stacks of the buff. The Faded Lords also periodically gain stacks of this buff when they are below 15% health.
    • Spell fire blueimmolation.png Strength of Yurgozax — Increases the damage Yurgozax deals.
    • Spell fire immolation.png Bulwark of Shaggazi — Decreases damage taken by Shaggazi.

Void Prism Abilities

When the Faded Lords are reduced to 66% and 33% health, Void Prisms will manifest in the battle area.

  • Spell shadow shadowmend.png Void Auger — The Void Prism releases destructive beams of energy as they slowly turn. This energy will deal heavy periodic damage to any within it.
  • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Annihilate — The Void Prism erupts when sufficiently damage, dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in the blast.

Void Breach

The Void Breach is a colossal tear between the material dimension and the darkest depths of the Void. The Faded Lords assault the World's Heart through this tear, which becomes unstable after they pass through it. The Void Breach's instability starts at 0, and if it builds to 100 it will unleash an unstoppable horde of Void entities into the world. Heroes must venture into the Void Breach to prevent it from becoming opened completely, facing vicious monsters within it.

  • Void Presence — A spark of destructive Void energy. These sparks will emerge from the darkness of the Void and move towards the Void Breach, increasing its instability by 10 if they touch it. Each Presence that spawns will increase in movement speed, gradually moving towards the Breach faster and faster.
  • N'raqi Rift-Ripper — A terrible faceless one creature with great power. These singular powerful entities will sometimes manifest instead of waves of weaker beings.
    • Spell arcane arcanetorrent.png Column of Umbral Wrath — Casts a beam of dark energy that damages all enemies in a column.
  • Void Mauler — A huge Void Hound. These singular entities will sometimes manifest instead of waves of weaker beings.
    • Spell shadow shadowworddominate.png Madness Glare — Targets multiple locations with eyestalks. Anyone caught in the effect will be stunned for several seconds.
  • Darkrift Voidblade — An el'dretch swordsman with powerful physical attacks.
  • Darkrift Exterminator — A voidcaller with deadly ranged attacks.
  • Darkrift Brute — A voidwalker with high health.
  • Darkrift Shadowmender — A void wraith that casts a powerful healing spell.


The Faded Lords, Yurgozax and Shaggazi, attack the heroes at the entrance to the World's Heart itself. The two aqir monsters will tear open a massive Void Breach as they enter the area, which will become an element during the encounter. The Void Breach's instability must be managed throughout the encounter as the Faded Lords are engaged. Each Faded Lord has their own health, and if the difference between their health is too large, they will deal massive damage to the raid. They will also damage the raid if they are too close together

The two Faded Lords have the same abilities, which they will employ throughout the encounter. When the Faded Lords are engaged, the Void Breach becomes unstable. The Void Breach's instability starts at 0, and if it builds to 100 it will unleash an unstoppable horde of Void entities into the world. Heroes must periodically venture into the Void Breach, crossing over into the Void where dark entities are attemtping to increase the instability of the Breach. These entities must be slain to prevent the Breach reaching 100 instability.

Heroes can enter the Void Breach and leave again through Stable Rifts, which will manifest surrounding the Breach itself. Passing through a Stable Rift afflicts the hero with Void Sickness, which deals periodic damage and prevents them from passing through a Stable Rift for a short time. Heroes must be ready to counter waves of Void Entities that spawn within the Breach, which happens periodically throughout the encounter. Entities within the Breach will attempt to pass through the Breach and enter the chamber of the Faded Lords. Each entity that successfully passes through the Breach will increase its instability by 5 and manifest in the Faded Lords' chamber to attack those present. If the Void Breach ever reaches 100 instability, it will open permanently and any entities that spawn will instantly appear in the Faded Lords chamber.

When a Faded Lord's health is reduced to 66% and 33%, Void Prisms will spawn in the chamber and the Faded Lords will gain stacking buffs. When a Void Prism is destroyed, it will explode, and if the Faded Lord is caught in the explosion their buff will be removed.

Once a Faded Lord's health reaches 15%, they will gain the abilities Call the Flames and Call the Void. Each Faded Lord will alternate casting these abilities, and they will be cast at the same time periodically for the remainder of the encounter. Call the Void causes bands of Void energy to manifest far away from the Faded Lord and periodically contract inwards, while Call the Flames causes bands of fire to erupt at the Faded Lord's location and periodically expand outwards. Heroes hit by Call the Void will be pulled towards the caster, while those hit by Call the Flames will be knocked away. The encounter will end when both Faded Lords are slain.
