User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/The Crawling Corruption

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BossThe Crawling Corruption
Image of The Crawling Corruption
Gender Female
Race Unknown (Aberration)
Level ?? Boss
Location The Memory Core, World's Heart
Status Killable



Azeroth's own memories are polluted by the presence of some terrible spawn of the Old Gods. The players must help cleanse Azeroth of her corrupted memories and destroy the Crawling Corruption.


The battle against the Crawling Corruption takes place in the depths of Azeroth's Memory Core.


  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Corruption of the Old Gods — The Memory Core chamber is flooded with Corruption, which deals periodic stacking damage to anyone standing in it. The central area has several raised platforms that players can stand on to avoid the corruption.

Phase One - The Crawling Corruption

The Crawling Corruption pollutes the central memory chamber of the World's Heart, and will manifest as a colossal, corrupted vision of Azeroth, a female Titan festooned with tentacles, eyeballs, and other Voidborn foulness. The Crawling Corruption will manifest as soon as the players enter the central area of the memory chamber and flood the chamber with the Corruption of the Old Gods.

  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Seismic Slam — The Crawling Corruption slams down on her primary target, causing an area of effect shockwave. This shockwave will destroy any raised platforms it strikes, and can strike multiple platforms. Platforms are restored after a short time.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png River of Power — The Crawling Corruption emits a beam of raw, destructive Void energy, firing it continuously while rotating in a random direction. Anyone struck by this beam will take lethal damage and their body will be flung back a great distance.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Devour — Fanged tentacles spawn underneath several targets, lifting them into the air and attempting to Devour them. Targets that are swallowed by the tentacles and will be consumed if the tentacles are not destroyed. The Crawling Corruption will gain Strength of the Consumed for every player that is slain, increasing her damage and causing her to heal for 10% of her health.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Corruption Eruption — The Crawling Corruption will sink beneath the surface of the Pool of Corruption, becoming untargetable. After a short time, she will explode to the surface, dealing massive damage to anyone on the central platforms and knocking them away. Players must move off of the central platforms and endure the pool of Corruption to safely avoid this attack.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Begone! — The Crawling Corruption inflicts massive damage to her current primary target and knocks them back a great distance. She will drop all threat on that target and ignore any attempts by it to gain her attention for a short time, switching instead to another target.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Summon Memory Devourer — Periodically, a n'raqi Memory Devourer will spawn in one of the four corners of the chamber and attempt to devour Azeroth's memories, attacking one of the four Memory Cortexes located around the chamber. Memory Devourers will focus on a Memory Cortex until attacked, but will continue polluting it even when engaged and will fight attackers with its abilities.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tentacle Swipe — Deals damage to all nearby targets.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Fearbolt — Deals a blast of shadow damage to a random target. Interruptible.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Aura of Hunger — Deals massive periodic damage to all nearby targets. Interruptible.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Empowered — The Memory Devourer will pollute the Memory Cortex with Dark Energy, and if its energy level reaches 100, the Memory Devourer will become Empowered, becoming invulnerable.
      • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Terrorbolt — When Empowered, the Memory Devourer will bombard random targets with Terrorbolt, causing heavy shadow damage.

Intermission - Corrupted Memories

When the Crawling Corruption is at 50% health, she will withdraw beneath the Corruption pool and begin twisting Azeroth's memories, unleashing tainted versions of them on the heroes. The Crawling Corruption will attempt to devour these twisted memories to increase its power. The Crawling Corruption will destroy all raised platforms during this phase and they will not be restored until the phase is over.

  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Maw of Corruption — The Maw of Corruption manifests at the very center of the chamber. Anything moving within the Maw will be obliterated.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tainted Memories — Memories from Azeroth's past will spawn, polluted by the corruption of the Old Gods. Tainted Memories will spawn from the chamber's Memory Cortexes and slowly make their way to the Maw of Corruption, ignoring everything. If they are devoured, the Crawling Corruption will regain health and become more powerful. Tainted Memories can be restored by reducing their health to 0, which will purify them and cause them to become True Memories, who will return to the Memory Cortex and reduce its Dark Energy level. True Memories cannot reduce the energy level of a fully corrupted Memory Cortex.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tainted Memory of the First War — Appears as an orc grunt or human footman. Has a moderate amount of health..
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tainted Memory of the Second War — Appears as an elf archer or troll axethrower. Moves more rapidly than other memories.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tainted Memory of the Third War — Appears as a tauren brave or night elf druid. Slower than other memories, but immune to CC abilities.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Frightful Memory of the First War — Appears as a human paladin atop a barded warhorse or an orc raider atop a worg. Has a large health pool and will become resistant to CC abilities at low health. Brimming over with corruption, they deal damage to nearby targets. When purified, they will cast Warcry, which empowers nearby heroes for a short time, and attack any nearby enemies before going to the nearest Memory Cortex.

Phase Two - The Corruption Evolves

When the first Corrupted Memory phase ends, the central platforms will rise again and the Crawling Corruption returns, erupting from the Pool of Corruption as per its Corruption Eruption ability. Phase Two is identical to Phase One, but the Crawling Corruption gains the following ability.

  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Gaze of Chaos — Three eyeball tentacles will grow from the Corruption pool around the central platforms. Tentacles can be stunned or interrupted.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Chaos — Channeled cast on a nearby platform. If completed, the platform will be destroyed.

Intermission - Corrupted Memories II

This phase occurs when the Crawling Corruption is at 20% health. This phase is identical to the first Corrupted Memory phase, with the following elements added.

  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Nightmare of the Black Empire — The Crawling Corruption empowers a random Tainted Memory when it spawns, transforming it into a Nightmare of the Black Empire, a monstrous c'thraxxi creature that is hostile and will attack players.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tainted Swipe — Deals physical damage to the target and knocks them back.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tainted Energy — Deals a burst of magic damage to several random targets.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Tainted Force — Nearby Tainted Memories gain a slight increase in movement speed.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Summon Memory Devourer — Memory Devourers will continue to appear during the second Intermission Phase. They operate exactly as they did during Phase One.

Phase Three - The Corruption Unleashed

When the second Corrupted Memories phase ends, the central platforms will be restored. Three Corrupted Maws will spawn in three points around the central platforms, dealing massive damage to all nearby players when they erupt from the Corruption pool.

Corrupted Maw Abilities

Enormous worm-like manifestations of the Old Gods' corruption, with abilities similar to the Crawling Corruption herself.

  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Corrupted Link — The Corrupted Maws all share health.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Seismic Slam — The Corrupted Maw slams down, destroying any platforms their attack happens to strike.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Devour — The Corrupted Maw traps their current target attempts to Devour them, which will slay them if they are successful. The Maw must be dealt a sufficient amount of damage to free the target. The Corrupted Maw will not take any other action until the target is freed or Devoured.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Erupt — When the Corrupted Maws return after River of Power, they cause damage and knockback anyone nearby..

The Crawling Corruption's Abilities

  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png River of Power — The Crawling Corruption will periodically emerge from the Corruption pool and cast ability. The Corrupted Maws withdraw into the Corruption pool and the Crawling Corruption emits a beam of raw, destructive Void energy, firing it continously while rotating in a random direction. Anyone struck by this beam will take lethal damage and their body will be flung back a great distance. The Crawling Corruption cannot be damaged while using this ability.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Gaze of Chaos — Three eyeball tentacles will grow from the Corruption pool around the central platforms. Tentacles can be stunned or interrupted.
    • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Chaos — Channeled cast on a nearby platform. If completed, the platform will be destroyed.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Summon Memory Devourer — Memory Devourers will continue to appear as they did during Phase One.

Phase Four - The Crawling Corruption Returns

When the Corrupted Maws are slain, the Crawling Corruption returns.

  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Summon Empowered Memory Devourer — At the beginning of this phase, Four Memory Devourers will spawn and immediately gain Shield of Dark Memory, rendering them invulnerable. They will begin corrupting the four Memory Cortexes with dark energy, becoming Empowered when the cortex reaches 100 dark energy as normal.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Final Eruption — The Crawling Corrutpion bursts out of the central pool, permanently destroying the central platforms and dealing lethal damage to anyone still standing on them, flinging their corpses across the room.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Seismic Slaughter — The Crawling Corruption will use a huge shockwave attack that will annihilate anything she strikes. Cast repeatedly on random targets.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Final River of Power — The Crawling Corruption will unleash a torrent of lethal Void energy, rotating rapidly in a random direction while firing. Cast periodically.
  • Ability socererking arcanemines.png Frightful Gaze of Chaos — Eyeball tentacles spawn beneath random targets from the Corruption pool, erupting when they spawn and knocking back anyone they strike. Eyeball tentacles will channel Dark Glare in a small area in front of them and rotate. Vulnerable to stun.


The heroes begin the encounter in the Memory Core, which is flooded with corruption. Once the Crawling Corruption itself is engaged, the Corruption pool will begin to deal damage to anyone standing in it. Heroes must take refuge on the raised platforms in the central area of the chamber.

The heroes must contend with the Crawling Corruption itself, as well as preserving the four Memory Cortexes at the four cardinal points of the chamber, which will come under attack by Memory Devourers periodically. If the Memory Devourer succeeds in corrupting a Memory Cortex, it will become invulnerable and begin attacking random targets with ranged magic, adding to the pressure on the heroes.

The Crawling Corruption will withdraw into the Corruption pool at 50% for an Intermission Phase. During an Intermission Phase, the heroes must destroy Tainted Memories that appear from the outer edge of the chamber and move towards the center of the chamber, where a Corruption Maw spawns. If a Tainted Memory makes it to the Corruption Maw, it will be devoured and the Crawling Corruption will regain health and become stronger. Memory Devourers will stop spawning during this phase.

When the Intermission phase is complete, the Crawling Corruption will return for Phase Two. Phase Two is largely the same as Phase One, but the Crawling Corruption will now summon eyeball tentacles that will destroy the raised platforms if they are not stunned and swiftly destroyed. Memory Devourers will spawn once again.

The Crawling Corruption will withdraw at 20% health for another Intermission phase. The second Intermission is similar to the first, but new hostile enemies will spawn, and the Memory Devourers will continue to spawn.

When the second Intermission phase is complete, Phase Three begins. Three Corruption Maw enemies will spawn that share a health pool. They must be slain to end the phase. They will attempt to Devour random players, and they must be dealt sufficient damage to halt the Devour. When all three Corruption Maws are killed, the fourth and final phase begins immediately.

The Crawling Corruption will reappear from the Corruption pool, destroying the raised platforms permanently. It will then begin attacking the heroes with all of its abilities, using Seismic Slaughter on random targets and periodically using Final River of Power, while summoning eyeball tentacles constantly. It will continue to attack until it is slain. When the phase begins, four Memory Devourers will spawn and gain an invulnerable shield, allowing them to pollute the four Memory Cortexes with no way for the heroes to stop them. As in other phases, they will eventually become Empowered and begin attacking random targets with ranged magic. This will add to the pressure on the heroes to quickly slay the Crawling Corruption before they are overwhelmed.


Shur'nab Yogg-Saron! Darkness conquers all worlds!