User:GoldenYak/World's Heart/Crypt'Ahn, Last of the Spider Lords

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BossCrypt'Ahn, Last of the Spider Lords
Image of Crypt'Ahn, Last of the Spider Lords
Gender Male
Race Aqir
Level ?? Boss
Location The Pantheon Ethermatrix, World's Heart
Status Killable



A mighty nerubian spider lord, imbued with the dark presence of the Void Lords.




  • Ability creature disease 03.png Verminous Pustule — Cast on multiple random targets continuously. A Verminous Pustule will appear underneath the target and explode seconds later, dealing them massive damage and reducing their movement speed for a short time.
  • Ability creature poison 06.png Devour Life — Crypt'Ahn will cast this on his primary target, stunning them and slowly draining their life away, as well as preventing them from being healed. Interruptible. Crypt'Ahn will fixate on whoever interrupts this ability.

Phase One Only Abilities

  • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Ritual of Darkness — Crypt'Ahn will periodically burrow underground and emerge atop one of the six altars in the outer edge of the chamber. The six altars will be shrouded in darkness, concealing the Spider Lord from view until a player is within close range of him. Crypt'Ahn will begin casting Ritual of Darkness and if he is not interrupted, he will instantly destroy all players. When interrupted, Crypt'Ahn will immediately burrow back to the center of the chamber. Crypt'Ahn will cast the first Ritual of Darkness immediately upon being engaged, then every minute after the first.
  • Spell holy consumemagic.png Powers of the Void — Crypt'Ahn will cause the four pillars in the chamber to each radiate four beams of dark void energy. These beams rotate around the pillars, dealing lethal damage to any who touch them.
  • Ability creature cursed 03.png Ruinous Aura — The outer regions of the chamber beyond the four central pillars are filled with dark energy. Anyone in this energy will rapidly be destroyed. This energy fades during the Ritual of Darkness, but will return shortly after the ritual is interrupted.
  • Spell arcane prismaticcloak.png Voidspawn — When Crypt'Ahn burrows to begin the Ritual of Darkness, he leaves behind a pair of hideous Voidspawn. They attack with powerful physical strikes and blast random targets with Voidbolts.

Phase Two Only Abilities

  • Spell shadow contagion.png Verminous Tide — Crypt'Ahn will channel and then unleash a Verminous Tide on all targets, dealing lethal damage. This attack can be avoided by hiding behind nearby pillars.
  • Spell nature elementalshields.png Corrupted Cocoons — Initially cast on a random target. The player is wrapped up in a Corrupted Cocoon that causes periodic damage to the raid with Corrupted Pulsation. The player trapped inside the cocoon will take heavy damage until they are slain. Cocoons have too much health to be destroyed through damage, but any interruption of Corrupted Pulsation will instantly destroy the cocoon and free the player trapped inside.
    • Spell fire felimmolation.png Corrupted Strength — Heroes freed from cocoons will receive Corrupted Strength, gaining increased damage and healing output.
    • Ability creature disease 03.png Corrupted Flesh — Interrupting Corrupted Pulsation will grant a hero Corrupted Flesh, causing them to instantly die if they interrupt any further Corrupted Pulsations. All further casts of Corrupted Cocoon will cause all players with Corrupted Flesh to become trapped in Cocoons.
  • Spell holy devotion.png Corrupted Might — Crypt'Ahn will gain a stack of Corrupted Might for every player that he traps in a Corrupted Cocoon. Corrupted Might increases his damage.
  • Spell shadow blackplague.png Void Energy — Crypt'Ahn periodically causes a random pillar to emit a wave of Void energy, annihilating anything standing close to them. Periodically, all four pillars will simultaneously emit Void energy.
  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows.png Overflowing Void Energy — Every time Crypt'Ahn uses Verminous Tide, one of the four pillars in the chamber will be damaged and continuously emit Void energy, annihilating anything standing close by it.



Mythic Changes

  • Verminous Remnant - Verminous Pustule eruptions leave behind patches of toxic ooze, dealing damage to anyone who walks through them as well as reducing their movement speed. Ooze patches will vanish after a short time.
  • Darkspawn - During the Ritual of Darkness, invulnerable Darkspawn take form in the outer regions of the room and move in pre-set patterns, instantly destroying any targets they happen to come into contact with.
  • Voidspawn - If Crypt'Ahn is within 20 yards of Voidspawn, they gain Corrupted Presence, becoming far more powerful and rapidly destroy their targets.
    • Verminous Spawn - If Crypt'Akahn's Verminous Tide strikes the body of a Voidspawn, hordes of smaller Verminous Voidspawn erupt from the corpse. Verminous Voidspawn deal physical damage to their targets and place the stacking debuff Void Venom which causes increased damage from all sources and periodic shadow damage.
  • Corruption Shield - When Crypt'Ahn uses Corrupted Cocoons, he will gain a 'Corruption Shield which absorbs all damage as long as it is active. Only players with Corrupted Strength can inflict damage on this shield and break it. The shield will become stronger every time Crypt'Ahn uses Corrupted Cocoons.
  • Power of the Void - Pillars will emit void energy beams throughout the encounter, except when Crypt'Akahn is casting Verminous Tide. The beams will re-activate shortly after Verminous Tide, but will rotate in the opposite direction.
