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The Whisperfane
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The Whisperfane
Location The Whisperfane, the Vegathis
End boss Mokk of the Formless Flesh
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The Whisperfane is an ancient vegathi temple that lies in the heart of the flesh-plagued lands of the south.

Dungeon Journal

In the south of Vegathis, a sprawling corruption is flowing into the Voidlands, changing the very nature of reality around it. Stone becomes flesh, sand becomes blood, and both spread corruption and madness. Only the Ashen stand against this spreading sickness, but these undead fiends would burn out every living thing in all worlds to halt the corruption. Perhaps by venturing into the Ashen temple that still survives in the midst of the spreading contagion, the true nature of this flesh plague can be discovered.


The Sons of Silence worshipped the Ascendant Titan known as Zoma of the Starry Night, a goddess of wisdom who had brought about many of the advancements vegathi civilization enjoy before the fall of their world. Zoma retreated into her ancient temple when the vegathi people were transformed into undead, and the Sons of Silence had gathered outside to wait for her to emerge, hoping that she might bring the knowledge to redeem their people. Through the fall of their world into the Void and the return of the Curse of Flesh, the Sons of Silence have waited, even as the Cursegrowth spread and enveloped Zoma's temple. Finally, they can wait no more - with the aid of the adventurers, they plan to enter the temple and awaken their goddess.

Storyline and Encounters

The Sons of Silence leader the adventurers into Zoma's temple. Within, the pristine vegathi architecture has been overcome with the polluted Cursegrowth - tendrils of flesh and filth encrust the structure, and great blisters of organic foulness mar every surface. Slinking horrors born of the contagion prowl the corridors and despoil the shrines to Zoma. The adventurers must deal not only with the creatures born of the Curse of Flesh however, but with an incursion of Ashen invaders that seek to purge all living things with flame, from the Cursegrowth to the adventurers themselves.

Pyrespeaker Immolatus, Priest of the Sacred Flame

  • Pyrespeaker Immolatus yells: The Sacred Flame burns eternal! We shall never relent while the flesh still grows! We shall purge it at its source in this false temple!

A fanatical devotee to the power of cleansing elemental flame, Immolatus has led his crusade into the very heart of the Cursegrowth within the temple. Claiming that the heretic Sons of Silence are the true source of the corruption, Immolatus turns all of his formidable command over elemental fire against the adventurers.

Volg'Ox, Knight of Descration

  • Volg'Ox yells: Ywaq'nul ky zek zek Y'Uurd! Nok Y'Uurd, saaggh ma!
  • An Agonizing Thoughtstream whispers: The hands of He Who Shapes will unravel the weave of this reality...

Born from the Curse of Flesh, this hideous n'raqi creature is a more primitive and hulkish mutation of the typical faceless ones. Despite its brutish demeanor, it radiates the dark intellect of the n'raqi, and devotedly serves the Old Gods and their agenda of chaos.

Vidius Cankermaw

  • Vidius Cankermaw yells: The power of the Shaper is manifest in me!

Within the deepest reaches of the temple, a new breed of abomination has been birthed by the Cursegrowth - the Wracked. One of their festering number has arisen to become a leader - Vidius Cankermaw. His twisting, malformed body seething with the corruption of the Old Gods, Vidius' only desire is to spread the Curse of Flesh further, dragging all things down into insane slavery to his dark master, the Old God who unleashed the Curse upon Vegathis.

Mokk of the Formless Flesh

  • Mokk yells: SSskkklrlrrrghhg! Mmrr shrryyyrrrr gggrrrrsshshh!

Arriving at the heart of the temple, the Sons of Silence find Zoma's central chamber cocooned in the Cursegrowth, the dark power of the Old God-born contagion imprisoning the vegathi goddess within. Before the Sons can formulate a plan to free their mistress, they and the adventurers are confronted by a horrific manifestation of the Old God's power - one of the Shapeless, known as Mokk.

With the destruction of Mokk, the ancient darkness enveloping the central chamber dissipates, allowing the Sons of Silence to awaken their ancient mistress - Zoma of the Starry Night, the vegathi goddess of wisdom. Zoma thanks the adventurers for their actions, and informs them that the source of the Curse of Flesh is flowing from the worldshard of Yuggol, which has attached itself to the southern edge of Vegathis. The Curse is still too strong in the south to safely enter Yuggol, but Zoma swears that she and her followers will begin preparations to invade Yuggol and cut away the dark heart of the Curse - its maker and master, the Old God known as He Who Shapes.

  • Zoma says: You have my gratitude, mortals. Once, I sought to impart wisdom upon my children, the vegathi. But they would not heed my words, and brought themselves to ruin, becoming the pitiable beings you know as the Ashen. I retreated to my sanctum, to ponder a solution. After centuries of meditation, I have had a revelation - a way to right all wrongs, and bring life to Vegathis once again!
  • Zoma says: But this enemy, He Who Shapes, threatens everything - he sought to lock me within my own temple with his curse. He lurks somewhere within these Voidlands. To the south, where his curse holds full sway. In time, we will root him out.
  • Zoma says: But for now, rest, and gather your strength. When the time is right... I will share my wisdom with you.