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The Riven Forge
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The Riven Forge
Location The Riven Forge, Ignaris Mountains
End boss Forge Tyrant Angromath
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The brutal Deviaan are emerging from the deeper layers of the Dream with the goal of ultimate conquest. Built into the side of a volcanic chasm, the forge-city of Volca'Gan, known also as the Riven Forge, is filled with the sound of hammers on anvils and the scorching heat of magma, as the Deviaan forge the tools and weapons they will need to realize their ambitions.


Forge-city of the Deviaan Host, where mologg slaves mine the ever-renewing mineral wealth of the Dream for the deviaan to turn into armor and weapons. Magma flows through the city, used as energy sources by the deviaan.

Storyline and Encounters

Volca'Gan, the Riven Forge

The defenders of the Emerald Dream have discovered a key component of the Deviaan Host's war machine, the city of Volca'Gan that is a vital source of weapons, armor, and supplies. If the Riven Forge can be doused, the heroes can buy the defenders of the Dream a much-needed reprieve.

Beastorr the Slave-Eater

  • Slave-Breaker Hangus yells: Warriors of Volca'Gan! Outsiders dare to enter the Pit of Punishment! Prepare yourselves for the bloodsport!

Past the slave-pens on the outskirts of the Riven Forge is the Pit of Punishment, where the deviaan overseers dispose of slaves that have been declared unusable. The shrieking slaves are hurled into the Pit, where deviaan slavemasters and pain-witches amuse themselves by tearing them apart. Slaves that attempt to escape are caught in cruel traps that dispatch them even more slowly and horribly. The most feared fate of all is to become a meal for Beastorr, a vicious Lamassu. Even the parasitic creatures that infest the hideous beast are deadly foes.

Terrorwitch Fryte

  • Terrorwitch Fryte yells: Courage is so fleeting, so quick to abandon you...

One of the top overseers of the slave pit, the terrorwitch Fryte has mastered the art of terrorizing slaves with her dark magic. The mere rumor that Fryte may be visiting the slave quarters is often enough to greatly increase slave productivity.

Durak the Slavemaster

  • Durak the Slavemaster yells: Hragh! I detect the foul reek of hope! Free-will is not a luxury the lesser races deserve! Prepare yourselves for oppression!

Overseer of Volca'Gan's slave quarter. The wicked Durak enjoys tormenting his slave, sending them into battle by the score to overwhelm his foes. The slaves know that whatever death they receive at the hands of the deviaan's enemies is far more merciful than whatever fate Durak will give them.

Firewitch Pyriika

  • Firewitch Pyriika yells: We deviaan deserve to rule! Our might, our vision is greater than any of the Titans creations! When we harness the burning heart of the Dream, we shall be unstoppable!

The deviaan sorceress Pyriika has mastered flame magic, and is infused with the power of the deviaan corrupted elemental forges in the depths of Volca'Gan. Her road to mastery has been long and brutal, and her body bears the scars of her growth in the art and the countless battles against rivals that she has won.

Forge Tyrant Angromath

  • Forge Tyrant Angromath yells: Master Kor'rok charged me with this great forge for the glory of the deviaan! I will slaughter any who seek to defy our destiny!

Master of the Riven Forge, Angromath operates the Forge of Flames that the deviaan use to create their armor and weapons. The Forge is itself a mighty instrument of destruction that Angromath wields to deadly effect, along with his colossal black metal hammer.