User:GoldenYak/Vaultguard Colossor

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MobVaultguard Colossor
Image of Vaultguard Colossor
Race Construct
Level 93 elite Boss
Location The Vault of Thunder, Vault of the Titans
Status Killable

The ultimate defensive construct of the Vault of the Titans. Colossor capable of replicating the attack patterns of the guardians of the upper chambers. Colossor is an automated defensive construct assigned to patrol the Vault of Thunder. He will only be present on Heroic difficulty.

Vaultguard Colossor in Stone Watcher mode.
Vaultguard Colossor in Storm Watcher mode.
Vaultguard Colossor in Flame Watcher mode.
Vaultguard Colossor in Frost Watcher mode.

Colossor's Abilities

Stone Watcher Attack Pattern

  • Spell nature earthshock.png Rock Shards —  Fires a barrage of stone spines at the location of a random target, dealing periodic physical damage to anyone struck by them.
  • Priest spell leapoffaith a.png Hurl Adversary —  Colossor picks up his current target and hurls them at a random location. They will take a massive burst of physical damage and become stunned. If any other players are standing beneath the hurled target, the physical damage will be split between them.
  • Spell nature eyeofthestorm.png Dust Cloud —  Colossor strikes the ground, creating a patch of dust that deals nature damage to anyone standing in it. The dust cloud also interferes with targeting..

Storm Watcher Attack Pattern

When Colossor adopts this attack pattern, three Storm Orbs spawn in the chamber to the north, south east, and south west. They are initially inactive and cannot be targeted or damaged.

  • Spell nature lightningoverload.png Lightning Nova —  Summons a massive shockwave of lightning, dealing a burst of nature damage to anyone standing nearby.
  • Spell nature chainlightning.png Chain Lightning —  Fires a bolt of lightning that leaps from target to target, doing nature damage.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Storm Orb —  Charges one of the Storm Orbs, making it vulnerable and causing it to gradually build in strength, gaining 1 stack of Explosive Force every few seconds. If it reaches 10 stacks, it will explode and deal lethal damage to everyone present. Colossor will not cast Lightning Nova while a Storm Orb is active. When a Storm Orb is destroyed, a replacement will spawn immediately.

Flame Watcher Attack Pattern

  • Spell fire immolation.png Magma Fists —  Colossor's coats his fists in burning magma, allowing his next attack to deal bonus fire damage. Anyone standing near his primary target also takes splash damage from the attack.
  • Inv elemental primal fire.png Burning Cinder —  Conjures a patch of burning cinders that deals periodic fire damage to anyone standing in it.
  • Ability mage firestarter.png Flame Whirl —  Colossor spews flames over the entire chamber, dealing fire damage every second for 3 seconds to everyone present. Afflicts all those struck with the debuff Overwhelming Heat.
    • Inv summerfest firespirit.png Overwhelming Heat  —  Increases damage taken from fire attacks. Stacks to 10.

Frost Watcher Attack Pattern

  • Spell frost frozencore.png Snowfall —  Crystals of ice drift down from overhead. When they strike the ground they explode, dealing frost damage to anyone nearby.
  • Spell frost frostnova.png Frozen Earth —  Inflicts frost damage to a random target and creates a patch of frozen ground at their location. Anyone walking over the frozen ground has their movement speed reduced and takes periodic frost damage.
  • Spell frost frostshock.png White Out —  Deals a blast of frost damage to everyone present, afflicting them with the Frostbite debuff.
    • Spell frost wisp.png Frostbite —  Increases damage taken from all frost-based attacks. Stacks to 10.


Colossor will begin every encounter in a random attack pattern and will switch to a different pattern when he reaches 50% health.


    • Vaultguard Colossor - Defeat Vaultguard Colossor.
    • Storm, Earth, and Fire (and Frost) - Successfully overcome all four of Vaultguard's Colossor's attack patterns.


  • Foreign elements detected. Beginning sterilization procedures.
Switching Attack Patterns
  • Attack pattern Archavonis online. Strength of stone will break you.
  • Attack pattern Emalonis online. Fury of storm will batter you.
  • Attack pattern Koralonis online. Rage of flame will burn you.
  • Attack pattern Toravonis online. Might of frost will shatter you.
Killing a Player
  • Foreign element eliminated.
  • Sterilization complete.
  • You are now terminated.
  • Colossor unit inoperative. Have a nice day.