User:GoldenYak/Twilight Master Velius

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MobTwilight Master Velius
Image of Twilight Master Velius
Title <Twilight Master>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 85
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Location Icecrown

UNDER CONSTRUCTION related to Spider Kingdom Expansion Concept

Twilight Master Velius is the leader of the Twilight's Hammer in Northrend. After the defeat of Yogg-Saron at Ulduar, Velius emerged as the most powerful of the remaining cultists and took command. He has coordinated all of the Hammer's efforts in Northrend to seize power, and has forged an alliance with the renewed nerubian threat from the Spider Kingdom. His army stands poised to march on Icecrown Citadel. Velius seeks something that is hidden within the Citadel's unexplored depths.


Before the Hammer

Velius was born in one of the few small human settlements scattered throughout Northrend. When the Frozen Throne fell from the heavens and struck the Icecrown, it wasn't long before the undead servants of the Lich King began to prey on the inhabitants of Northrend, harvesting more soldiers for their undead master. Hundreds of refugees banded together and fled into dark caves, hiding deep beneath the surface. Velius was only a child when the exodus began, and he came of age in the darkness of Northrend's underworld.

The Light in the Darkness

The simple folk of Northrend had worshiped the Light for generations. Many lost their faith in the grueling months of hiding in the underworld, fleeing the tireless, pursuing undead. In time, following the maddened pronouncements of the elder preacher, the refugees came upon a great temple built by the nerubians hidden in the depths. Though the people were frightened by the inhuman statues and ghastly frescoes, the preacher assured them that the place was strong with the Light. Indeed, the undead suddenly refused to pursue their victims into the temple ruins.

In time, the people even began to see visions of loved ones they had lost to the growing Scourge, beckoning to the living to join them. Soon the rituals of sacrifice began, as the people gave themselves to the Light. Many were overcome by the power of the Light, calling out in a holy tongue and rushing off into the darkness, called to some greater purpose in the depths. Over the years, the refugees were reduced to a scant few dozen, led in their prayers by Velius.

When the Twilight's Hammer arrived in Northrend shortly before the awakening of the Lich King, the small group had given themselves completely over to the worship of Yogg-Saron, and gleefully joined the ranks of the Hammer as some of their most ardent members. Velius himself was granted the rank of Twilight Lord, and served beneath Jedoga Shadowseeker through to the beginning of the great war against the Scourge.

Visions of the Shattering

As the Twilight spread in secret throughout Northrend, they learned of Yogg-Saron's exploitation by the Scourge, who drained the Old God's black blood to produce saronite, a metal used in Scourge construction. Velius became fascinated with saronite, and observed how living prisoners of the Scourge re-acted to its presence. In mere days their minds became filled with the whispers of Yogg-Saron, a process that had taken many years to affect the faithful in the depths.

Velius and his forces recovered saronite ore and metal, all of which was carefully examined. Velius soon discovered that it was the black blood of their master, Yogg-Saron himself, and began planning how best to utilize this knowledge. While the Hammer's primary force moved on Ulduar in efforts to free their trapped master, Velius experienced a powerful vision - somewhere in the dark earth, a great beast roared in pain as metal plates were bolted to its flesh. The vision promised a coming fall of twilight, a great shattering...

The Skin of Black Blood

Gripped by this vision, Velius soon came to understand its meaning - he would become as the great beast, and make for himself a suit of mighty armor. He had saronite ore crafted into metal plates, molded to cover his entire body. When the plates were prepared, he immersed himself in molten saronite, bonding the plates to his flesh. The pain was beyond endurance, and Velius lapsed into a coma once the process was complete. It seemed like he would never awaken, until the unthinkable occurred - agents of the Alliance and the Horde penetrated the defenses of Ulduar and slew Yogg-Saron himself in the Old God's prison. Before Yogg-Saron fell, he howled out a terrible curse in the eldritch tongue of the Old Gods:

Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh'ongg w'ssh!

As Yogg-Saron died, Velius awoke. By some dark miracle, the ritual had succeeded - the black blood of Yogg-Saron had become his own living metallic flesh. Over time, the armor has grown, overtaking more of his body and replacing it with living metal. As the transformation progresses, Velius becomes more and more powerful.

Master of Twilight

Velius has led the Twilight's Hammer cult in Northrend to reform and expand their numbers since the death of Yogg-Saron. Visions of death and destruction guide him. The voice of Yogg-Saron whispers in his mind. The goal he seeks is hidden deep inside Icecrown Citadel, hidden within the depths of the stronghold, where the living have never set foot. When he finds what he seeks, Velius knows he will have the power to reshape the world, to tear down what the Titans and wrought and free his masters to spread chaos once again.

Quests and Storylines

Velius appears throughout Northrend, usually while communicating magically in images to his subordinates. He can be confronted in the flesh in Icecrown, leading the gathered forces of the Twilight's Hammer against the Ashen Verdict at Icecrown Citadel.

Velius can be fought in the Halls of Reflection as the new final boss encounter.
