User:GoldenYak/The Prophet Kherati

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MobThe Prophet Kherati
Image of The Prophet Kherati
Gender Male
Race Qiraji
Level 94 Elite boss
Location Terrace of the First Ones, Azj'Naggai, the Dead City
Status Killable

The Prophet Kherati is the leader of the qiraji refugees. He led his people away from fallen Ahn'Qiraj, through the World Gate hidden beneath the sands of Silithus, back to the city of their ancient ancestors. Searching through the records of their people and communing with the spirits of the dead aqir, Kherati uncovers the darkest secret of his forebearers, and the revelation drives him mad. Calling upon the powers at his command, Kherati seeks to bury the city and everything within it in order to hide the truth.




  • [Revelation] - Prevent Kherati from destroying any of the Ancient Aqir Tablets during the battle.


Upon Entering the Instance
  • Brothers! Outsiders dare to profane the home of our ancient fathers! Purge the pestilence from this holy ground. They must not interrupt my study of the ancients texts!
First Text Translated
  • The first text holds the record of the ancient war, against the cattle-vermin... the trolls.
  • The troll savages came in their multitudes against the ancients. With beasts and magic and false gods they sought to ruin all that the ancients had made.
  • The ancients called out to the Many Angled Ones to save their civilization from the troll savages.
  • But they were thwarted, and the great exodus began...
Second Text Translated
  • One legion went to the cold north, the roof of the world... There they pledged allegiance to the great Maw, and became the nerubians.
  • Here it speaks of our ancestors... they went to the scorched lands of the west, under the watch of the Eye. Our kingdom, Ahn'Qiraj, was born...
  • The third legion... they followed the whispers of the Seven Terrors to the south. Long thought lost in the Sundering, they became the third kingdom, the mantid.
Third Text Translated
  • What's this..? The records speak of a fourth legion... a fourth exodus! The prophets of Ahn'Qiraj knew nothing of this.
  • The fourth exodus was to take a legion to the east, to what is now called the Eastern Kingdoms. But something went awry...
  • The Worldgate that was to carry the legion... it failed, broken during the fall of the ancient kingdom. The fourth legion was lost, lost between dimensions...
  • Lost, but not destroyed...
  • The spirits of this place... I can hear them. They whisper the truth of the lost ones. The ones who fell into silence.
  • The spirits... kehekekek... it is not the spirits of the dead that haunt this place... it is the spirits of the lost!
  • The lost exodus waits... they await their return!
  • Your rule of this world will come to an end!
When Casting Sandstorm
  • I will bury you here! I will bury it all!
Upon Killing a Player
  • The truth dies with you!
  • An offering to the lost ones!
  • Our greatness shall rise again!
  • The lost ones are nearly ready... nearly ready to return...
  • Azj'Aqir will rise again... and silence will fall upon all things...