User:GoldenYak/Sunken City of Zul'Ur

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Sunken City of Zul'Ur
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Sunken City of Zul'Ur
Location Sunken City of Zul'Ur, Azj'Aqir, the Shattered Empire
End boss Chieftess Ur'Wa, Prophet of Enxan
Instance info
Type 94 Dungeon
Level 94
Player limit 5

One of the lost cities of the trolls, buried beneath the world in the ancient Sundering.


The troll race is one of the most ancient of the humanoid species on Azeroth, perhaps the most ancient. Before the titans came to shape the world, in the ages when the Old Gods reigned supreme, the troll races walked beneath the stars, warring with the primordial wilderness for survival.

The trolls endured the rule of the Old Gods, the war between the titan Pantheon and the Great Old Ones, and the countless millennia that followed. Some of their most bitter enemies were the aqir, an insectile race that regarded the Old Gods as the true masters of Azeroth. These conflicts lasted for centuries, until the trolls united into a massive army and marched upon the aqir homeland, Azj'Aqir.

Hundreds of thousands of troll warriors, armies of tamed war-beasts, legions of spell-casters, swarms of summoned loa spirits, and great animal-god loa each worth a small army assaulted Azj'Aqir and the equally grand and terrible armies of the aqir. For all their alien ferocity, the aqir were outmatched in the end, and their fall was imminent. The leaders of the aqir concocted a desperate scheme to turn the tide, calling upon dark and evil magicks. Their rituals might have succeeded, but drew the attention of Azeroth's most powerful defenders, the dragonflights. Blue, green, and black dragons assaulted the central hive-city of Azj'Aqir, destroying the aqir leadership and disrupting their plans. With this final scheme foiled, the aqir race inevitably fell to the power of the trolls.

In a parting gesture by the victorious leader of the black dragonflight, Azj'Aqir was wracked with a horrendous series of quakes and volcanoes, causing many regions to slide into the earth, buried in the darkness. Many troll tribes that had joined in the war and the despoiling that followed also became trapped, swallowed by the earth and unable to return to the surface. In the darkness of the underworld, these early trolls discovered many surviving aqir, and conflict immediately broke out between them.

For thousands of years, those surviving trolls survived in the underworld, giving rise to a hidden troll society deep beneath the surface of Azeroth. Distinct from any known tribe, the Under-Trolls are a brutish and powerful people, representing perhaps a regression to the level of the first trolls that ever existed on Azeroth. They take shelter in old troll ruins that were once fortresses and outposts built throughout enemy territory that were also swallowed by ancient quakes. Their largest city is located in the Lost Realm of Azj, an underground jungle region.

Dungeon Journal

An ancient troll city, constructed deep in the Lost Realm of Azj. The trolls that dwell here are adapted to living in the underworld. They maintain an eternal vigil over the abandoned cities of the aqir, waiting for their ancient enemy to return so they may start the legendary wars of old once again.

The trolls are content to pass the time by slaughtering anyone else who happens to cross their path as well. They will not permit anyone to approach the ruins of the aqir capitol until they are dealt a lasting defeat.


Champion of Zul'Ur

Like many other troll cities, Zul'Ur features a grand arena, where troll warriors battle one-another to prove their mettle. On any given day, one might find a different champion waiting for a challenge.

  • Warlord Zul'agg - A powerful troll warrior who attacks with brutal close-combat abilities and wields a two-handed axe. He rides atop a captured silithid.
  • Witchdoctor Ug'ok - One of the spell-casters of the trolls of Zul'Ur. His blood magick is simple but potent, stealing the life from his enemies and using it to create horrific creatures of animated blood.
  • Mish'kathun the Under-Champion - A powerful berserker troll, hardened by combat against some of the deadliest beasts of the underworld.

Priest Ur'tog, Prophet of the Fire Raptor

Prophet of Xillac, the raptor Loa and spirit of flame. The Under-Troll faith consists of a pantheon of Loa spirits that are associated with the natural elements. Followers of Xillac favor close-combat and edged weapons, the better to spill the blood of their victims. The carcasses are then roasted in great sacrifical bonfires and devoured. Fire is seen as a consumer, ravenously devouring as the raptor does.

Priest Mardu, Prophet of the Thunder Ape

Prophet of Gon'jin, the ape Loa and spirit of thunder. Gon'jin is a spirit that holds dominion over one of the most mysterious and legendary forces, the thunder of storms. While weather does exist in the underworld, storms rarely reach the level of those on the surface. Thus thunder is a rare occurrence, not often heard, as reclusive as the great apes that dwell in the jungle valleys. Like the roars of the great apes though, when roused to anger, the bellow of the storm is terrifying.

Priestess Voka'tyl, Prophet of the Storm Terrorsaur

Prophet of Malcho, the terrorsaur Loa and spirit of lightning. The magical suns that provide light to the Lost Realm of Azj also grant it weather, producing rainfall and even storms. Lightning is not unheard of, even far from the sky. Lightning strikes in a flash and leaves devastation in its wake, and for this reason it is seen as the element of the Terrorsaur, the great flying predators who hunt in the jungle. Malcho, the Loa of lightning, is an immense beast whose every wingbeat stirs the clouds, sending sheets of lightning crashing down below as they roil in his wake.

Priest Ur'nok, Prophet of the Earth Scorpion

Prophet of Gendok, the scorpion Loa and spirit of the earth. The scorpion dwells in caves and beneath stones in the underworld, and is seen as a deadly predator of the deep earth. For this reason Gendok is given dominion over the rock and stone. He still shares the nature of scorpions however, and his sting carries a deadly threat - a venom that turns its victims to stone.

Priest Zom'ur, Prophet of the Poison Toad

Heroic Mode Only - Prophet of Kroak, the toad Loa and spirit of water. The toad loa, Kroak teaches respect for life by showing that even the most innocent seeming of creatures can be deadly to the unwary. His warty skin weeps a lethal poison that can kill upon contact, like the tiny spear-toads of the jungle. His powerful tongue can pierce armor and drag hapless prey into his gaping maw to be devoured. As a loa he holds dominion over water, allowing him to shape it, often mixing it with his poison to create deadly slime.

Chieftess Ur'wa, Prophet of the Roaring Slashfang

Chieftess of the under-trolls and prophet of Enxan, the slashfang Loa and spirit of the wild. Only the mightiest can lead the tribe, and so Ur'wa is the mightiest of her people. As leader she is the voice of the most feared Loa of the underworld, Enxan the Slashfang Loa. Enxan embodies the troll view of the spirit of the wilds, the spirit of nature itself. A colossal beast of ancient fury, Enxan can cleave apart a humanoid with a single bite of his sword-like fangs. His angry roar is so powerful it can shatter stone.