User:GoldenYak/Siege of Eden'ar

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Siege of Eden'ar
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Siege of Eden'ar
Location Siege of Eden'ar, Eden'ar
End boss Eranikus, Wyrm of the Eternal Nightmare
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The forces of the Nightmare have launched a prolonged siege of the green dragon's fortress-city of Eden'ar. Legions of Unwaking, hordes of beasts and bound elementals, and swarms of corrupted green dragons are all united in slavery to the Nightmare, and periodically launch attacks upon the weakening walls of the city. Without the support of mighty champions, the last bastion of sanity in the Emerald Dream will crumble.

Dungeon Journal

The city of Eden'ar is the last great stronghold of sanity in the Emerald Dream, standing firm against the black tides of the Nightmare. Recently, an enormous army of the Unwaking have gathered for an all-out assault on the city. The defenders of the Dream must rally their forces and weather the tide of darkness that threatens to engulf them.

Storyline and Encounters


The forces of the Nightmare are laying siege to Eden'ar, the last bastion of freedom and purity in the Emerald Dream. At the head of the dark army of Unwaking is a familiar threat, a favored pawn of the Nightmare that has been dragged back from the restful slumber of death time and again to serve the dark designs of the Nightmare's master.

  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: Heroes! The forces of the Nightmare gather for another assault! We will not be able to turn them back without aid!
  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: So many defenders have already given their lives, or fallen into darkness! Now, the Nightmare has unleashed one of its mightiest thralls upon us!

Dream Slayer Bloodroot

  • Dream Slayer Bloodroot yells: You have no hope of victory. I shall deliver unto the Dreaming One a grand prize...

The Emerald Dream responded to the corruption of the Nightmare as a healthy body resisting infection, spawning new generations of treefolk warriors to defend itself and hold back the growing tides of N'Zoth's Nightmare. But even as mighty as the newly grown treefolk are, they are not wholly immune to corruption, and their fiery temperament has led more than one treefolk warrior into an unwinnable situation. Dream Saver Broadroot fought the Nightmare's forces with stubborn vigor, refusing to retreat even in the face of overwhelming odds. While many of the Unwaking fell to his blade, his refusal to fallback left him isolated and surrounded by the Nightmare. Now twisted into the monstrous Dream Slayer Bloodroot, the corrupted treefolk's martial prowess and warrior spirit are tools of the Nightmare.

Blackmold the Blighted

  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: Oh, Eonar's tears! Noble Elder Blackwood has become a hive of the Nightmare's corruption! Please heroes, deliver him from this waking horror!
  • Blackmold the Blighted yells: There is no refuge behind these walls. The rot will bring them tumbling down. The blight will feed on your flesh. The Nightmare will swallow your souls.

An elder treant, once called Elder Blackwood, who was ancient ten thousand years ago when Azeroth bore witness to the first invasion of the Burning Legion. For long eons he has rested in the dream, bestowing guidance upon druids who sought him out. Alas, he was too slow to uproot himself and escape the crawling corruption of the Nightmare. Now dubbed Blackmold the Blighted, he spreads the taint of the Nightmare in the form of a creeping fungus that saps the will from flesh and spirit alike. His molds and spores pour forth from his body, taking form as nightmarish crawling aberrations that carry out his will.

Rotrik the Verminous, Lord of Locusts

  • Rotrik the Verminous yells: Too long the weaklings and unbelievers have cowered in this hole! Dig them out! Pour darkness into the heart of the Dream!
  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: They seek the Heart at the city's center! If the Nightmare pollutes it, the Dream will be forever lost! Drive them back, heroes!

A twisted satyr swollen with the dark power of the Nightmare. Rotrik's body is infested with Nightmare-corrupted vermin, the most dangerous of which are the enormous Soulblight Locusts. Rotrik will unleash his verminous pets from his own putrid body to overwhelm his enemies.

Nightmare Weaver Doombough

  • Nightmare Weaver Doombough yells: Your end draws near, mortal. Embrace it and go quickly into oblivion. Do not futilely draw out your suffering, for you draw out mine as well.

Always a somber being, the treefolk Gloombough was a Dream Weaver, protecting the lands of the Dream from the darkness in mortal minds that sought to infect it. Though taciturn, his devotion to his duty was second to none, and when a horrific tide of the Nightmare poured into his home-glade, he sacrificed himself and used all of his power to hold back the infection, granting his glade-mates time to withdraw safely. The corruption of the Nightmare infested Gloombough's entire being, twisting him into the Nightmare Weaver Doombough. Some spark of his former self remains buried deep beneath the corruption that rules him now, but it is not strong enough to stop Doombough from carrying out the Nightmare's will. The last flicker of his former self brings him only pain, as he is forced to watch himself spread decay and pollution through the Dream he once loved.

Eranikus, Wyrm of the Eternal Nightmare

  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: The darkness! It weeps from the mountains! From the Wound in the World! I hear the earth scream!
  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: The threads of our dreams come unwoven! We fray and tear under his fangs! The Wyrm of the Eternal Nightmare! He has come! He is here!
  • Eranikus, Wyrm of the Eternal Nightmare yells: Bhughixz n’ghft! H’t cep't jho t't ukyg'la! Jho vl cnetlog l’oa wold! Thixh'itra shugg!

Formerly a green dragon champion of the Dream, Eranikus sacrificed his life to slay one of the dreaded Nightmare Dragons. Eranikus found no rest however, as his spirit was swallowed by the Nightmare and transformed into one of the very monsters he gave everything to destroy. In an act of extreme cruelty, the Nightmare chose to unleash him upon his own home. Now the Wyrm of the Eternal Nightmare, Eranikus unleashes his corrupted fury upon the city of Eden'ar, seeking to corrupt the Heart of the Dream and bring final lasting victory to the Nightmare.

The Darkness Fades

  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: It is done. The enemy is dead, or has fled. Much blood has been shed today, heroes. Life is supreme in the Dream, and those who have fallen will rise again, in time... those whose spirits have not fallen into Nightmare... But I fear the Nightmare will renew its forces and attack again before we can be truly ready to repel them.
  • Emerald Guard Alariss yells: Hope seems so distant in these dark days... but the seasons always turn. I must believe that this season of darkness will pass, and the Dream will flourish once again in the light of dawn.

With the destruction of Eranikus, the forces of the Unwaking fade like fog in the morning sun. But the Nightmare will not stop until corruption seethes in every last corner and holdout pocket of the Dream, and the heart of Eden'ar is its most tempting target. Inevitably, the Nightmare will gather its forces for another, greater assault...