User:GoldenYak/Siege at Darkbreach

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The Siege at Darkbreach
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The Siege at Darkbreach
Location The Siege at Darkbreach, K'aresh Remnants
End boss The Solar Engine
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

Darkbreach is the location of the voidgate in the western archipelago of the K'aresh Remnants. The forces of the Void are assaulting the gate from the Voidlands - if they succeed in taking it, the powers of darkness will spill into Azeroth and spread terrible destruction.

Dungeon Journal

The voidgate leading to Azeroth located on the western archipelago of K'aresh has come under attack by the forces of the Void Primarch Ahriman. The armies of the Void hunger to capture it and spill their darkness into Azeroth. The heroes of the Alliance and the Horde join the ethereal defenders of the voidgate in the defense of Azeroth, standing against the unending legions of shadow.


The power of the Void spilled into the Twilight Highlands from a former Titan well of power, similar to Un'goro Crater and Sholazar Basin. The ethereals used their technology to stabilize the breach, creating a stable portal into the Voidlands - the voidgate of Darkbreach. The Alliance and the Horde have fortified Darkbreach on the Azeroth side, while the ethereals have secured the Voidlands side.

The armies of the Void desire to seize the voidgate for themselves - the Void is not yet powerful enough to completely engulf Azeroth directly, but capturing the voidgate would allow the Void to weaken the veil between it and the material universe, enabling the Void to begin their incursion sooner. To this end, the Void has released a massive force at Darkbreach, intending to overwhelm the ethereal fortifications on the Voidlands side, and then push their way into Azeroth and annihilate the mortal forces on the other side.

Storyline and Encounters

Adventurers will be called upon by the ethereal defenders to reinforce their lines as the forces of the Void approach. The adventurers will battle waves of encroaching Void forces before being forced to confront one of two possible boss encounters - the Void Knight Proemius or the Voidtouched ethereal champion Rahum Elaal.

Void Knight Proemius

  • Void Knight Proemius yells: The feast of stars will soon begin. Every light will fade. All things return to darkness.

A manifestation of the Void itself, the Void Knight Proemius is an ancient being. For centuries Proemius was bound to the service of the Burning Legion by nathrezim warlocks, and is the veteran of a thousand world-scouring campaigns. The demons taught him to enjoy the suffering of his enemies, and he is only to happy to inflict that suffering with his massive Void-forged maul.

Rahum Elaal

  • Rahum Elaal yells: Gaze into the abyss! Let it fill you with the immaculate dark!

This ethereal looked into the deepest depths of the Void, and beheld the dark majesty of the Void Lords themselves. Driven to a kind of cold sanity on the far side of madness, Rahum Elaal dreams of an empty universe of black suns and ashen worlds, where the only sound is the laughter of the Void.

Fallback to the Voidgate

After defeating the first boss, the Voidtouched will increase their onslaught, bombarding the area with a barrage of dark energy from atop void dragons. Adventurers and their allies will be forced back to the Voidgate itself, where they will encounter another boss encounter out of two possible ones - the Voidtouched ethereal Khonshu and his giant nether ray Nightrender, or the Voidcaller, Shaalim Duskweaver.

Khonshu and Nightrender

  • Khonshu  yells: Nightrender! A meal is ready for you!

The Voidtouched ethereal Khonshu trained the mighty beast Nightrender up from a mere fry. The great nether ray, corrupted by the power of the Void, has developed a taste for the flesh and blood of mortals, and Khonshu has kept the creature perpetually hungry so as to spur it to greater violence in combat. Khonshu himself enjoys crippling his enemies and calling for Nightrender to devour them alive as they lie helpless.

Shaalim Duskweaver

  • Shaalima Duskweaver yells: Taint not the purity of the Void. Open your arms wide - embrace the stygian darkness.

A haunting manifestation of the Void, this void witch is able to summon wraiths and phantasms formed from the lost souls of mortals who have perished in battle against the Void's forces.

Zummanus, the Thunder of Night

  • Zummanus yells: I am the hammer of the Void Lords! I will break this world with the rod of my wrath!

After the defeat of the second boss, a tidal wave of dark energy rolls over the area, debilitating the adventurers and their allies. The Void Giant, Zummanus, storms through the area and breaches the Voidgate, venturing into Azeroth. The adventurers pursue the dark goliath through the Voidgate into the Twilight Highlands, where Zummanus has already assaulted the Azeroth defenses. After a brutal battle, the fiend is disperse, sparing Azeroth from the ravages of the Void. It is only a matter of time, however, before the servants of the Void Lords mount another assault.