User:GoldenYak/Sartan's Maw

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Sartan's Maw
File:Gyak dream splash.png
Sartan's Maw
Location Sartan's Maw, Ignaris Mountains
End boss Dyonixis, Ascendant of Flame
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

Sartan's Maw is a dungeon in the Ignaris Mountains. It takes place inside the giant Sartan, a colossal mountain giant slumbering within the earth, where satyr that serve the Nightmare are channeling dark energies in an effort to awaken Sartan as a servant of their dark god.

Dungeon Journal

The great mountain giant Sartan constitutes the largest peak of the Ignaris Mountains. The wicked Xaviaan satyr, servants of the Nightmare, are attempting to corrupt and awaken the immense giant, turning him into a puppet of the Nightmare Lord.

Storyline and Encounters

Dyonixis has led his Unwaking forces into the heart of the mountains that constitute Sartan's body. Within, his satyr followers spread the darkness of the Nightmare, coaxing fragments of Sartan's body to tear themselves free from the stone and take shape as corrupted earth elementals. Dyonixis himself has tapped the molten heart of Sartan to ascend into an elemental form, and is pouring the Nightmare into Sartan's core in vast amounts. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the colossal giant awakens as a great destroyer swayed to the will of N'Zoth.

Toxeem the Poisoner

  • Toxeem the Poisoner yells: The concoction has reached peak toxicity! All I require are some test subjects...

This vile satyr alchemist has used his wicked concoctions to corrupt the furbolg who once watched over Sartan, turning them into slaves of the satyr and the Nightmare.

Golar, Fragment of Sartan

  • Golar yells: The burning heart seethes with fury...

Long ago, Sartan once stirred from his slumber, an event that nearly shook apart the entirety of the Ignaris Mountains and send shockwaves reverberating throughout the Dream. Before he sunk back into his slumber, a great fragment of Sartan was broken loose, becoming the giant Golar. The satyr have practiced their rituals of corruption on the hapless giant, turning it into a rampaging beast of destruction.

N'thrakkis, the Crawling Corruptor

  • N'thrakkis yells: Pwhn'guul i ghawl'fwata N'Zoth wgah uul'gwan h'iwn guu'lal!
  • An Agonizing Thoughtstream whispers: The God of the Deeps will carve out the heart of your world, and fill the crater with blessed darkness!

The satyr have called forth a frightful manifestation of the Nightmare itself, N'thrakkis, one of the dread faceless ones. This abomination seethes with corrupting energies, transforming the very earth underfoot into monstrous servants of the Nightmare's will.

Curse Weaver Mirkroth

  • Curse Weaver Mirkroth yells: The ritual must not be interrupted! Invoke the final awakening! Open the giant's hear to darkness!

The satyr ritualists have spread their dark enchantments throughout the massive giant's body, working their evil spells to twist Sartan into the Nightmare's pawn. Chief among the satyr ritualists is Mirkroth, known as the Curse Weaver for his skill in corruptive magic.

Dyonixis, Ascendant of Flame

  • Dyonixis, Ascendant of Flame yells: We have filled the giant's dreams with the Nightmare! The colossus stirs, and as our servant he will lay waste to the Dream.
  • Dyonixis, Ascendant of Flame yells: Now, behold the fury of Sartan's burning wrath!

Dyonixis was once a satyr, but the blessings of the Old Gods have given him power over earth and fire, and ultimately resulted in his transformation into an ascendant elemental being, all for the greater glory of dragging Azeroth and the Emerald Dream down into corruption. Dyonixis has torn open the molten heart of Sartan and calls upon its elemental fury in combat to destroy all those who would thwart his master's schemes.