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MobNul'Yash, Catechism of the Unspoken
Image of Nul'Yash, Catechism of the Unspoken
Race Voiceless One
Level 93 elite Boss
Location Outsider Containment , Halls of Horror
Status Killable

One of the deadly Voiceless Ones. It has been entombed here since the Titans defeated the Old Gods. The forces of the Twilight Cult that invaded the Halls of Horror released this fiend, only to fall victim to the terrible madness it induces in those near it. Now the creature puppets the mindless cultists into releasing more and more monstrosities from the prison.

The Voiceless Ones are a terror that has not been seen on Azeroth in millennia...


  • Spell holy silence.png Song of the Silent  —  Deals a burst of damage to Nul'Yash's primary target.
  • Spell nature astralrecal.png Curse of Madness  —  Drives a target mad and causes them to run at a random friendly target and explode.
  • Ability warlock everlastingaffliction.png Lights in the Dark  —  When cast, five lights spawn on the outer edge of the chamber. The lights will randomly move from their current location directly across from their spawn location. Players take damage if they touch a light, will cause every other light to fixate on them and move directly towards them at high speed. Cast every 12 seconds. Lights persist for 20 seconds.
  • Spell shadow impphaseshift.png Song of the Dead Light  —  While active, a percentage of the damage Nul'Yash takes is being spread to all targets. Channeled ability. Deals 25% of the damage Nul'Yash takes split between all players.


Nul'Yash will remain stationary in the center of the chamber and cast Song of the Silent on her primary target. Players will need to concern themselves primarily with Lights in the Dark, and avoid placing themselves in a position where they will come into contact with a light and become the target for all remaining lights. Nul'Yash will periodically cast Song of the Dead Light, which causes a percentage of the damage dealt to her to be dealt to the players for several seconds.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Light in the Dark is cast every 12 seconds, and the lights persist until they strike a player.
  • Song of the Dead Light deals 50% of the damage Nul'Yash takes split between all players.


  • There are Five Lights - Defeat Nul'Yash without anyone being struck by Lights in the Dark.


  • Silence falls.
Casting Lights in the Dark
  • Lights begin to flicker in the darkness. They bring you no comfort.
  • The terrible silence is lifted.