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Image of Nestrum
Race Elemental
Level 92 elite Boss
Location Gates of the First City, Ahn'Vekir, the First City
Status Killable

An eidolon of air, sealed an eternity ago by the titans within a prison obelisk. Like many others, Nestrum's prison was buried deep beneath the earth and closely monitored by the Black Dragonflight. After the fall of their Aspect, the black dragonflight succumbed to corruption and their watch over the obelisks were abandoned. The nerubians retrieved the obelisk buried beneath Northrend and moved it to Ahn'Vekir shortly after the city's founding. Now, the Newbreed has released Nestrum from his prison, and the elemental horror is poised to unleash his devastation powers against the enemies of his dark masters.


Phase One - Nestrum of the Air

  • Inv stone 16.png Rubble Rain —  Nestrum gathers nearby stone and debris and sweeps it into the air using wind currents. Rubble will then periodically rain down at random locations, dealing massive physical damage.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Suffocating Vortex —  Conjures a whirlwind that follows a random target, switching focus whenever it strikes a player. Players within the whirlwind are pacified and take periodic nature damage.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Chaotic Lightning —  Nestrum charges up a sphere of lightning then fires it in an arc, dealing nature damage to everyone caught in an arc.
  • Spell nature stormreach.png Lightning Charge —  Players build up a Lightning Charge whenever they are struck by Chaotic Lightning. Stacks to 99.

Phase Two - The Obelisk Prison

Nestrum will retreat into his Obelisk Prison at 66% and 33% health.

  • Spell nature groundingtotem.png Paramagnetic Link —  All targets are infused with energy - the energy will build up and explode if it is not discharged. Players can discharge energy by attacking or casting spells and abilities. The more Lightning Charges a player has, the greater the damage will be.
  • Ability vehicle electrocharge.png Lightning Field  —  The Obelisk periodically releases a blast of nature energy, dealing damage to all targets. Being struck builds up a Lightning Charge.
  • Spell lightning lightningbolt01.png Chaotic Lightning —  Nestrum charges up a sphere of lightning then fires it in an arc, dealing nature damage to everyone caught in an arc.


Nestrum will use all of his phase one abilities when engaged. Ay 66% and 33% health, he will retreat into his obelisk and phase two will begin. After 30 seconds, Nestrum will emerge and phase one begins again.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Paramagnetic Link will discharge unless players deal a certain amount of DoT/HoT, rather than simply by attacking/casting.
  • Players will receive Lightning Charge stacks periodically throughout phase one.


  • N [50 Daily] Grounded - Defeat Nestrum without anyone dying from Paramagnetic Discharge.


  • Free at last! Let the winds howl despair to every corner of this world!
  • Scream your final breath!
When Retreating into the Obelisk
  • I must... rest...
  • No! I will not fail the masters!
Killing a Player
  • You wasted your wretched existence!
  • Break before the storm!
  • An offering of flesh, to the devourer of death!
  • Better to die than be shackled again...