User:GoldenYak/Nadala Wrencry

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MobNadala Wrencry, the Silent Scream
Image of Nadala Wrencry, the Silent Scream
Race Arach'layn
Level 93 elite Boss
Location Altar of the Old Gods
Status Killable
The Blessing of the Unspoken

The Altar of the Old Gods has attracted some of the most evil and depraved combatants the world has ever seen. But only recently, with the re-appearance of the arach'layn into the world, has Nadala Wrencry, the Silent Scream, been seen in this most unholy place of worship. Five champions of the five Old Gods have always been present, yet none have encountered Nadala before. It is known only that she follows the Unspoken, the dark power worshiped by the arach'layn, and that she has never uttered a sound since becoming a champion.


  • Spell magic lesserinvisibilty.png Faded Strike  —  Stuns the current target for several seconds. Nadala will ignore her current threat until the stunned target strikes her with an ability.
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Blade Dance  —  Used immediately after Faded Strike. Nadala charges random targets one after another, using cleaving strikes. She will never charge the same target twice. Blade Dance can only be canceled if she is struck by the previous target of her Faded Strike.
  • Spell holy silence.png Curse of the Unspoken  —  Steals the voice of a target and places it within a Stolen Voice orb. Players are pacified and cannot use abilities until the orb is destroyed.
  • Spell deathknight antimagiczone.png Zone of Silence  —  Conjures a small cloud of shimmering energy at the location of a random target. After a short period of time, the cloud will expand into a large Zone of Silence. Anyone standing in the Zone is pacified and cannot use abilities. If enough players gather around the cloud before it expands, the Zone will be dispelled.
  • Ability hunter pet spider.png Blessing of the Unspoken  —  Nadala becomes an arach'layn horror, increasing her attack damage. This also allows her to triple-cast Curse of the Unspoken and Zone of Silence. Cast at 40% health.



  • The Silent Scream - Defeat Nadala Wrencry.
  • Don't Say a Word - Defeat Nadala Wrencry after successfully dispelling every Zone of Silence during the encounter.


Darkspeaker R'Khem will introduce Nadala Wrencry when she spawns after the five champions of the Old Gods have been defeated.

  • Darkspeaker R'Khem yells: Gul'kafn yog'al zug oou Zorm-Nagal uhn'agth shog'dur!
  • Nadala speaks without speaking. Her silence is deafening.
During Transformation
  • Nadala's mouth opens in a silent scream.
Killing a Player
  • There is a smile on Nadala's lips as she deals the fatal blow.
  • Nadala laughs, but there is no sound.
  • The silence of death is a mercy compared to the silence of Nadala.
  • Nadala dies without crying out, a smile on her lips.