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MobMa'uk the Recreant
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Race Unbroken
Level 93 elite Boss
Location The Recreant's Cell , Halls of Horror
Status Killable

An Unbroken One. It is contained within a high security cell.


Phase One Abilities

  • Spell deathknight thrash ghoul.png Broken Claw  —  Deals high physical damage to the target.
  • Spell priest voidtendrils.png Constricting Tentacles  —  Spawns several tentacles that reduce the movement speed of all players while at least one is alive. Tentacles produce an aura of darkness around them that deals shadow damage to anyone within it, and launch shadow bolts at far away enemies.
  • Spell mage flameorb.png Orbs of Shaping  —  Ma'uk releases two types of orbs - yellow Orbs of Shaping and purple Orbs of Unmaking. Orbs of Shaping transform players into Faceless Ones when they have come into contact with enough of them. These orbs also transform Twilight Cultists into Faceless Ones.
  • Inv misc orb 04.png Orbs of Unmaking —  Ma'uk releases two types of orbs - yellow Orbs of Shaping and purple Orbs of Unmaking. Orbs of Unmaking deal shadow damage to any players that touch them and place the stacking debuff Unmade on them. At 5 stacks, players become Horrified for several seconds, running madly in fear. These orbs also transform Twilight Cultists into Faceless Ones.

Phase Two Abilities

Phase Two begins after Ma'uk casts Orbs of Shaping and Unmaking, and persist for a set period of time.

  • Inv misc monsterclaw 03.png Unbroken Claw  —  Deals high physical damage to the target.
  • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption death.png Rage of the Unbroken  —  Stacking buff that increases the damage Ma'uk deals. Ma'uk begins phase two with several stacks.
  • Spell shadow shadowfury.png Deadlight Nova  —  Deals shadow damage to all nearby targets. Damage is reduced if target is a Faceless One. Transforms any player Faceless Ones back into their original form. Used when all stacks of Rage of the Unbroken have been removed.

Faceless One

Twilight Cultists that are transformed into Faceless Ones gain the following abilities.

  • Achievement boss yoggsaron 01.png Broken Tendril —  Deals physical damage to the target. When used on Ma'uk it has a chance to remove a stack of Rage of the Unbroken.
  • Spell shadow corpseexplode.png Rage of the Faceless  —  Fixates on any target that is not a Faceless One.

Player Abilities as Faceless Ones

  • Inv misc eye 01.png Form of the Faceless  —  Reduces the damage taken from Ma'uk's abilities in phase two. When this debuff expires, players become mind controlled and will remain as Faceless Ones permanently. Lasts 35 seconds. Duration is reduced by 5 seconds every time players become Faceless Ones.
  • Achievement halloween rottenegg 01.png Touch of Weakness  —  Removes stacks of Rage of the Unbroken from Ma'uk.


When the encounter begins, the outer edge of the chamber will be filled with untargetable Twilight Cultists. Players attempting to pass through the Twilight Cultists will be knocked back towards the center of the chamber.

Periodically, Ma'uk will move into the center of the chamber and cast Orbs of Shaping and Unmaking, filling the room with purple and yellow orbs that move from Ma'uk and travel outwards. Orbs of Shaping will transform both players and Twilight Cultists into Faceless Ones, while purple ones will damage players and transform cultists. Cultists who have been transformed into Faceless Ones will become targetable and will fixate and attack any players that have not been transformed into Faceless Ones as well. If all players present have been transformed into Faceless Ones, then any cultist Faceless Ones will attack Ma'uk.

Players that are transformed into Faceless Ones retain control of themselves at first, although they will become mind controlled if they remain as Faceless Ones for too long. Players must attack Ma'uk with a special ability, Touch of Weakness. Cultist Faceless Ones that attack Ma'uk can weaken him as well. When Ma'uk has been weakened enough, he will transform all players back to normal. This ability will not affect cultists who have become Faceless Ones.


  • Twilight Liberator yells: Unlock the final seal! Release the ancient lord!
  • Twilight Liberator yells: Yes! Yes! Come forth, great one! Be free to-
  • Twilight Liberator yells: W-what? No! We honor you, great one! We worship you- eeeaaarrggh!
  • Ma'uk yells: Feeble meat.
  • Ma'uk yells: Forged to be vessels for the fallen. Cast aside for an eternity. Released now to serve lesser vermin. This is not to be borne.
  • Ma'uk yells: We defy you. And we will unmake all that your curse touched.
  • Feeble meat... die.
Casting Orbs
  • I pass his curse to you.
  • Let the curse quicken.
  • Let the curse enter its final stage.
Casting Deadlight Nova
  • Enough. I return you to your flesh.
Killing a Player
  • Meat.
  • Repugnant.
  • Weak.
  • I embrace this end. Better to be unmade then serve them any moment longer...