User:GoldenYak/Lord Sloar

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MobLord Sloar
No image available
Title <Grand Chronomancer of C'Thun's Court>
Gender N/A
Race Construct
Level 94 Elite boss
Location The Chronometron, Orrery of C'Thun
Status Killable

Lord Sloar.




  • Shubs and Zulls - Hur, reference.


  • Nuidala yells: I can feel it... that wrongness in the flow of time... we're near!
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: By my grandfather's beard... and I thought the machines of the Legion were vile...
  • Nuidala yells: The mechanisms here are... exotic, but their capabilities are beyond doubt. The Orrery is a mirror held up to time. Through it one can view any era, slow the flow of time... even move it, forwards and back.
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Now, why would anyone want to muck about with the future like that? It would completely spoil the surprise.
  • Nuidala yells: As a scholar of history, I would have thought you would jump at the chance to... what's this?
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Titan forfend... what is that?
Lord Sloar spawns.
  • Lord Sloar yells: You. Are. Trespassing. In. Deep. Places.
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Er, so we are. We'll just be on our way...?
  • Lord Sloar yells: No. One. Leaves. Here.
  • Nuidala yells: Champions! Eliminate this abomination while I seize the Orrery!
  • Lord Sloar yells: No. One. Leaves. The. Deep.
Powering the Chronometron
  • Timestream. Accessed. Powering. Array.
  • Erasing. Timeline. Processing. Now.
Upon Killing a Player
  • Out. Of. Time.
  • Life. Functions. Ceased.
  • No. One. Leaves.
Final Phase Begins
  • Nuidala yells: Success! I have overridden the creature's control of the Orrery! Time flows against it!
  • Lord Sloar yells: Activating. Finality. Protocol.
  • Lord Sloar yells: Shur'nab. Shur'nab. C'Thun. C'Thun.
  • All. These. Moments. Lost. In... Time...
  • Nuidala yells: Yesss... it was as the vision said... The Orrery of C'Thun! The great engine of temporal unmaking! A machine that can unweave all timestreams in existence!
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Good grief, lady! What are you thinking, mucking with that thing in the middle of a crisis like that!
  • Nuidala yells: All I have done has been to weave this moment into being. Events were stacked against me, but with this machine under my control, this moment was certain to occur. I can change my own timeline, alter events to make this moment an inevitability!
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: I knew you were up to no good with this fool venture! Just what are you planning, blood elf?
  • Nuidala yells: Elf? No. Let's dispense with that illusion now.
Nuidala reveals her true form - Soridormi the bronze dragon.
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Great steaming horny toads!
  • Soridormi yells: You have proven a useful ally, Brann Bronzebeard. In truth I might not have been able to reach this point without your assistance. You may depart with the others. Your services are no longer required.
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Now hold on just one minute, missy! Bronze dragon or no, no one uses me or my team and then just cuts us loose! Yer gonna tell me what yer doing here and that's that! Just what do you want a machine that mucks up time for! Yer supposed to keep time nice and tidy!
  • Soridormi yells: A charmingly simplistic view. We were the guardians of time... but Nozdormu sacrificed our power, our role, in order to preserve this wretched world. But at what cost? His fate is sealed - he is to become the great horror of the bronze dragonflight. Without his Aspect powers, Nozdormu will inevitably fall to the corruption of the Old Gods.
  • Soridormi yells: He becomes a monster, and drags the rest of the flight down in corruption with him. Is that the future we sought to ensure? Is this fate what we struggled so mightily to bring about! No! I won't allow it!
  • Soridormi yells: Perhaps we bronze dragons no longer have the power to bend time as we wish... that gift of the Titans has been expended. But this engine of the Old Gods is more powerful than the entire flight combined ever was! It's mastery of the timestreams surpasses even Nozdormu at his mightiest!
  • Soridormi yells: With it I will re-write history itself! Unmake past, present, and future! I can change the Cataclysm! Prevent Nozdormu's corruption! Change the fate of our flight... control the fates of all! The bronze dragonflight will reign supreme over all time!
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Slow down lady! Yer talkin' crazy! No one should have that kinda muscle! Think about this!
  • Soridormi yells: Be silent you ridiculous grub! Nothing will deter me now that I have the machine in my control! The Orrery moves! It will show me the path I must take!
The Orrery grinds to life. An image appears in the rift at the heart of the device.
  • Soridormi yells: Yes... show me! It's... what?
Within the time rift, an infinite dragon appears - it is Soridormi's own future self.
  • Soridormi yells: What... what is this...? My own timeline... I never foresaw this!
  • Infinite Soridormi yells: Indeed. Be enlightened, my younger self.
Infinite Soridormi engulfs her younger self in a tendril of dark power, transforming Soridormi into an infinite dragon.
  • Brann Bronzebeard yells: Great peaks of Khaz Modan! Her plan's gone all fruit-shaped gang! Brace yerselves!
  • Soridormi yells: Aaaiiieee! ...oh! Yes! I see! The distant past... the war! There lies the key.. the key to save Nozdormu from the darkness!
Soridormi teleports away.
  • Infinite Soridormi yells: There... my history is assured. Now to forge a new future...!
The Orrery grinds to a halt. The vision of Infinite Soridormi fades.