User:GoldenYak/Kurnog the Godtouched

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MobKurnog the Godtouched
Image of Kurnog the Godtouched
Race Furbolg
Level 93 elite Boss
Location Ursol's Maw, Terrormaw Hold
Status Killable

Champion of the Terrormaw furbolg that dwell within the Terrormaw Hold. This enormous specimen of the furbolg has been granted boons by the Old Gods, and now towers over his enemies, a shambling mountain of muscle and teeth. His massive talons can rake through even the strongest armor, and his gaping maw can remove a man's head in a single bite. Filled with the black blood of Yogg-Saron, Kurnog has truly been blessed by the Beast with a Thousand Maws.


Phase One

  • Inv axe 04.png Boomerang Throw —  Hurls his axe at a random target like a boomerang, dealing damage to anything caught in its path as it travels.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Great Fissure —  A mighty fissure rumbles underfoot. After a short time, it will burst open, throwing anyone caught inside it into the air. Fissures will open in one of three locations, and will persist. Anyone standing on an open fissure will have their movement speed reduced and take damage over time.
  • Ability druid demoralizingroar.png Terrorize —  Stuns the target with a fearful bellow, rendering them unable to act. Only being struck by a stun or interrupt ability will end this effect.

Phase Two

After three great fissures open, Kurnog will move to the center of the room and use the following abilities. After a short time phase one will begin again.

  • Spell nature earthquake.png Call Earth  —  Summons Raging Earth Elementals and Minor Earth Elementals from the great Fissures.


Kurnog the Godtouched will use all of his phase one abilities when engaged. After three great fissures have been opened, he will proceed to phase two.

During phase two, Raging Earth Elementals will periodically spawn from great fissures. Raging Earth Elementals must be destroyed before they overpower the party. Destroying one will cause a great fissure to seal. Minor Earth Elementals will also spawn. These are small and slow moving and are drawn towards Kurnog. They increase his power and restore small amounts of health if they reach him.

Once all three fissures are sealed, phase one will begin again.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Minor Earth Elementals spawn from Great Fissures in phase one.
  • In phase two, Raging Earth Elementals must be slain within 5 yards of a great fissure into order to seal it.
  • In phase two, Dark Earth Elementals will also spawn, which move much faster than minor elementals and cause shadow damage to all targets when they reach Kurnog, as well as granting Kurnog a power boost.


  • Don't Touch Me, I'm Evil - Defeat Kurnog the Godtouched without letting him come into contact with a Dark Earth Elemental.


  • Come intruders! The maw hungers for you!
  • Feel the power of the Beast!
Casting Great Fissure
  • The earth screams!
  • Crack and groan!
Killing a Player
  • The maw will feed well!
  • Great Yogg-Saron! A gift for you!
  • Raaargh! Suffer and die!
  • Rraagh... am I not... worth..?