User:GoldenYak/Krik'Zan the Sky-Darkener

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MobKrik'Zan the Sky-Darkener
Image of Krik'Zan the Sky-Darkener
Race Nerubian
Level 91 elite Boss
Location The Ruined Terrace, The Hanging Tower of Naz'Zuraq
Status Killable

A giant flying nerubian monster, this creature has laired in the Hanging Tower for many decades, growing larger and feasting on the unwary. It was brought under control by the Arach'layn.


Krik'zan's Abilities

Air Phase

  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Venom Bolt —  Strikes a random target for a burst of nature damage.
  • Ability creature poison 06.png Venomous Pool —  Creates a pool of venom that deals nature damage to any target that stands in it. Anyone standing in it will also be afflicted with 5 stacks of Krik'Zan's Venom. If multiple targets are standing in the pool, the stacks will be evenly split between all targets. Pools persist for a time and then fade. This ability afflicts non-player targets as well.
  • Ability hunter pet spider.png Summon Zuraqim Darter —  Summons a flying nerubian to carry a random target through the air and drop him off the edge. An AoE marker will appear on the ground before the Darter descends. Darters will carry non-player targets well. Used only while in the air
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Enrage —  Used at low health. Increases Krik'Zan's attack damage and speed.


Krik'Zan will be untargettable and attack from the air to begin with, while summoning Arach'layn forces to deal with those on the ground. Slaying Zuraqim Champions will cause Doorward Riflemen to spawn, who will deal damage to Krik'Zan. When he reaches 50% health, he will send Zuraqim Darters to pick up the Riflemen, preventing them from attacking. and land on the terrace, engaging the party directly in close combat.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Krik'Zan's Venomous Pools grow over time instead of fading, necessitating using Zuraqim forces to soak up the venom.


  • Darter Drop - Defeat Krik'Zan the Sky-Darkener after causing 6 Zuraqim forces to be dropped to their death by nerubian Darters.


  • Doorward Rifleman yells: Heroes! Keep yer eyes on the sky! There's a damn big beastie flying around out 'ere!
  • Doorward Rifleman yells: Keep those spidery elf bastards off our backs and we'll bring it down! For Doorward!!
  • Doorward Rifleman yells: 'ere it comes! Let 'im 'ave it!