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MobIrrul'Bek, Grand Vizier of Narjun
Image of Irrul'Bek, Grand Vizier of Narjun
Race Faceless One
Level 93 elite Boss
Location Tribunal of Restriction, Halls of Horror
Status Killable

A Faceless One awoken from the depths of Azeroth's Underworld. It accompanied the forces of the Twilight Scourge that have infiltrated the Halls of Horror.


  • Inv misc eye 01.png Glare of Narjun  —  Focuses the gaze of Narjun on a random location, dealing damage in a cone area of effect in three waves. The cone area becomes narrower but deals more damage with each wave.
  • Spell druid astralstorm.png Storm of Curses  —  Conjures a storm of psychic fury overhead which absorbs Irrul'Bek's sorcery. The Storm will cast various curses over the course of the fight. Irrul'Bek will add more curses to the Storm over time.
  • Spell misc emotionsad.png Curse of Despair  —  Targets will randomly be inflicted with crushing despair, reducing their attack power and casting speed for a short period of time.
  • Spell shadow psychichorrors.png Curse of Fury  —  Rains down furious red lightning in a random area. Those afflicted by the lightning will be overcome and are stunned for a short time, taking periodic damage from the lightning.
  • Spell shadow psychicscream.png Curse of Madness —  Releases a barrage of psionic bolts that mind control anyone they strike for a short period of time.

Heroic Mode Only

When reduced to 0 health in heroic mode, Irrul'Bek will absorb the Storm of Curses and regenerate to 25% health. He will then use the following abilities.

  • Spell arcane arcane02.png Glare of Despair  —  Fires a beam of energy that rotates clockwise. Anyone who touches the beam takes shadow damage and will have their attack power and casting speed reduced.
  • Spell arcane arcane03.png Glare of Fury  —  Fires a beam of energy that rotates clockwise. Anyone who touches the beam takes shadow damage and will be stunned for a short time.
  • Spell nature elementalprecision 1.png Glare of Madness —  Fires a beam of energy that rotates clockwise. Anyone who touches the beam takes shadow damage and will be mind controlled for a short time.


Irrul'Bek will begin the fight simply by casting Glare of Narjun. At 95% health, he will conjure a massive psionic storm overhead called the Storm of Curses. The storm will begin casting Curse of Despair immediately, and will gain additional effects when Irrul'Bek is at 50% and 25% health.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Irrul'Bek will conjure the Storm of Curses immediately and will add curses to it every 30 seconds, instead of when his health is reduced. When his health is reduced to 0, Irrul'Bek will absorb the Storm of Curses, regenerate to 25% health, and enter phase two.


  • Your interference ends here!
Casting Storm of Curses
  • Wrack and ruin!
Killing a Player
  • Lesser beings!
  • Insignificant!
  • It was inevitable!
Devouring Storm of Curses in Heroic Mode
  • The Age of Mortals is over. Time for madness to reign anew!
  • You will be devoured by what rises...