User:GoldenYak/Heroes of the Nexus

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World of Warcraft: Heroes of the Nexus
Heroes of the Nexus

Worlds collide in the most epic expansion of all.

World of Warcraft - Heroes of the Nexus


As the world of Azeroth struggles to recover from the many grand battles it has endured over the ages, a terrifying new enemy appears - the Umbra! Emerging from beyond the known realms of the cosmos, the Umbra threaten to devour all Azeroth and drag it into a dark oblivion from which there is no escape.

As the Alliance and the Horde struggle to preserve their world from these new enemies, mysterious beings from other realms appear to offer hope. Heroes from Azeroth are chosen to venture to a new world, forged from many that have fallen to the Umbra, and filled with new allies that may be the key to saving not only all of Azeroth, but countless more worlds.

The Nexus awaits!

Heroes of the Nexus Features

  • New Continent - The Nexus
  • New Allied Races
    • Alliance
      • Iron Dwarves - Born from the creation forges of Ulduar to serve the Alliance.
      • Mechagnomes - A new breed of gnomes, augmented with mechanical artifice.
      • Can'dorei Worgen - Night elves afflicted with the curse of the Worgen.
      • Botani - Strange beings from another world, they are sworn to the Alliance. For now.
    • Horde
      • Sha'rak Orcs - Orcs tainted by the black blood of Y'Shaarj who seek to rejoin the Horde.
      • Skardyn - A monstrous offshoot of the dwarfish race, skilled at war industry.
      • Eredar - Former members of the Burning Legion offering their power to the Horde.
      • Augmented Forsaken - Undead who have enhanced their bodies with necrotechnology.


There are two major and one minor content patches for World's Heart. Patch X.1 will contain story content and a new Tier 1 raid. Patches X.2 and X.3 will contain raid tier content.

  • Patch X.1 - The Prime Evil
  • Patch X.2 - Raiders of Warchrome
  • Patch X.3 - Rise of the Dark Nexus

Heroes of the Nexus World Story

The Lords of Mystery forged the Nexus in a time beyond reality. From the Nexus they drew upon a million realities and more, searching for a path to greater power and knowledge. After eons of toying with realities, their experiments yielded the first true child of the Nexus - Azera, a being of immaculate divinity, forged to be the perfect god, the architect of the ultimate cosmos. Yet even as the greatest creation of the Lords of Mystery was born, so too was born their ultimate nemesis - a crawling cancer upon all existence, the Umbra, devourers of reality! The Umbra spread like a plague from the Nexus to innumerable realities, devouring them one after another until the Lords of Mystery vanished from the Nexus, either in fear or annihilation. Alone, Azera has spent countless millennia fighting against the Umbra, her nearly futile efforts sparing a handful of realities from extinction while the Umbra have freely devoured thousands more.

Now, the reality of Azeroth has been joined with others through the Nexus, another war-front against the cosmos-threatening Umbra.

Path of the Titans - Unique New Levelling System

Players will no longer grow by simply by acquiring experience points to advance one level at a time. Players will be able to customize their character progression using the Path of the Titans.

Titanforged Equipment and the Path of the Titans

Armor and weapons that receive the Titanforged bonus no longer improve in power by a set amount. Instead, the degree to which a piece of Titanforged equipment improves is tied to a player's progress along the Path of the Titans. The more power a player has unlocked through Path of the Titans, the more powerful a piece of Titanforged equipment will be.

New Continent - The Nexus

  • Neutral Conflux City - Shared capital city with Horde and Alliance sectors.
  • Neutral Kings Crest - Realm of enchanted forests and warring kingdoms.
  • Neutral Mistharbor - Sprawling port city of rogues, pirates, and adventure.
  • Neutral Raven's Court - Murky land of dark magic and the unquiet dead.
  • Neutral Luxoria - An ancient empire spanning a grand desert oasis.
  • Neutral The Eternal Battlefield - A new realm of diabolic war being drawn into the Nexus.
  • Patch X.2 Zone - Neutral The Warchrome Wastes - A wasteland dimension filled with terrifying warriors.
  • Patch X.3 Zone - Neutral Dark Nexus - The dark mirror of the realm of Nexus, home to unspeakable evil.

Dungeons and Raids


  • The Garden of Terror
  • Blackheart's Bay
  • The Gravekeeper's Mines
  • Temple of the Sky
  • Tomb of the Spider Queen
  • The Infernal Shrines
  • Braxis Holdout
  • Warhead Junction
  • Volskaya Foundry
  • The Extravaganza
  • X.1 - The Burning Hells
  • X.2 - Hazard Canyon
  • X.3 - Assault on Darkshard


Nexus Tier 01 Raids

  • The Raven Lord's Tower
  • The Prime Evil
  • Space Lords of the Eternal Empire

Nexus Tier 02 Raids

  • The Chrome Horde Rides

Nexus Tier 03 Raids

Featured Characters

Many new heroes and villains stand poised to clash with familiar champions in the darkness beneath the world.

  • Oberon the Raven Lord - Master of the Raven's Court. Seeks to understand the Umbra.
  • The Gravekeeper - Wicked entity who opposes the Raven Lord and has necromantic powers.
  • Orphea - Daughter of Oberon, she tamed the chaotic Void to battle the Umbra.
  • Serpent God Ka - Master of the realm of Luxoria.
  • Neithis the Spider Queen - A long-slumbering deity of Luxoria, awoken to reclaim her realm.
  • Raena Dragonshire - The ruler of Kings Crest, she is burdened by a dark curse.
  • Verick Dragonshire - Prince of Kings Crest, he wields the powers of the sun.
  • Delia Dragonshire - Princess of Kings Crest, she wields the powers of the moon.
  • Queen Nightshade - Wicked sister of Raena, she covets the throne of Kings Crest.
  • Commodore Ford - Prideful but noble defender of Mistharbor.
  • Captain Blackheart - Phantom pirate lord and master of Mistharbor's pirate crews.
  • Ilarian - Leader of the angelic legions of the High Heavens.
  • Beleth - Master of the Burning Hells armies. He serves his hidden master, the Prime Evil.
  • Diablo, the Prime Evil - Lord of the Burning Hells, come to claim the Nexus as a new dominion.
  • Space Lord Leoric - Mighty general of the Eternal Empire, an otherworldly army that has taken notice of the Nexus as a future conquest.
  • Archdominus Vile - Cruel lord of the Warchrome Wastes. He deposed the former warlord to seize control of all the mutant warbands.
  • Azera - Mysterious being who appears throughout the Nexus to warn the heroes of danger.
  • Omnecron - Malevolent entity behind the rise of the Umbra in the Nexus.

Factions and organizations

  • Order of the Raven - Servants of the Raven Lord Oberon and his daughter Orphea.
  • Knights of the Thorn - An order of noble spirit-warriors who serve Raena Dragonshire, ruler of Kings Crest.
  • Chosen of Ka - Worshipers of the serpent god, Ka. They oppose the malevolent spider goddess Neithis and her unliving thralls.
  • Mistharbor Privateers - Mercenary fighters recruited by Commodore Ford to restore order to Mistharbor.
  • The Immaculate Host - Angelic sentinels who serve the High Heavens and the Angiris Council's will on the Battlefield of Eternity.
  • The Profane Throng - A horde of demonic warriors who serve the Burning Hells on the Battlefield of Eternity. They are prepared to offer power and treasure to those who carry out their will.
  • The Wastewalkers - The humble Wastewalkers wander the blasted lands of the Warchrome Wastes, sharing secrets with those who aid them.
  • Shardbreakers - The unified army of the Nexus, a forge created to destroy the Umbra and their dark master.


  • Nephthysi - Raven-like beastmen who serve the Raven Lord Oberon.
  • Djanni - Demi-elementals bound to Luxoria who operate as mercenaries.
  • Ushabti - Half-giant beings who serve the gods of Luxoria.
  • Kroggbar - Reptilian brutes that often act as enforcers in Mistharbor.
  • Khazra - Goat-like beastmen warring on the Eternal Battlefield.
  • Sacrosan - Beings imbued with holy energy, serving the Angiris Council.
  • Profanoi - Beings imbued with infernal power, serving the Burning Hells.
  • Dregg - Mutant humanoids that dwell in the Warchrome Wastes.
  • Hollows - Enchanted knights created to serve as elite warriors.
  • Pump'Kin - Scarecrow-like undead animated by magical flame.
  • Ravenwraiths - Spectral undead from Raven's Court.
  • Cryptcrawlers - Reanimated servants of Neithis, the Spider Queen.

  • Battle Beast - Monstrous creatures that roam all the lands of the Nexus.
  • Corbie - Magical beasts that have attributes of both hound and raven.
  • Dire Raven - A colossal raven, swollen on the power of the Raven's Court.
  • Tomb Spider - Enormous arachnids that carry mummified victims with them.
  • Luxmera - Winged leonine creatures with serpent-headed tails.
  • Drakehound - These canine creatures bear draconic traits.
  • Drakesteed - A draconic creature with horse-like attributes.
  • Thornbeast - Plant-like beasts created by Queen Nightshade's botamancy.
  • Landshark - Monstrous shark-like beasts that can move on land.
  • Brightcat - Beasts of war that serve the armies of the High Heavens.
  • Bleakhound - Creatures that serve the demons of the Burning Hells.
  • Thornborn - Plant-like creatures created by Queen Nightshade's botamancy.
  • Garden Terror - Colossal plant abomination raised by Queen Nightshade.
  • Hadalian - Aquatic creatures, part flesh and part elemental water.
  • Mechazerg - Hostile entities that infest the realms of Braxis and Warhead.
  • Triglav Mecha - War-machines created in the foundry-realm of Volskaya.
  • Scrapheads - Machine-augmented mutants who serve the Chrome Horde.
  • Dieselfiends - Engines of war created by Archdominus Vile's Chrome Horde.
  • Siegegor - Large giantkin who specialize in hurling boulders or other detritus.
  • Reavgor - Giantkin from Mistharbor who use cannons as ranged weapons.
  • Luxorian Colossus - Animated stone statue from Luxoria.
  • Grave Gigas - Colossal undead giant formed from animated graveyards
  • Punisher - Giant creatures of the Eternal Battlefield.
  • Voidbroken - Void-entities enslaved to the will of the rulers of Raven's Court.
  • Wastoids - Feral mutant beasts that prowl the Warchrome Wastes.
  • Umbra - Entities of dark crystalline matter who seek to devour entire worlds.


New Arenas

  • The Nexomania Ring
  • The Burning Court

New Battlegrounds

  • Riskville
  • Kaijopolis

Additional Material


External Links
