User:GoldenYak/Halls of Shattered Time

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The Nameless Citadel: Halls of Shattered Time
Ahn'kahet the Old Kingdom loading screen.jpg
Halls of Shattered Time
Location The Nameless Citadel, Azj'Aqir, the Shattered Empire
End boss Sepulcros the Unperishing
Instance info
Type 94 Dungeon
Level 94
Player limit 5

The outer halls of the citadel of C'Thun, the Old God.


Before the coming of the titans, the Old God C'Thun watched over his dominion from the twisting, unnatural halls of the Nameless Citadel. When C'Thun fell at the hands of the titans, his servants locked themselves within the citadel, which was swallowed by the earth in the re-shaping of the world that followed. The citadel was not destroyed - instead, it warped the world around it, creating a dreadful pocket dimension that joined it to the material world. The citadel endures to this day, filled with unnameable horrors from before the dawn of time.

The halls swarm with the reptilian Cold Ones, ancient worshipers of the Old Gods. Their malefic intellect is well suited to navigating the non-euclidean halls of the citadel, with corridors and stairways that lead in twisting loops, and regions where time itself is twisted, bent, halted, or accelerated.

The archaeologist Nuidala of the Reliquary has led her forces to the halls of C'Thun's citadel in search of a relic of the Old God's making. Brann Bronzebeard and his Explorer's League have accompanied them, with grave misgivings about exploring anything to do with the Old Gods.

Dungeon Journal

The Nameless Citadel was C'Thun's stronghold during the Old Gods domination of Azeroth. Within its black stone halls the vile body of the Old God grew, his great leering eye gazing across his kingdom from atop the citadel's highest spires. Then the Titans came, and tore down C'Thun's walls, drawing the monstrous deity out into the open and raining their fury down upon him. C'Thun was cast across the land and fell in distant Silithus, where his body was entombed by the Titans to ensure he would never rise again. His citadel, they sank beneath the earth, burying it so the servants of the Old Gods could not reclaim it.

The Citadel has lain dormant for centuries, but now its halls stir once again with the servants of the Old Gods. A great plan millennia in the making is about to come to fruition, and the machinations of C'Thun will be visited upon the unsuspecting world.



A Cold One Formyr, a monstrous reptilian evil who serves the Old God C'Thun.

Kresh Sablescale

Leader of the Cold Ones who guard the Halls of Shattered Time.


A Cold One Sluagh, a great and terrible priest of the reptile race.

King Ryut

This colossal Tarrask was a favored pet of C'Thun. The Cold Ones have covered his body in a suit of thick armor forged from chronoplasmic metal.

Sepulcros the Unperishing

One of C'Thun's greatest servants, Sepulcros is a faceless one who served his master in the ages before the Titans came. When C'Thun fell, Sepulcros cast his spirit from his flesh and had his body embalmed and entombed within the citadel, awaiting the time when he would be called to serve his lord's will once again.

Nechron, Agent of the Infinite

Heroic Mode Only - An infinite dragon.