User:GoldenYak/Frostgulf Crevasse

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Frostgulf Crevasse
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Frostgulf Crevasse
Location Frostgulf Crevasse, The Algol Expanse
End boss The Curse Incarnate
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 100+
Player limit 5

The Frostgulf Crevasse is an immense frozen chasm that cuts across the icy plains of the Algol Expanse. The natives avoid the place, believeing it to be cursed. Something wicked festers in the cold, dark depths...

Dungeon Journal

In the bleak and howling wastelands of the Algol Expanse is the Frostgulf Crevasse, the most treacherous of the many frozen chasm that made the frozen world so dangerous. A strange force has taken root in the depths of the crevasse, feeding off the elemental energies contained there. The Alliance and the Horde must contend with not only this mysterious and growing danger, but also the destructive machinations of the undead beings known as the Ashen.


The dengar fear and avoid the deep chasms and canyons of the Algol Expanse, for a powerful evil lurks in the depths. Many brave hunters and warriors thought to explore the deep places and drive the evil away, but none who entered ever returned. Dengar who give in to despair out on the icy plains find themselves drawn to the largest and most feared of these regions, the Frostgulf Crevasse - they hear whispers on the wind that lure them into the dark, welcoming them into madness and corruption.

The elemental lord Brimius has sensed that the evil within the crevasse is growing in strength, As Brimius leads the heroes of the Alliance and the Horde to the edge of the crevasse, the evil is made manifest in the form of mutant horrors spilling out of the depths. Only the presence of the undead Ashen keeps the flow of monstes in check, and the undead hold no love for the living and plan to purge Algol of life after ridding it of the darkness at its heart.

Storyline and Encounters

The Frostgulf Crevasse is an immense frozen chasm that stretches across the length of the Algol Expanse, and reaches deep into the dark and cold depths of the worldshard. The frozen tunnels and caverns contain hostile elemental beings as well as monstrous mutated life-forms born of the Curse of Flesh that festers in the deep. Adventurers that make their way through the icy tunnels find ancient ruins of black stone partially encased in ice and frost - these temples were built to honor the Old Gods long ago, when Algol was invaded by the insectile inhabitants of Yuggol. The warped manifestations of the Curse of Flesh hold sway here, and are currently under assault from the Ashen, who have used elemental portals to invade the area. As the adventurers approach the largest temple, the Curse of Flesh itself becomes visible in the form of a spreading carpet of organic growth - the floor underfoot becomes meat, with tendrils of muscle crawling across walls and fleshy creepers sprouting pustules filled with poisoned blood and other organic foulness. At the heart of the growing corruption is a diseased garden of fleshy growths, spawning from a bubbling pool of black blood - the blood of the very Old God who was responsible for the creation of the Curse of Flesh itself, He Who Shapes.

Thogol Cursewrack

  • Thogol Cursewrack yells: Do you hear the voices too? A thousand bubbling whispers! We never escaped the ancient enemy! There is no escape!

Over the years, dengar who gave in to despair were lured into the depths of the Frostgulf Crevasse, and there the diabolical power in the depths took hold of them. Their forms were twisted and mutated into hulking horrors, their minds driven to madness by whispering voices. The leader of these curse-wracked dengar, Thogol Cursebearer, leads his debased people in primitive displays of worship for the source of the dark power in the deep - a malefic entity known only as He Who Shapes.


  • Ogun yells: Stone.... ice... the Curse twists it all... to flesh... his flesh.

One of the den'grog, creatures that seem distantly related to the dengar and having a strong affinity with elemental earth, has become infested with the dark power in the Frostgulf Crevasse. His stone body has begun to soften, spilling forth curse-infested blood. His monstrous howls rouse corrupted elementals of rock and earth

The Immolator

  • The Immolator yells: Burn... All must burn.

The undead beings known as the Ashen have invaded Algol to purge the Curse of Flesh from the depths of the worldshard, but they have no intention of stopping there - all life is a vector for the Curse, all must be purged. The Ashen have created mighty constructs powered by elemental flame to aid them in their crusade, and the Immolator is one such device. Powered by a bound fire elemental, its source of fuel is inexhaustible, and it will tireless burn all things flesh and blood.

Father Ayizan - Priest of the Eternal Flame

  • Father Ayizan yells: The Curse is an infection, warping all that is right into chaos and corruption! Life is its vector - it must be purged! Purged in fire! Be transformed by the Sacred Flame!

The Ashen in Algol are led by the flame priest Father Ayizan, a fanatical believer in the Ashen's cause. Destroying the Immolator will not blunt his zeal - as the Curse of Flesh spreads through the depths and manifests organic horrors, he directs the Ashen to double their efforts. Only those who embrace fiery death can be saved from the Curse.

The Curse Incarnate

  • The Curse Incarnate yells: Mighty is his hand. Come, be molded and made anew.

In the depths of the crevasse, the ancient malediction of the Old Gods festers - the Curse of Flesh. Stone and rock turn to oozing meat and thrashing tendrils. Water and ice become blood and bile. At the center of the spreading contagion is a bubbling pool of black blood - the spilled blood of an Old God, brought to Algol long ago by its insect-servants. As the adventurers draw close, the blood manifests itself a hideous mutated form to attack directly - the Curse Incarnate. With the creature's defeat, the Curse is burned out, and the flesh contagion in the crevasse petrifies and crumbles away. The elemental lord Brimius grants the adventurers his blessing, and vows to aid them in the future should they ever require him.

  • Brimius says: The darkness grows less profound. Algol is finally free of this gnawing darkness. Though the Void still enshrouds us, you have made this realm a little brighter mortals. You have the thanks of the ice and frost.