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Image of Dreadskitter
Race Spider
Level 91 elite Boss
Location Dreadskitter's Burrow, Doorward Underhalls
Status Killable

Dreadskitter is an enormous spider that lurks in the ruined areas of the Doorward Underhalls.

Dreadskitter, the stalker in the dark.


  • Spell nature web.png Silk Spray —  Sprays a cloud of silk in a cone. Players standing in the cone receive a stacking debuff every second, slowing their movement speed by 20% with every stack. If it reaches 5 stacks, players become wrapped up in a cocoon and be unable to act. A swarm of tiny spiders will immediately spawn and begin attacking the cocooned player. Cocooned players must be cut free by their allies.
  • Ability hunter pet spider.png Skitterleap —  Charges a random target, dealing them a burst of physical damage.
  • Ability hunter potentvenom.png Dreadful Venom —  Inflicts a burst of nature damage to the target and places the Dreadful Venom debuff on them. Dreadful Venom increases damage taken by Skitterleap. Lasts for 10 seconds.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Frenzy —  Increases Dreadskitter's damage and attack power. Used when health reaches 20&.


At the entrance to Dreadskitter's Burrow, the mad dwarf Maynard Freefoot will be seen wandering aimlessly. Upon spying the players, he will race off into the darkness, carrying one of the two keys needed to unlock the Temple of Lucid Dreaming. Players must persue him through Dreadskitter's Burrow, a tunnel filled with continuously spawning spider monsters. Staying still is suicide, so players must keep moving and make it through the tunnel before the spiders overwhelm them.

Upon making it through the tunnel, players will confront the insane Maynard, seconds before Dreadskitter emerges from the shadows and kills him, devouring the temple key. Players will then engage Dreadskitter, who uses all of his abilities throughout the encounter until slain.

Heroic Mode Changes

  • Dreadful Venom lasts the entire duration of the encounter, and stacks up to 99.
  • Dreadskitter will frenzy at 30% health instead of 20%.
  • In addition to the tiny spiders spawned when a player is cocooned, larger Venom-Bloated Spiders will spawn. When slain, they spray all nearby targets with venom, dealing a burst of nature damage and additional nature damage over 5 seconds.


  • One Skitter Quitter - Persue Maynard Freefoot through Dreadskitter's Burrow in less than a minute and slay Dreadskitter.

Maynard Freefoot's Quotes

Random Yells Upon Approaching Dreadskitter's Burrow
  • They're all dead. All of them. Except me. Ha hahaa hah! Lucky me!
  • Two feet is all I need to stay alive! Eight is better though. Ha haah! Yes, eight is perfect!
Begin Gauntlet
  • You! You want to drive me mad, don't you? Well, it won't work! I have my key! Yes, the special talking key!
Upon Spider Spawning
  • Skitter leap, skitter leap! Move your feet, move your feet!
  • Crawling things, come out to play!
Player Death During Gauntlet
  • My little friends will feed well!
  • She hungers for sweeter meat than orcses... wait, what was I saying?
  • They'll wrap you up neatly, tucked away for later!
Slain by Dreadskitter
  • You can't have my key! It whispers secrets to me, keeps me safe! It's saying something now!
  • "Look... behind... you?"
  • Maynard Freefoot turns around, spotting Dreadskitter.
  • Oh... f-
  • Maynard Freefoot dies.