User:GoldenYak/Deeplord Yaresh Sinscale

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Deeplord Yaresh Sinscale
Image of Deeplord Yaresh Sinscale
Race(s) Naga (Humanoid)
Level 91 Boss
Location Shrine of Azshara, Riplash Ruins

Deeplord Yaresh Sinscale is the commander of the naga forces who have invaded the Riplash Ruins. He carries the mighty Hammer of Serpents, a weapon blessed by Azshara herself with power over the Abyssal Maw.

Yaresh Sinscale's Abilities

  • Inv mace 1h hammeroftwilight d 01.png Hammer of the Abyss  —  Yaresh hurls his hammer at a target area. Stuns and deals shadowfrost damage to anyone caught in the area of effect.
  • Spell nature guardianward.png Seal of Serpents  —  Causes Yaresh's physical attacks poison the target while active, dealing them periodic nature damage.
  • Spell holy sealofwrath.png Seal of Dominion  —  Increases Yaresh's attack power while active.
  • Spell shadow antishadow.png Condemnation  —  Transforms the Seal currently affecting Yaresh into an attack used against a random target.
    • Inv misc gem 01.png Condemnation: Seal of Serpents  —  Conjures up a horde of serpents that bind the target, preventing them from moving or attacking and dealing crushing physical damage over time. Afflicted players can be freed by attacking the serpents binding them. Attacking will cause up to 12 non-elite serpent adds to spawn and strike at the attacker.
    • Inv misc gem 02.png Condemnation: Seal of Dominion  —  Deals a blast of shadowfrost damage to the target, increasing the damage they take from all shadow and frost sources.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Abyssal Maw Rift  —  Yaresh tears open a rift leading to the elemental plane of water, the Abyssal Maw. The rift deals shadowfrost damage to anyone standing near it. The rift will grow in size over time, and when it reaches its maximum size, Yaresh gains the buff Strength of the Abyss Rifts can be attacked to reduce their size, but cannot be destroyed. Yaresh will use this ability every time he loses 20% of his health, for a total of 4 rifts possible.
    • Spell shadow demonbreath.png Strength of the Abyss  —  Increases Yaresh's size and attack power. Yaresh gains a stack every 3 seconds for every fully open Abyssal Maw RiftStacks up to 99.
  • Spell shadow darkritual.png Empower Rift  —  Yaresh targets a rift and causes it to open to it's maximum size instantly.


Deeplord Yaresh Sinscale will use all of his abilities throughout the encounter. As his health drops, he will open Abyssal Maw Rifts. These grow in size over time, and when they reach their maximum size of 20 yards, they will grant a buff to Yaresh Sinscale. Rifts can be targeted and attacked, and doing so will cause them to reduce in size, although they cannot be permanently destroyed while Yaresh is alive.

Heroic Strategy

In heroic mode, Abyssal Maw Rifts will cause Abyssal Revenants to spawn when they reach their maximum size. Yaresh will also cause a rift to spawn every 20 seconds, rather than based on his health, so it is possible to have many more than 4 rifts open during the combat.


    • Look into the Abyss - Defeat Yaresh Sinscale while four Abyssal Maw Rifts are fully open.
    • The Abyss Looks Back - Slay 30 Abyssal Revenants and then defeat Yaresh Sinscale.


  • Find the Eye! It is the naga that shall claim the favor of the Great Old One!
  • What? Surface dwellers, here? You wretches dare profane these sacred halls?
  • You are more foolish than I thought. You will not leave this place alive!
  • Go, all of you! I will deal with these foolhardy air-breathers. Find the Eye before the spider-vermin do!
  • The deep shall claim you!
Opening Abyssal Maw Rift
  • Stare into the abyss, and know that your end comes soon!
  • The power of the raging sea cannot be matched!
Killing a player
  • To the depths!
  • Ehahaha!
  • Do you not fear death?
  • Azshara...