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MobPrince Chizo'khan
Image of Prince Chizo'khan
Race Nerubian
Level 92 elite Boss
Location Terrace of the Everliving, Ahn'Vekir, the First City
Status Killable

A powerful spiderlord of the nerubian Newbreed. Chizo'khan leads the newbreed forces in their mission to pillage Ahn'Vekir of all of the ancient relics and magical treasure that was interred there by their ancestors.


Phase One - Hordes of Ahn'Vekir

Vekir'an elite nerubians.
Vekir'an Darter.
  • Vekir'an Decimator
    • Spell nature agitatingtotem.png Decimation  —  Fixates on a random target and charges, dealing a massive burst of physical damage. The Decimator will remain fixated on the target for 10 seconds and gain increased attack power and speed. 5 second channeled effect - any melee attack will interrupt this ability.
    • Spell fire flameblades.png Claw Strike  —  Deals extra physical damage to the target.
    • Ability hunter assassinate.png Marked for Death  —  Used when the Decimator's Decimation ability is interrupted, and cast on the one who caused the interrupt. If the person with this mark attempts to interrupt another Decimation, it will instead be cast instantly and they will become the focus of it. Lasts for 45 seconds. Heroic mode only.
  • Vekir'an Doomweaver
    • Inv misc qirajicrystal 05.png Weave Doom  —  Deals a burst of shadow damage equal to 80% of the target's total health, then deals shadow damage equal to 50% of their total health every second over the course of 5 seconds. Interruptible.
    • Spell shadow painspike.png Weave Shadows  —  Fires a bolt of shadow magic at a random target.
    • Ability hunter mastermarksman.png Marked for Doom  —  Used when the Doomweaver's Weave Doom ability is interrupted, and cast on the one who caused the interrupt. If the person with this mark attempts to interrupt another Weave Doom, it will instead be cast instantly and they will become the focus of it. Lasts for 45 seconds. Heroic mode only.
  • Vekir'an Darter
    • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Poison Bolt  —  Deals nature damage to a random target.
    • Spell nature ravenform.png Flock  —  Every other nearby Vekir'an Darter increases attack damage by 10%. Heroic mode only.

Phase Two - Prince of the Newbreed

  • Trade brewpoison.png Prepare Poison Attack  —  Chizo'khan prepares to attack the party with a devastating ability. After it finishes channeling, he will use one of the following three abilities. 5 second channeling.
  • Spell nature web.png Poison Cobweb  —  Sprays a blast of poisonous webbing in a cone area of effect. Anyone caught in the webbing is stunned for several seconds and takes periodic nature damage.
  • Ability rogue deadlybrew.png Poison Weapons  —  Sprays venom over his swords, increasing the damage he deals. The target of his attack will also become poisoned with every strike, taking periodic nature damage.
  • Inv misc web 01.png Poison Thread  —  Spins a web-line coated in venom that strikes anyone currently spell-casting. This ability interrupts their cast and silences them for 8 seconds. They also take periodic nature damage.
  • Ability rogue feigndeath.png Venomous Hatred  —  Every time Chizo'kahn uses one of his three poison abilities, he gains attack power. Stacks to 50.


Chizo'khan will summon pairs of elite adds alongside waves of airborne non-elite Darters. Vekir'an Decimators must be struck in melee combat to halt their Decimation attack while Vekir'an Doomweavers must be interrupted before their Weave Doom spell is complete. Darters must be destroyed with ranged attacks. Decimators and Doomweavers will spawn at opposite sides of the platform in a random pattern, while Darters appear overhead. One wave will spawn every minute or when the previous wave has been defeated. After 6 Vekir'an nerubians have been defeated, Chizo'khan himself will attack.

Chizo'khan will use all of his abilities throughout phase two until he is slain. He will gradually increase in strength as he gains stacks of Venomous Hatred.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Vekir'an Darters spawn throughout phase 2 as well as phase 1.
  • Chizo'khan will rotate slowly in a random direction while using his Poison Cobweb attack.
  • Chizo'khan can prepare a Poison Attack in 3 seconds instead of 5, and gains 2 stacks of Venomous Hatred for every Poison Attack used instead of 1.


  • Venomless - Defeat Prince Chizo'kahn before his Venomous Hatred exceeds 20 stacks.


  • Surface-dwellers! You are trespassing on sacred ground! This blasphemy cannot go unpunished!
  • Prepare yourselves! The children of Nezar'Kali come for you now!
Summoning a Wave of Adds
  • Forwards! Obliterate them!
  • Let none survive! Purge the surface-filth!
  • Break their bones! Skin them raw!
  • This will be your final resting place!
Killing a Player
  • You are meat to be wasted!
  • For the Spider Kingdom!
  • In the name of the Nezar'Kali!
  • By... Nerub...