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Image of Charbidith
Race(s) Hydra (Beast)
Level 91 Boss
Location Pit of Scylla, Riplash Ruins

This enormous hydra is legendary amongst those who sail the shipping lanes to Northrend. Many ships have been dragged into the depths of the ocean by her coiling necks, their crew devoured. The naga brought the beast with them into Riplash Ruins to counter the forces of the kvaldir that had once driven the naga from the area. A kvaldir counter-attack has slain Charbidith's naga handlers, allowing the beast to run wild.

Charbidith's Abilities

  • Spell nature guardianward.png Slithering Strikes  —  Charbidith rapidly attacks everything directly in front of her for several seconds, dealing physical damage every second. Charbidith cannot move while using this ability.
  • Inv misc monsterscales 05.png Tail Slap  —  Knocks down anyone attacking Charbidith from behind, dealing them physical damage and interupting any spells they are casting.
  • Spell nature acid 01.png Acid Breath  —  Breathes a cloud of acidic fog. The fog forms an Acidic Breath cloud that slowly drifts around the area. Anything caught in the initial breath takes massive nature damage every second, while anyone standing in the cloud takes periodic nature damage. The fog reduces the armor value of anyone caught in it. 3 second channeling spell.
  • Ability warrior titansgrip.png Hydra Stomp  —  Knocks back everyone, dealing physical damage. Disperses Acidic Breath Clouds when used if Charbidith is standing inside one.
  • Spell nature corrosivebreath.png Triple Streams  —  All three of Charbidith's heads spew streams of acid at the location of random targets, dealing periodic nature damage to anyone they strike.

Acidic Breath clouds persist for the entire combat unless they are dispersed by Hydra Stomp.

Heroic Mode Abilities

  • Inv misc monsterscales 12.png Heavy Scales  —  Chardibith's thick hide protects her from damage. Increases armor by 50%. Acidic Breath clouds present in heroic mode will reduce this buff by 15%.


Charbidith will use all of her abilities throughout the encounter. Her Acid Breath ability will cause Acidic Breath clouds to form, which drift randomly throughout the area, dealing nature damage to anyone caught in them. These clouds will eventually engulf the entire region, so Charbidith must periodically be lured inside a cloud so she may disperse it with Hydra Stomp.

Heroic Strategy

Any Acidic Breath clouds present will place a stacking debuff on all players that deals periodic poison damage and increases poison damage taken. This debuff will afflict everyone in combat with Charbidith, even if they are not standing within a cloud. The more clouds there are, the higher the debuff will stack.


  • Acid Reflex - Defeat Charbidith while having at least 5 stacks of Acidic Breath.


  • The beast rages freely! Retreat, brothers! To the mist!