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MobBohl'Dahr the Earth Eater
Image of Bohl'Dahr the Earth Eater
Race Elemental
Level 93 elite Boss
Location Elemental Containment , Halls of Horror
Status Killable

A powerful earth eidolon that was imprisoned in the Halls of Horror by the Titans. Deemed too dangerous for exile in the elemental plane, Bohl'Dahr was sealed within an imprisonment obelisk. The Twilight Scourge have released the creature in order to cause havoc throughout the Halls and facility their efforts to free the forces of the Old Gods trapped within.


  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Fissure Strike —  Bohl'Dahr rears back and strikes the ground with tremendous fury, causing fissures to break open the earth in an X pattern. Anyone struck by a fissure will be flung into the air and take massive physical damage. This ability removes Jagged Earth for a short time.
  • Achievement bg killingblow startingrock.png Restless Earth —  Summons earth elemental that attacks a random target. When slain, it will eventually revive itself and continue it's attack.
  • Ability golemstormbolt.png Raging Earth —  Hurls a boulder at a random target, dealing AoE nature damage to the target and anyone nearby.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Jagged Earth —  The ground underfoot has been shattered into jagged stone spikes, causing any movement to deal damage. Remaining motionless will prevent damage.


Bohl'Darh will frequently use all of his abilities. Jagged Earth creates large patches of spikey ground underfoot that deals damage to anyone moving across it. The fissures Bohl'Dahr creates with Fissure Strike will clear away these jagged patches. The earth elementals summoned by Restless Earth act as a soft enrage - eventually they will become too numerous to be easily dealt with.

Heroic Mode Strategy

  • Bohl'Dahr becomes more powerful each time a Restless Earth elemental dies.
  • Restless Earth elementals become more powerful the longer they remain alive.
  • Bohl'Dahr gains the ability Cave In - Boulders rain from the ceiling, dealing nature damage to anyone in the AoE when they strike.


  • H [5-30] Watch Your Step - Defeat Bohl'Dahr without taking any damage from Jagged Earth.


  • Twilight Bondbreaker yells: Shatter the binding! Release the eidolon!
  • Bohl'Dahr yells: Crush! Kill! Destroy!
  • Time to stomp and kill!
Casting Fissure Strike
  • Shatter!
Killing a Player
  • Crushed!
  • Broken!
  • Dead! Dead!
  • Mmmrrrgghhhh...