User:GoldenYak/Altar of the Old Gods (Journal)

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Related to Spider Kingdom Expansion Concept

Entry 01

From The Journal of Brann Bronzbeard - The Altar of the Old Gods

The following journal contains entries dated earlier than those relating to the city of Ahn'Vekir.

Bad news today. One o' me best scouts, Bosen Freefoot, came back from his damn fool venture into the Inner Kingdom, the black heart o' this bloody place. We'd gotten word of some major nerubian place of worship, this Altar of the Old Gods, where it's said that the secret names of all the Old Gods are watched over by the nerubian priesthood. I warned him not tae go, said it was too dangerous, but the young fool took off when me back was turned. He was determined to figure out everything he could about the Old Gods and report back. I thought we'd never seen him again, that he'd be dead for sure.

Titans forgive me, I almost think it would've been kinder if he were... He's utterly mad now. Worse than mad. He's barely into his forties and his beard's turned white as snow. White as bone.

I looked over the scoutin' reports he'd brought back. Can barely make any sense of 'em. He'd included... well, you could call 'em drawings... but drawings don't typically make ye feel like you've had the top of your skull pried off and icicles hammered into your brains. His journal's filled with 'em. They seem to be sketches of carvings or murals from the Altar. I'm sendin' the journal to Doorward - Titans willing, someone there can find something useful without goin' crazy. I've made a few copies of some of the more legible ones - the ones that didn't make me want to crawl out of me skin. I'd swear that some of the copies change when you're not lookin'...

Bosen's Report

Tablet of C'Thun.
The Tablet of C'Thun

A rough sketch in the journal corresponds to the image on the altar. A translation of the nerubian glyphs is written below:

-The Defiler of Time-
-Lord of the Wastes-
The third line doesn't translate clearly. The word 'C'Thun' is written.
The darkness has an eye
It has no face but I can feel it grinning
I can see the three lobed eye they spoke of
It belongs to nothing of this world of this universe
There can be no good in a universe where it exists
Time losing time it feeds on time it eats seconds minutes hours centuries
The unblinking eye is upon me
They do not die
Tablet of Yogg-Saron.
The Tablet of Yogg-Saron

A rough sketch in the journal corresponds to the image on the altar. A translation of the nerubian glyphs is written below:

-The Lucid Dream-
-Beast with a Thousand Maws-
The third line doesn't translate clearly. The word 'Yogg-Saron' is written.
The blood
The blood lives
The blood lives the blood lives the blood lives the blood lives
A face it has a face a thousand maws wear one face
The blood lives
The blood is dead the blood is death the blood is alive
Tablet of Y'Shaarj.
The Tablet of Y'Shaarj

A rough sketch in the journal corresponds to the image on the altar. A translation of the nerubian glyphs is written below:

-The Seven Terrors-
-The Devouring Mist-
The third line doesn't translate clearly. The word 'Y'Shaarj' is written.
they do not die
they wait
outside the world outside the Light
scratching clawing at the Light
casting shadows
trick of the Light
shadows six six shadows
no not six the six are one six and one
there are seven
it waits
Tablet of N'Zoth.
The Tablet of N'Zoth

A rough sketch in the journal corresponds to the image on the altar. A translation of the nerubian glyphs is written below:

-The Dreamer in Darkness-
-The Drowned God-
The third line doesn't translate clearly. The word 'N'Zoth' is written.
not ready
ready or
or not ready
not ready not ready or
or not
or not
ready or not
not not n
ready or
Broken Tablet.
Damaged Tablet

A rough sketch in the journal corresponds to the image on the altar. A translation of the nerubian glyphs is written below:

-The Weaver of Life-
-He Who Shapes-
The third line on the altar has been damaged. The heiroglyphs are unreadable. There is no translation.
life is pain life is death pain is life
a red snake a burning river a bloody organ
nature is evil I never knew until now
mother and child feed on mother and child
they do not know their place in the grand design
the curse he made it he made it and greater horrors still
he made life
Unknown Image.
The Final Entry of Bosen Freefoot

There is a sixth entry bundled with the others, but it does not match the pattern of the first five. It appears to have sprung purely from the mind of the journal's writer.

cannot speak she will hear me
cannot speak she will hear me
cannot speak she will hear me
cannot speak she will hear me
cannot speak she will hear me
