User:Gigawolf121934/Elementalist Concept

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With the addition of the Murlocs to the Horde and the journey into the Maelstrom comes the introduction of the powerful Elementalist. Unlike the Shaman, who look to the Elements for guidance, the Elementalist guides the Elements in a way. Rather than listen to the spirits, the Elementalist forces the world to conform to his wishes. While some may say they are far stronger than their distant cousins the Shaman, those that join either the Alliance or the Horde often suggest that they fear what will happen if the Elements ever decide to strike back against them.


There are many ways to become an Elementalist. Some are errant mages who enjoy the sheer power of the elemental magic; others are frustrated would-be shaman who do not care about respecting the elementals. Some work under the command of the elementals while others use their incredible powers to keep them at bay. However, their reckless style of magic causes them to be both excluded and wanted by adventurers, and an experienced Elementalist will rarely be alone.


Long before the Burning Legion reached the world of Azeroth, the Titans came and locked into deadly combat with the Old Gods. The Old Gods and their Elemental Lords fought hard and many Titans fell. However, the Titans eventually sealed or killed the Old Gods, and the Lords were similarly banished to the Elemental Plane. Ever since, these ancient enemies of life have tried to escape, and to this end have manipulated the mortal races to do their bidding. While modern tales may say the dominant Elemental Lord is Ragnaros, the truth is far more terrifying; for ages, the evil Neptulon has dwelt beneath the Maelstrom, preparing his forces to free the Old Gods and drown the world.

When the continent of Kalimdor was shattered, the Night Elves in Zin'Azshari were cast down into the depths of the ocean. However, they did not die. Instead, Neptulon gave them an offer; they would serve him, and in turn would be granted bodies capable of surviving in the depths. The Night Elf Queen Azshara agreed, and so her followers became the Naga. Some time afterwards they managed to summon their master, who began his terrible offensive by attacking the Gurubashi Trolls, who held a stone capable of controlling the oceans. While the stone is now in Goblin hands, Neptulon remains in the deeps. This fact is far more unsettling, for there are no mortals who know what to expect, save those who serve him.

Or did.

A tribe of Murlocs known as the Chillfin have recently arrived at Kul'Tiras and have made a city of their own. These Murlocs claim to have fled Neptulon and no longer wish to serve him. Instead, they hope to make peace with the Horde. Chief among their ranks are Elementalists, spellcasters who, like many other followers of the Elemental Lords, command vast powers. While some true Elementalists serve the Twilight's Hammer Cult, most follow only a particular Lord, such as the Naga and the Murlocs. However, deserters of the Cult and renegade Naga and Murlocs are willing to spread the knowledge of their arts to any who will assist them with some... Tasks.


The Elementalist is in many ways a combined Shaman/Mage class. Able to support a party with a number of stackable buffs, four summons that each have an aura, and able to fulfill multiple roles, an Elementalist is nonetheless vulnerable when alone. The Elementalist commands the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, using their various abilities to aid themselves and allies.

  • The Flame tree specializes in Fire spells and buffs, focusing on extra Strength. A number of simple attack spells exist, most of which are quick, burst attacks that burn enemies and reduce their strength over time.
  • The Nature tree covers both Earth and Air elements. While the Earth element focuses on Stamina, the Air element can increase the Agility of allies (or decrease the Agility of foes).
  • The Frost tree consists of multiple Slow effects and Intellect buffs and debuffs. There are also a significant number of heals and dispel effects.

Differences from existing classes

The Elementalist shares traits with the Shaman, Mage, and Warlock classes. For this reason, it is important to outline the differences.

  • Shaman: The main similarity between the Elementalist and the Shaman comes from the fact that they both use the elements to aid both him/herself and have command over the four basic elements. However, this is where the similarities end. Whereas the Shaman asks of the Elements, the Elementalist forces their power. While the Shaman places totems that spread power and allow the elements to manifest, the Elementalist uses his/her own power to bring them to the surface. Powerful Shaman can summon Fire and Earth elementals for limited periods of time; Elementalists can summon such beings and sustain them for long periods of time, but at a price.

Mage: Like mages, Elementalists call upon the powers of the elements of Fire and Ice with a great understanding and use them to bring their enemies low. However, the Elementalist has more tact, and provides a vast number of buffs and debuffs to turn the tide in their favour. Trapping, burning, stunning, and slowing groups of enemies at once, reinforcing themselves and others with the elements as opposed to simply using their power to burn or slow enemies.

Warlock: The only similarities that an Elementalist has to a Warlock come from its summoning and transformation abilities. By giving up an Elemental item (i.e. Elemental Earth) an Elementalist can summon a corresponding Elemental (i.e. Earth Elemental). Like high-leveled Warlocks well-versed in Demonology, powerful Elementalists can take on forms better suiting the element(s) of their choice. However, this requires a Primal Element and specialization (the talent requires the respective Elemental summon as a prerequisite). Unlike the Warlock, the Elementalist does not rely on their pets often and can survive without them. The Elementalist also has less direct control over their pet, making them very situational.


Every race has the potential to be an Elementalist, but to create a Dwarf Elementalist you must first unlock the Elementalist Hero Class and then complete a series of quests in the Caverns of Time: Shadowforge.


Elementalists typically wield caster weapons.

  • Daggers
  • Swords (One-Handed)
  • Staves
  • Wands

Talents & Abilities

The main strength of the Elementalist is its numerous buffs and debuffs. While each element tends to focus on a particular stat, the buffs of a given element can be enhanced through talents to apply to others as well. There are also talents that act as permanant boosts to the Elementalist, as well as the ability to summon special Elementals with an Elemental Aura. There is an Elemental for each role in a party, making an Elementalist quite useful in a party.



The Frost abilities of the Elementalist have a tendency to slow the target and slowly drown them. They can also be used to increase the Intellect of an ally. An Elementalist that specializes in the cold nature of Frost can also increase the Spirit of their friends with their buffs and summon a Water Elemental that will heal party members and restore the Elementalist’s Mana. Examples of the Elementalist’s Frost abilities are:

  • Drown: Places a Debuff on the target, slowing them for 15 seconds. At the end of the duration, X damage is done to the target
  • Monsoon: Summons a mighty rainfall which soaks everything in its range. Everyone in its Area of Effect gets a Debuff which reduces Agility, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed. It also leaves the ground beneath it soaked, slowing anyone who wanders into the aftermath of the Monsoon. Channelled for 10 seconds, Debuff lasts 15 seconds
  • Water Barrier: Surrounds a friendly target with a wall of rushing water, preventing all damage except Nature damage for 10 seconds. Also boosts Intellect by the level of the target for 1 minute. With talents, it can also boost the Spirit of those affected by 25%/50%/75% of the target’s level
  • Water Aura: Boosts the Intellect of all party members in a 30 yard radius by the level of the Elementalist. With talents, it can also boost the Spirit of those affected by 25%/50%/75% of the user’s level
  • Summon Water Elemental: Summons a Water Elemental to aid the Elementalist. The Water Elemental has an Ocean Aura that will boost the Intellect and Spirit of all nearby party members by the level of the Elemental. The Elemental gains 25% of the Elementalist’s Intellect and Spirit. Can cast Frostbolt, Restore Mana, Restore Health, and Purify. Requires Elemental Water

The Frost abilities of the Elementalist work differently on Undead targets. Undead targets cannot move when affected by the Frost abilities of an Elementalist, but do not take any damage from those abilities.


The Elementalist uses the power of Fire to wear down his opponents, whether by directly using flames on them or by strengthening the resolve of his allies, increasing their Strength. Those that focus on their Fire spells can use flames to increase the Spirit of their allies and summon forth a mighty Fire Elemental to strike down their foes and inspire nearby party members. Examples of Fire spells include:

  • Burn: Places a Debuff on the target, dealing X damage and lowering their Strength and Agility by 10% for 10 seconds. Can stack up to 5 times
  • Magma Flow: Magma bursts from the ground, consuming those in its area in molten liquid. Everyone in the Magma gets a Debuff that causes intense damage over 15 seconds and slows them while they remain in its Area of Effect. The magma remains for 5 seconds after the spell is finished. Channelled for 10 seconds
  • Fire Barrier: Surround a friendly target with protective flames, preventing all damage except Frost damage for 10 seconds. Also increases Strength by the level of the target for 1 minute. With talents, it can also boost their Spirit by 25%/50%/75% of their level
  • Fire Aura: Boosts the Strength of all party members in a 30 yard radius by the level of the Elementalist. With talents, it can also boost the Spirit of those affected by 25%/50%/75% of the user’s level
  • Summon Fire Elemental: Summons a Fire Elemental to aid the Elementalist. The Fire Elemental has a Burning Aura that will increase the Strength and Spirit of all nearby party members. The Elemental gains 25% of the Strength and Spirit of the Elementalist. Can cast Fire Blast, Scorch, Flamestrike, and Rain of Fire. Requires Elemental Fire.


Perhaps the greatest ally the Elementalist has, the raw power of Nature grants the Elementalist direct survival and the abilities that make mortals tremble in fear. All his Earth and Wind spells fall under this category, the elements that can literally stop foes in their tracks. Alternatively, he can use these same elements to allow his friends to become unstoppable juggernauts. The power of Earth will grant allies incredible Stamina while the Wind will increase their Agility. Through talents, the earth itself will protect friends and the winds will always be at their backs. Perhaps most fearsome of all are the abilities to summon the Earth and Wind Elementals. Examples of the Nature abilities are:

  • Pit Trap: Summons a Pit Trap beneath the user. When triggered, it will Root an enemy for 15 seconds. Only one Pit Trap per Elementalist can exist at a time
  • Quicksand: Weakens the ground, sucking down those in its Area of Effect and slowing their movement speed. If anyone stays in the Area for the full duration, they will be Rooted and Silenced for 10 seconds. If they escape, they will be Silenced for 5 seconds. If they enter the Area after the beginning and are in the Area when the duration ends, they will be Rooted for 5 seconds. Does not interrupt spellcasting. Channelled for 10 seconds
  • Stone Barrier: Encases the friendly target in rocks, preventing all damage except Fire for 10 seconds. Also increases Stamina for 1 minute. With talents, it can also give the target a bonus 175%/350% of their Worn Armour values
  • Earth Aura: Boosts the Stamina of all party members in a 30 yard radius by the level of the Elementalist. With talents, it can also boost the Armour of those affected by 175%/350% of the Worn value
  • Summon Earth Elemental: Summons an Earth Elemental to aid the Elementalist. The Earth Elemental has a Mountain Aura that will increase the Stamina of those affected by the level of the Elemental. In addition, those affected will have the Armour of all Worn items increased by 400%. Can Bash, Taunt (AoE), Root, and become a Shield for the Elementalist. Requires Elemental Earth
  • Solidify: Creates a solid surface in a body of water or lava. Lasts 20 seconds
  • Gale: Stuns the target for 5 seconds and reduces Agility for 15 seconds
  • Tornado: Summons a pillar of swirling air, picking up everyone in its area. Those picked up are unable to do anything and are immune to all spells and effects, and cannot be attacked. When the effect ends, all that were picked up by the effect are stunned for 5 seconds. Channelled for 10 seconds
  • Wall of Wind: Surrounds the target with swirling wind, preventing all damage except Melee damage for 10 seconds. The Agility of the target is also increased for 1 minute. With talents, the Movement Speed of the Target can also be increased by 15%
  • Wind Aura: Increases the Agility of all party members in 30 yards by the level of the Elementalist. With talents, the Movement Speed of those affected can also be increased by 15%
  • Summon Wind Elemental: Summons a Wind Elemental to aid the Elementalist. The Wind Elemental has a Sky Aura that will increase the Agility of those affected by the level of the Elemental. In addition, those affected will have their Movement Speed increased by 30%. The Wind Elemental can cast Cyclone, Hurricane, and Wind Walk. Also has a passive Grounding ability, which allows it to absorb spells targeted at the Elementalist. Requires Elemental Air



Frost Talents focus primarily on increasing the boosts to Intellect and Spirit provided by the various Buffs and increasing the duration of the Slows done by the various Debuffs.

  • Summon Water Elemental: Allows the Elementalist to summon a Water Elemental. Requires one Elemental Water. Requires 10 points in Frost.
  • Naga Form: Transforms the Elementalist into a Naga with underwater breathing, a 50% increase in swim speed, and a 50% increase for Frost Spells. The Elementalist is only able to cast Frost spells while in Naga Form. Only usable while swimming. Requires 1 Mote of Water. Requires 20 points in Frost and 1 point in Summon Water Elemental.
  • Improved Naga Form: Allows for the use of Naga Form on land. Requires 20 points in Frost and 1 point in Naga Form.


Flame Talents focus primarily on increasing the boosts to Strength and Spirit provided by the various Buffs and increasing the duration of the Burns done by the various Debuffs.

  • Summon Fire Elemental: Allows the Elementalist to summon a Fire Elemental. Requires one Elemental Fire. Requires 10 points in Flame.
  • Phoenix Form: Transforms the Elementalist into a Phoenix that passively increases the power of all party and raid members within 30 yards and increases their Spirit by 50%. The Elementalist is only able to cast Flame spells while in Phoenix Form. Requires 1 Mote of Fire. Requires 20 points in Flame and 1 point in Summon Fire Elemental. Lasts 10 minutes. 30 minute cooldown.
  • Improved Phoenix Form: Allows everyone under the effect of Phoenix Aura to maintain 50% of their Health Regeneration while in combat and 50% of mana regeneration while casting. Requires 20 points in Flame and 1 point in Phoenix Form.


Nature Talents often work with both the Wind and Earth elements, providing boosts to the Agility, Stamina, Movement Speed, and Armor, while also increasing the duration of roots and stuns done by the Elementalist.

  • Summon Earth Elemental: Allows the Elementalist to summon an Earth Elemental. Requires one Elemental Earth. Requires 10 points in Nature.
  • Centaur Form: Transforms the Elementalist into a Centaur with a 50% increase to Earth spells. The Elementalist is only able to cast Earth spells while in Centaur Form. Requires 1 Mote of Earth. Requires 20 points in Nature and 1 point in Summon Earth Elemental.
  • Improved Centaur Form: Increases the speed of Centaur Form by 50% while outside. Requires 25 points in Nature and 1 point in Centaur Form.
  • Summon Wind Elemental: Allows the Elementalist to summon a Wind Elemental. Requires one Elemental Air. Requires 10 points in Nature.
  • Harpy Form: Transforms the Elementalist into a Harpy with a 50% increase to Wind Spells. The Elementalist is only able to cast Wind spells while in Harpy Form. Requires 1 Mote of Air. Requires 20 points in Nature and 1 point in Summon Wind Elemental.
  • Improved Harpy Form: Allows the Elementalist to fly while in Harpy Form in areas where flight is allowed. While flying Harpy Form increases movement speed by 60%. Only usable in Outland, Northrend, the Emerald Dream or the Great Sea. Requires 25 points in Nature and 1 point in Harpy Form.

See Also

  • User:Gigawolf1/Demon_Hunter_Concept
  • User:Gigawolf1/Ranger_Concept
  • User:Gigawolf1/Necromancer_Concept