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Features Overview


List of Regions

While reading the list of regions below, note that each red dot (Iconsmall-obj5.png) denotes a region located in the Eastern Kingdoms, while each green dot (Iconsmall-obj7.png) denotes a region located in Kalimdor.

  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [1-10] Quel'lithien Forest:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [10-20] Dun Morogh:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [10-20] Lordaeron Meadowlands:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [10-20] Timbermaw Cliffs:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [20-30] Tiris Lakelands:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [20-30] Hinterwood Foothills:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [20-30] Razorwind Canyon:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [30-40] Stranglethorn Vale:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [30-40] K'nuki Hydrolands:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [30-40] Bloodhoof Bluffs:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [40-50] Elwynn Woodlands:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [40-50] Gorribal Plateau:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [40-50] Timeswept Dunes:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [50-60] Ragnari Pyrolands:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [50-60] Greater Northern Forest:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png [50-60] Un'goro Caverns:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png [60] Uuldur: High above the clouds sits Uuldur, the ancient realm in which the secrets of the First Ones have been hidden since time began. Not only does the forefront of this floating isle host the capital city in Origins, but the region itself reveals how the Azotha purged their own people for the ascension of the group that would one day come to be hailed as the Pantheon.

Class Ascension

Class ascension is a new feature in World of Warcraft: Origins that attempts to retain the general idea of each class while providing each one with new fantasy and mechanics. This is a take on the widely-discussed idea of adding prestige classes to World of Warcraft that brings the idea to the next level.

Ascension Level

The first time you level a character, you'll need to level from 1 to 60. All expansions from Classic to Shadowlands will be made available (along with its dungeons and raids). Once you reach level 60 for the first time (or if you're level 60 at the expansion's launch), you'll be prompted to unlock your ascension. You'll then need to go from ascension level 1 to ascension level 60 in the revamped versions of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

When you've reached ascension level 60 for the first time, you'll also unlock the ability to progress your ascension level alongside your regular level on any alts. At level 1, you can unlock an alt's class ascension and level in any content that you want (including Origins content).

Leveling is discussed more in-depth in the section of the same name.

List of Ascended Classes

Listed below is the ascended version of each class, along with a general description. You can click on the links attached to each class to visit the page that provides a detailed overview on each ascended class.

  • Death Knight Death Knight → Runebreaker: Chosen by the Azothan military for surviving the Wall Hadeon construction project, the original Runebreakers were chained to the wall that they so arduously built, forced to suffer as runes were burnt into their skin so that they might one day serve as weapons for the Azothan Empire.
  • Demon Hunter Demon Hunter → Glaivesworn: An elite group of engineers, the Glaivesworn were an independent organization who were tactfully infiltrated by the Azothan military general Atiesh. Imprisoned in their own sanctum, the advanced glaives that they had so dilligently worked on were carved into their arms, making them one with their own blades.
  • Druid Druid → Spiritwalker:
  • Hunter Hunter → Beastwarden:
  • Mage Mage → Chronocaller:
  • Monk Monk → Transcendent:
  • Paladin Paladin → Vanguard:
  • Priest Priest → Astromancer:
  • Rogue Rogue → Shadowblade:
  • Shaman Shaman → Totemkeeper:
  • Warlock Warlock → Soulshaper:
  • Warrior Warrior → Gladiator:

Dungeons and Raids

List of Dungeons

  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Machinist's Workshop: Nestled in the autumnal ruins of Quel'thalas sits the workshop of an engineer who was renowned for his work during the Azothan Empire's domination of Azeroth. Now, his creations have gone haywire.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Terminus of Storms: Deep beneath Azeroth's crust in Dun Morogh sits the Terminus of Storms, a gigantic train terminal that once served as a center of transport for the Azothan Empire.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png D'jinian Academy: Looking out towards a much larger Lordamere Lake in the Tiris Lakelands is the D'jinian Academy, where many Azothan scholars once traveled to study.
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Hydrodam K'nuk: Erected to stop the floods that were caused by the K'nuki Resevoir, Hydrodam K'nuk's technological wardens have been hijacked.
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Maw of J'uuba: Below the tumultuous waters of the K'nuki Hydrolands is the dying wind fish J'uuba. Enter her maw and slay the creatures that seek to do her harm once and for all, slaying her in the process.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Azoran Penitentiary: Once a magical prison in which Gladiators were held, the Azoran Penitentiary now sits overgrown among the thistles and thicket of Stranglethorn. The stone wardens of Azora have been re-activated, however, and some Gladiators remain within its bars.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Bazaar of Antiquities: A place of antiques and rare, valuable goods, the Bazaar of Antiquities serves as the Syndicate's main base of operations.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Aeliona's Labyrinth: Though the reason as to why it was created is unknown, Aeliona's Labyrinth sits atop the seaside cliffs of the Lordaeron Meadowlands. The strange creatures who guard its halls do so for a reason, though.
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Factory of Agony: Embedded into the side of the cliffs of the Bloodhoof Bluffs, the Factory of Agony once served as the sanctum in which Tarynel was forced to work laborers to the bone to produce weapons and armor for the Azothan military, including a weapon of mass destruction.
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Windbound Terrace: Take to the skies in the Gorribal Plateau, fighting sky pirates in a skyship battle to make it to the Windbound Terrace, an ancient palace in the clouds that holds librams from Azotha's past.
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Clockmaker's Demesne: Buried beneath the sands of the Timeswept Dunes is the Clockmaker's Demesne. Learn more about the true creator of the concept of time within these strange quarters, and uncover the Clockmaker himself.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Sepulcher of Origins: Located downwards from the apex of Blackrock Mountain's caldera, the Sepulcher of Origins is a flamebound torture chamber in which the souls of dead Azothans were bound to horrifying creatures, allowing for the creation of the first demons that could be subjugated and summoned.
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Lost Temple of Un'goro: Hidden within the underground cliffs of Un'goro exists the Lost Temple of Un'goro. Fight through the marvelous beasts that lie within its halls, and learn of the origins of the meteor that crashed down upon Azeroth's surface so long ago.
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Gardens of Delirium: High in the trees of the Greater Northern Forest are the Gardens of Delirium, an ancient temple in which the Spiritwalkers bred and killed all kinds of beasts in order to take their form.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Zephyrean Promenade: The Zephyrean Promenade is a grand walkway in the clouds of Uuldur. Once the might of the great city's entrance, its remains and the strange creatures that inhabit this sky bridge are a testament to the might of the Azothan Empire.
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Vestibule of Consecration: Deep in the mountains of northern Uuldur, the Vestibule of Consecration is the holy site where each Emperor of Azotha was crowned. It also serves to reveal the horrifying facility in which the Pantheon had been created from seven Azothan citizens.

List of Open Dungeons

  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Eldre'thar Skybay:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Ruins of Stratholme:

List of Raids

  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Tower of Ages:
  • Iconsmall-obj7.png Hulgin's Brewery:
  • Iconsmall-obj5.png Sanctuary of Amelioration: Many eons ago, millions of citizens in the Azothan Empire were given the opportunity to serve the will of both their emperor and their fabled deities, the First Ones, by volunteering themselves as vessels to reach the "state of perfection." The Azothan military scoured the entirety of Azeroth for candidates, looking for the eight purest souls among all of Azotha. When chosen, the candidates were honored among the splendor of Uuldur, and were then put to the task of reaching the state of perfection within the Sanctuary of Amelioration. This raid is the story of those eight souls, their downfall through the infusion of millions of souls into their own, the collapse of the Azothan Empire, and the birth of the seven titans who would become known as the Pantheon.