User:Garterbelt/Talent Tree Specialization

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With this new feature players can create their own unique play style. Instead of new talents and talent points players will recieve 5 specialization points to shape their character. These points can be spent on specific talents or abilities of the character to adjust to personal preferences or specific raiding or dungeon enviroments. Spent specialization points can be rearanged through the use of Amnesia powder, which is produced via inscription. To spent the specialization points a new window is added to the talent tree window, similar to the glyph window. For each point the player recieves an empty socket, making a total 5 at level 90. Above the three talent trees of the class can be seen. Selecting one of the talent tees opens it and shows the six abilities or talents of this tree in which the specialization points can be spend. After spending a point you have to lock its socket to make your decision permanent. The specialization points work exactly the same way as glyphs if a player switches speccs vial the duals specc system.


Work in Progress



  • Mortal Strike - If slam is used directly after mortal strike its damage is increased by 15%. If heroic strike is used directly after mortal strike its damage is increased by 60%.
  • Deadly Calm - When deadly calm is activated your maximum rage is increased to 200 for 20 seconds.
  • Bladestorm - If there isn't more than one target in the reach of bladestorm, you will perform a mortal strike every 1 second instead of a whirlwind attack, but this slows your movement speed by 50% while bladestorm is active.
  • Colossus Smash - Increases your damage by 10% for 6 seconds, when colossus smash is used. In addition colossus smash now knocks targets back by 15 yards.
  • Harmstring - If the target of Harmstring is out of range, the cooldown of your Intercept and Charge ability are instantly finished. This effect cannot occur more than once every 30 seconds. In addition Harmstring will deal high damage to targets immune to his effect, but this will put a 12 second cooldown on the ability.
  • Rend - When Rend ticks you have a chance of turning your rend ability into a deep rend ability. Applying deep rend is only possible on targets affected by rend. Deep rend will deal the same damage as rend, but it will also heal the warrior by the same ammount of damage dealt. If deep rend is used or after 10 seconds it will transform back into rend. Deep rend can be refreshed by Lambs to the slaughter and refreshed and spread via Blood and Thunder.


  • Bloodthirst - Instead of healing you bloodthirst now leaves a dot on the target, dealing the same amount of damage for which it would have healed you.
  • Raging Blow - When you use Raging Blow you increase the duration of the your current active enrage ability by 2 seconds.
  • Execute - If your aren't enraged you can use execute regardless of the targets health level.
  • Shouts - Using either commanding or battle shout will empower one ability from your choosen main talent tree. If this abilty is used within 5 seconds the damage you deal/recieve will be increased/decreased by 5% for 10 seconds. This depends on your choosen talent tree.
  • Choosen Weapon - When you have two two hand weapons equipped bloodthirst will also strike with both weapons. When you have two one hand weapons equipped bloodthirst will strike with two weapons and in addition it's cooldow will be lowered by 1 second.
  • Pummel - If your interrupt a target with pummel you gain 30% damage reduction against the interrupted spellt tree for 12 seconds. If the target is immune to interrupts your threat will be reduced by 10% instead.


  • Shield Slam - When Shild Block is active Shield Slam will increase the duration of Shield Block by 1 second every time it is used. This effect cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds.
  • Devastate - Devastate has a 10% chance to procc devastated defender. These defenders cannot be healed and have the same health pool as you. For every active defender your parry, mastery or avoid rating(the lowest will be choosen) will be increased by 1%. Devastated defender recieve the same damage as you.
  • Shockwave - If shockwave hits only one target it will always deal as much damage as if three stacks of thunderstruck would have been active.
  • Thunderclap - When your Thunderclap hits more than two targets your attack speed is increased by 20% for 12 seconds. Thunder clap cann now be used in any stance.
  • Heroic Throw - Attaches a chain to your weapon, which allows you to pull the target of your Heroic Throw directly in front of your, but also increases the cooldown of this ability by 30 seconds.
  • Shield Block - Increases your chance to block by an additional 15%, but also makes you unmovable for the duration of shield block.