User:Fritnig/Gnome Rogue

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"The ability to hide within half a shadow makes Gnomes some of Azeroth's deadliest assassins." -Anonymous


The Gnome Rogue Kick animation is a back-flip, and a Gnome can jump several times their own height. That alone is enough evidence of their agile superiority, but...

Gnomeregan Covert Ops

What other race has an exclusive secret service unit? As the smallest and smartest species, Gnomes are built for pinpoint accuracy, infiltration, and espionage, to be assassins and secret agents - to be Rogues. Additionally, Gnomeregan Covert Ops provides every Roguely member with a Death Star, in preparation for inevitable world domination by Gnome Rogues.

Lore and History

Gnomes were molded from omnipotence. Druids worship them.* Gnomes were created by the creators - the Titans - as precisely calibrated immortal machines. Literally, they used to be robots, and then evolved into flesh and blood. Gnomish spies and technology won the Second War. They are better than the Terminator and James Bond combined.

Gnomes invented mailboxes, and science itself. Skilled Gnome Rogues can be obscured behind a single blade of grass. They Sap by tying their opponent's shoelaces together, then stun by severing the Achilles tendon. Tauren Rogues, widely regarded as the best Rogues, only exist because of Gnome Rogues with the Orb of Deception.

Tactical Advantages

A Gnome + Noggenfogger Elixir creates the smallest possible model you can get in the game. What are the benefits? You can easily stealth and blend into a crowd. Even lone players often won't notice if a tiny stealthed body appears on their screen...especially if you stay hidden by other means. Gnomes, even without Noggenfogger, can be fully concealed in bushes, mounts, or even other players - and since stealth hides a player's nameplate, Gnome Rogues can fully disappear in this way. Gnomes can fit through tight spaces barred to any other race, including Goblins. The Gnomish player model's polygons make wall-climbing easier than with other races. Gnomes can boldly go where no one else is capable. Very Roguish.

Clearly, Go Gnome, or go home!

*Not intended as a factual statement