User:Elflover/The Storm Fades Zones

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Elflover (talk) 04:50, September 6, 2009 (UTC)

Before throwing wine bottles at your screen, please note that this was thought of before Cataclysm was announced.

This will describe all of my zones for my speculation of The Storm Fades.

The Tunature Isles

These three islands are found north of Bloodmyst Isle and north-west of Teldrassil. Dark Elf beginners would begin on the island of Temerol and the move to either Loremet or Mortsleam. Floating above the center of these isles is the Dark Elf capital of Darkspire, where the Master Seer Likoun Tunature resides with the Council of The Tunature Isles. I will begin with the island, Temerol.


This island is in the north-east of The Tunature Isles. Beginners will find themselves in Bravegrass Valley, surrounded by the Bravegrass Mountains. Behind the mountains is the Mortsleam Channel, separating Temerol from Mortsleam. Bravegrass will allow new players to get to level 3 or 4, then send them off down Doom Road toward Doom Hill Cove, the village of Temerol. This is in the center of the island and home to the islands ruler, Temerol the Great. Here, quests will send them to far corners of the island, ending up finding Wrynn Point, an outpost in the islands west, named for obvious reasons. Once at about level 8, 9 or 10, they could head out to Darkspire, or go straight to Loremet or Morstleam. They could bypass Doom Hill altogether and go straight to lower level Loremet, though this would not be recommended. Temerol offers experience from players level 1-12, though it is recommended to leave at about 9.

Temerol is an island, much like Teldrassil but with an eerie dark glow to it. It was a low level island, raised up by Dark Elf seers with the other islands. Among the many mountains on the island is Mt. Stormwind, an active volcano that overlooks Doom Hill Cove, which erupts about once a month.

Players can leave Temerol by walking to Loremet in the north-west, Darkspire via Seer Passage in the island's south-west, or flying from Doom Hill Cove to Rut'theran Village in Teldrassil.


This island in is the west of The Tunature Isles. Entering from Temerol will get you to Powerfire Basin, the only dip in the Powerfire Ridge. Beyond the ridge, players will find the Temerol Strait, keeping Temerol and Loremet apart. Powerfire allows players to get to at least level 10, then leading down the trail to Temera Watch, home to older brother of Temerol, Loremet the Brave, in the south-west of the island. Quests will send players from here to Darkspire, Mortsleam and even back to Temerol, encountering Lake Stormrage in the far west. At levels 12 through 15, you could go to Mortsleam or Darkspire. It would be difficult to bypass Temera Watch, depending on your level. Loremet allows players from 5-16, but you would proabably leave at about level 15. You could also bypass the entire island by going straight to Mortsleam from Temerol.

Loremet is like Darkshore, with the crabs on beaches and lost ruins. However, the island is forever cursed by the ancient evil spirit, Larados - ancestor of Likoun, Loremet, Temerol and Quaker. Powerfire Ridge causes common earthquakes, especially on the Temera Fault line.

You can leave Loremet by walking to Temerol in the north-east, Mortsleam in the south-east, Darkspire via Seer Passage in the island's far east. You can also fly from Temera Watch to Auberdine in Darkshore


This island is in the south-east of The Tunature Isles. Entering from Loremet will get you to Wisewater Crater in the Starfall Plane. Behind the wilderness, you would find the Loremet Passage, of the three Tunature rivers. In Wisewater, you would find yourself get to level 15, sending you off towards Fissure Terrace in the north-east. This is home to the oldest, Quaker, of the three Tunature brothers. You will quest from here to Darkspire, Astranaar, Stonetalon and maybe back to Loremet. This would eventually send you to Bronzebeard Retreat in the south-west and Velen Watch in the central-west area. PvP awaits at the offshore town of Darkspear Outpost. At levels 17-20, you can go to other leveling areas in Azeroth or Darkspire. Attempt to bypass Fissure Terrace and die. Here you will find mobs levels 10-20, and you would leave at about 18 or 19.

You're thinking I'll say it's like Ashenvale. It's not. Liken it to Silverpine. Except, without the Worgen, and with corrupted seers and necromancers. Starfall plane and thereabouts experience crashing shooting stars, caused by an nuclear attractor deep within the island's underground. That would make an awesome quest line.

Get outta there by walking to Loremet in the south-west, Temerol in the north and Darkspire via Seer Passage in the north-west. From Fissure Terrace, you can fly to Stonetalon Peak and Astranaar in Stonetalon Mountains and Ashenvale, respectively.

Darkspire City

The Seer Passages throughout the Isles will bring you to the floating Seer-powered city of Darkspire. The city is set out in tower style. For example, the Trader's Keep is underneath the Artisan's Castle. Let's begin.

From the Seer Passages, you will come near either the Auction House, Weapons District or Inn. You have entered the Trader's Keep.

Next to the entrances, you will find lifts going down towards the docks. From the docks you can access Auberdine, Stormwind and Exodar. When empty, piers are for enemy ships to land. Boats to anywhere leave once every five minutes. May be delayed by enemy ships. :P

The Trader's Keep is set out much like Stormwind's Trade District, but combines Trade District, Old Town and Dwarven District. Above is the Artisan's Castle. Stairs to the Artisan's Castle are located north, south, east and west of the huge structure. This is where the trainers of professions reside. Also here are suppliers for professions.

Four staircases on the north-east, south-east, north-west and south-west of the Castle lead to the Trainer's Tier. Here, you will find trainers for every class and Battlemasters. Above the Trainer's Tier, marked by three spiraling stairwells in the north, south-west and south-east, is the Tower of Flight. Here, ramps protrude from the city, and hippogryphs glide down the ramps. The longer and steeper the ramp, the faster the hippogryph. The faster the hippogyph, the more you pay. From here, you can get to almost anywhere in Northern Kalimdor.

Finally, marked by four seer passages at each of the cardinal points, is the magnificent Spire of the Seers. Here sits the Council of The Tunature Isles, who decide what happens throughout the isles. Above the Council is the throne of Master Seer Likoun Tunature. He allows access to the sacred Temple of the Stars behind him and the instance The Cursed Shrine of Darkness above him. This dungeon was once the religious center of the Dark Elves, but abandoned many years ago. It was taken to Azeroth as an ancient relic of Dark Elven history, but was haunted by the spirit of Larados. More on that in other pages.

And that's it for the Tunature Isles.

Merla Archipelago

This series of islands are found north-west of Durotar Isle and far west of Azshara. Murloc beginners would begin on the islands of Jiterog and the move to either Penthos or Wonkar'ola. In the center of these isles is the Murloc capital of Murglar, where the Spittleblaze Chief Megloc Murglar sits with the Murglarian Officers of Supreme Power (MOSP). I will begin with the archipelago, Jiterog.

Jiterog Archipelago

These islands are in the far north of Merla. New Spittleblaze will be in Murkula Cave, in the Jiterog Swamplands. The swamplands wade out to sea towards the Echo Isles. In Murkula, you will be able to get to level 4, bound towards Goretag Cove, in the close east of the islands. Here resides Goretij, nephew of Rexxar, who served greatly in the Naga Wars for the murlocs. Quests will scatter the islands, ending in the find of the Bloohoof Banks in the north-west. Goretag will get you to level 8+, and you will wind up in Murglar City. From here, you could head out to Penthos or Wonkar'ola. It is possible to skip everything in Goretag Cove, going straight to Penthos or Murglar. This is not advised. Experience here ranges from levels 1-11, but you would leave at 8 or 9.

Jiterog is a series of four main islands and many smaller ones. The swamps mark that it is not far above sea level, though completely natural. The swamps also allow floods to enrage the islands, mainly Murkula Field and Goretag Cove.

Exits are located in the zone's south-west to Penthos, the huge bridge in the central south, and a flight point in Goretag to Brill in Trisfal, Razor Hill in Durotar, or Fairbreeze Village in Eversong Woods.

Isle of Penthos

This island is in the far south-west of Merla. From Jiterog, you will arrive in Jungular Cavern in the Penthos Mountains. These mountains point towards Azshara. Jungular Cavern offers experience to you up to level 10, sending you to Byshore Watch in the South-east. This is the seat of Blarg Darkspit, heir to Megloc's throne. Quests will send you all over the island - off to even Frostwolf Retreat, in the center of the isle. Aforementioned quests will allow you to reach level 13-14, a ripe age to go to Wonkar'ola. It is possible to skip the whole island and go straight to Wonkar'ola from Jiterog. This would not help. Experience for players level 5-16, sending you off at about 13 or 14.

Penthos is basically a huge beach. Some jungle areas surround Jungular Cavern, and a saltwater lake resides in Byshore Watch. Tremors in the earth cause landslides and large waves against Byshore Watch.

You can leave by going to Jiterog in the North-east, Wonkar'ola in the south-east, Murglar through the bridge in the east or flight points to The Sepulcher in Silverpine, Ratchet in The Barrens, and Tranquillien in Ghostlands from Byshore Watch.

Wonkar'ola Isle

Epm'lsticks Tunnel is where you will arrive from Penthos. This isle is in far south-east of Merla. Epm'lsticks tunnel is in the Wonkar'ola Valley. Ridges in the valley point to Northrend. Epm'lsticks will get you to 15, and Bladefin Terrace in the south-east will get you to 18. Within Bladefin resides Blarg Blackspit, Megloc's nephew. Quests will bring you to Windrunner Point and Sunstrider Outpost, in the center and north, respectively. Pvp is available here at Gnomish Retreat in the off-coast far east. At levels 18-20, you would leave to greater Azeroth. Bypassing is optional, as you can go straight to Azeroth from Jiterog or Penthos. Experience ranges from 10-21, leaving at 18-20.

Wonkar'ola is a huge jungle. Save for the rocky Epm'lsticks Tunnel and the countless deathtraps throughout Bladefin. These include lava pits, spike traps, inanimate things that are alive and constant raids by Gnomes from their offshore base.

Exits are located for Penthos, Jiterog and Murglar from south-west, far north and bridge in the north-west, respectively. You can also fly to Tarren Mill, Sun Rock Retreat and Splintertree Post from Bladefin Terrace.

Murglar City

The bridges throughout the islands will bring you to the city of Murglar, lying on top of several islands. The city is set out in ring style. For example, the Merchant's Walls are outside the Master's Terrace. Let's begin.

From the Bridges, you will come near either the Auction House, Weapons District or Inn. You have entered the Merchant's Walls.

Next to the entrances, you will find stairs going down towards the zeppelins. From there you can access Orgrimmar, Undercity, Grom'gol. When empty, towers are for enemy aircraft to land. Zeppelins to anywhere leave once every two minutes. May be delayed by enemy aircraft.

The Merchant's Walls are set out much like a Horde Trade District in Stormwind, but combines Trade District, Old Town and Dwarven District. Further inside is the Master's Terrace. Gates to the terrace are located north, south, east and west of the huge wall. This is where the suppliers for professions reside.

Four gates on the north-east, south-east, north-west and south-west of the terrace lead to the Castle of the Honored. Here, you will find trainers for every class and Battlemasters. Inside from the Castle of the Honored, marked by three spiraling stairwells in the north, south-west and south-east, is the Flight Keep. Here, ramps protrude from the city, and wyverns glide down the ramps. The longer and steeper the ramp, the faster the wyvern. The faster the wyvern, the more you pay. From here, you can get to almost anywhere in Central Kalimdor.

Finally, marked by four great gates at each of the cardinal points, is the Murglar Tower. Here sits the Murglarian Officers of Supreme Power, who decide what happens throughout the territories. At the head of the MOSP table is the throne of Spittleblaze Chief Megloc Murglar. He allows access to the sacred Hall of History above him and the instance Bridge of the Worlds beneath him. This dungeon was once a very high part of Spittleblaze history, abandoned many years ago. The city was built above it as an act of memorial, but was discovered to be inhabited by hostile elementals. More on that in other pages.

And that's it for the Merla Archipelago.

East Great Sea

As we all well know, the Great Sea is massive. A vast expanse of water which separates the continents of Azeroth. Of course, there are many interesting places in this area. The East Great Sea covers areas which have not yet been visited in World of Warcraft that are in the continent of the Eastern Kingdoms. This includes Kul Tiras, an old human kingdom now ravaged by naga and monsters, North Gilneas, the old human nation - on the north of the peninsula south of Silverpine - now the sight of a great battle, and Barados - better known as South Gilneas, the new land on the south of aforementioned peninsula. These are only the main areas, and the are several other places of interest that appear that are not listed here.

Kul Tiras

Kul Tiras lies in the south of this area, the old human nation now finally part of the World of Warcraft battle. Tandred Proudmoore, Lord Admiral of Kul Tiras, has allowed entrance to his land by both the Alliance and Horde. The capital city, Boralus, is likely the only area untouched by the Naga invasion, and as such is where most of the citizens reside. The kingdom of Kul Tiras also includes Crestfall and Tol Barad, and there is also a conflict over the ownership of Zul'Dare between Tandred and Genn Greymane, the king of Gilneas. The city of Boralus is on the western coast of the island, where ships can leave for Stormwind, Auberdine, Theramore and Northrend. In this city is the seat of Tandred Proudmoore, who gives out several quests regarding the Naga invasion and the battle for Zul'Dare.


North Gilneas

Before the Battle of Nazjatar, Gilneas was one nation that encompassed all of the peninsula. However, after the battle, Naga began to attack the kingdom. This weakened their defenses and allowed the Horde to invade the kingdom. King Genn Greymane ordered all civilians to evacuate to the south of the peninsula as the Horde conquered the north. However the Alliance fought to help their old brethren and the land is now predominantly Horde territory, but the Alliance still has many posts and towns.


South Gilneas

Genn Greymane only now rules the south of the Gilneas peninsula. The entire people of Gilneas live in this area. Therefore it is ruled by a Human and populated by Alliance civilians. However, as the Horde see it as the best route to get through to the Great Sea, they have attacked it. Greymane, terrified of losing his nation, has allowed the Horde into the land. The Naga lie barely beyond the coast, ready for unwary Gilneans to walk into their hands.


West Great Sea

Icy Ranks




Kalimdor Isles


Great Sea

Death Lagoon


Storm Reef






Titan's Remains

Violet Dragonflight



Other Zones

Grim Batol
