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The Titanic Watcher Tyr waited for many years beneath the lands of Tirisfal Glades. As he waited, he heard the whispers of the Old Gods. Titanic creations are far from perfect, and much like Neltharion the Earth-Warder before him he too fell to their corruption. Tyr, however, did not become a puppet of an Old God. No, the corrupted Tyr brooded and beneath the earth itself assured that he would become like them. He himself has become like an Old God. He first went to Yelendra Falrevere, the current Duchess of the Bloodsails. He offered her immense fortune and power if she pledged herself to his forces. Now, the corrupted Bloodsail reek havoc across Kul Tiras. The continent, now almost completely under Bloodsail control, is now to be liberated by the forces of the Horde and the Alliance. Though they both wish to crush the Bloodsail, they are hardly cooperating with one another.


  • Level cap raised to 110
  • New continent: Kul Tiras
  • New races: Jinyu (Alliance), Ogre (Horde) and Satyr (Neutral)
  • Storyteller campaigns
  • Heroic realms
  • Naval combat
  • Progression past level cap
  • Custom regions
  • Racial specific quests and items
  • Old raids scaled to level cap
  • And more!

New Zones

This time around, I decided to leave out zone details (The same goes for instances), because I decided to allocate my time in writing details on content instead. As tomorrow is the announcement of the actual expansion, there'll be little need (or want) for fan-made ideas for a time.

  • 001-010 - Isle of the Darkspear (Satyr)
  • 001-010 - Jade Islands (Jinyu)
  • 001-010 - Tel Abim (Ogre)
  • 098-103 - Crestfall
  • 100-104 - Thorador Hills
  • 102-105 - Zul'Dare Forest
  • 104-107 - Valor Mountains
  • 105-108 - Broken Isles
  • 107-110 - Zandalar Shallows
  • 107-110 - Ruins of Kezan
  • 110-110 - Proudmoore - 7.2
  • 110-110 - Plunder Isle - 7.3

New Instances


  • 098 - Molegar: Lower Quarter
  • 099 - Molegar: Upper Quarter
  • 100 - Thorador Batol: Cathedral
  • 101 - Thorador Batol: Gryphon Aviary
  • 102 - Shieldspire Tower: First Floor
  • 103 - Shieldspire Tower: Second Floor
  • 104 - New Mogushan: East District
  • 105 - Shieldspire Tower: Third Floor
  • 107 - Molegar: Emperor's Mines
  • 107 - Shieldspire Tower: Fourth Floor
  • 107 - Thorador Batol: Hall of Kings
  • 107 - Quel'Kalar: Catacombs
  • 107 - Quel'Kalar: Upper City
  • 108 - New Mogushan: West District
  • 108 - Quel'Kalar: Stockades
  • 108 - The Undermine - 7.1


  • 110 - Lower Ratchet
  • 110 - Stormwind Vault
  • 110 - Tor'Watha
  • 110 - Alterac Keep
  • 110 - Tomb of Sargeras
  • 110 - Darkspear Depths - 7.1 (End Boss: Prophet Zul)
  • 110 - New Theramore - 7.2 (End Boss: Jaina Proudmoore)
  • 110 - Bloodsail Hold - 7.3 (End Boss: Yelendra Falrevere)

Storyteller Campaigns

Scenarios are back in the form of storyteller campaigns. These scenarios are scattered between the 30-110 leveling experience, rather than just being at max level. Storyteller campaigns will be set in various times and places throughout Warcraft history. In these campaigns you will play a whole new character (whether a major character such as Arthas or a minor character which would usually be represented as an unnamed unit). While playing in these campaigns, you will have all new abilities that correlate with your character. At the beginning of a campaign, each of the three players will select which character they want to be. If more than one person wants to be the same character, the characters will be randomly selected.

  • 030 - The First Azotha
    • The characters available are Azotha Warrior, Azotha Rogue, Azotha Hunter.
  • 035 - Xavius and the Satyrs
    • The characters available are Xavius, Satyr Assassin, Satyr Warlock.
  • 040 - Banishment of the Highborne
    • The characters available are Highborne Mage, Highborne Priest, Highborne Sentinel.
  • 045 - The Pandaren Revolution
    • The characters available are Pandaren Monk, Pandaren Warrior, Pandaren Shaman.
  • 050 - Council of Tirisfal
    • The characters available are Rogue Wizard, Illusionist, Sorcerer.
  • 055 - Blood of Mannoroth
    • The characters available are Gul'dan, Imp, Voidwalker.
  • 060 - Exodus of the Exodar
    • The characters available are Velen, Draenei Priest, Naaru.
  • 065 - Fall of Stormwind
    • The characters available are Orc Grunt, Orc Warlock, Ogre.
  • 070 - Shattering of Draenor
    • The characters available are Alleria, Khadgar, Turalyon.
  • 075 - Founding of Durotar
    • The characters available are Rexxar, Rokhan, Misha.
  • 080 - Fall of Azjol'Nerub
    • The characters available are Ner'zhul, Abomination, Ghoul.
  • 085 - Frostmourne
    • The characters available are Arthas, Muradin, High elf Sorceress.
  • 095 - Scourge of Quel'Thalas
    • The characters available are Lor'themar, Halduron, High elf Battlemage.
  • 100 - Leprosy Outbreak
    • The characters available are Trogg Fighter, Trogg Rogue, Trogg Caster.
  • 105 - Escape to Draenor
    • The characters available are Garrosh, Kairozdormu, Apprentice of Time.
  • 110 Tyr and the Bloodsail
    • The characters available are Tauren pirate, Dwarf pirate, Jinyu pirate.

Heroic Realms

Monsters (in instances and outdoors) will all become much tougher, so that even leveling out in the world will occasionally require strategy. On these realms, it will be possible to accept quests up to ten levels higher than your own, though you might want to bring a group. Leveling will be slower, as more experience will be required for each level. Removed aspects of the game will be restored for these realms, such as leveling weapon skills and magic types as well as needing to carry reagents for certain spells (fish oil for waterwalking, arrows for bows, ect). Heirlooms are not available on these realms. Other cross-realm items such as pets, mounts and toys are also unavailable. LFG will no longer teleport you to the dungeon entrance. Dungeons and raids will only be available on Heroic or Mythic modes on these realms. Battlegrounds on these realms require more to win than on ordinary realms (5 flags on Warsong Gulch with a 45 minute timer, ect). There are special achievements that can only be achieved on Heroic realms. Be prepared to enter a dangerous Azeroth.

New Races


The jinyu of the Jade Islands ruled for a thousand years until as of recent. The Bloodsail Buccaneers have attacked these islands with full force. These islands would have fallen if not for the aid given to them by the Grand Alliance who answered their call for aid. The jinyu have since sworn to defeat Captain Bloodsail and defeat her pirate empire and have accepted the banner of Stormwind.


During the Second War, a fleet of Horde ships headed west from the conquered Stormwind and never returned. This fleet crashed upon Tel Abim and have since created a nation of orcs, ogres and forest trolls. The island has since been shattered by the Cataclysm and bleeds for resources. The people of this island are starving and riots have taken place. When the New Horde arrived, the people of Tel Abim have quickly accepted the Darkspear banner and have welcomed the ogres into the Horde.


After the War of the Ancients and the original shattering of the world, legions of satyrs were forced to flee Kalimdor and be sent off into the sea. They soon crashed upon what is now known as the Isle of the Darkspear. After wars with the native trolls, many satyr have fled deep into the caverns beneath the isle. Molerays from beneath the island have invaded the satyr's lands and have forced them to the surface. The Darkspear may be gone, but the island has been mostly submerged by a Sea Witch. With the arrival of outsiders, satyrs must make a choice. Some have gladly accepted the offer to rejoin the night elf brethren, while others have joined the Horde in spite of those who turned their backs on them.

Naval Combat

Battle on the high seas against an enemy guild with naval combat. Fire your cannons at the enemy ship until you are ready to board them and invade. Winning these matches will earn your guild upgrades to your ship and raise you in the ranks.

Progression Past Level Cap

After you reach 110, you can still progress your character. There will be five new tiers of talents to select, which require higher item levels to unlock. Gear for these higher item levels can be acquired in certain raids, by questing in the max level zones or by doing battlegrounds. There will also be five tiers of armor that go along with this. The first tier will unlock the first new talents. You will be unable to equip second tier items until you have an item of the same type (helm, for example) equipped from the tier below it.

Tavern Activities

Hearthstone is now accessible from taverns. Duel other Hearthstone players and bet cards. Other card games akin to poker have been added with gold betting. A new global tavern chat channel has been implemented.

Improved PvP Zones

All Kul Tiras zones will now operate as PvP zones. There will be no cooldown, so PvP events will always be ongoing. Each zone will have multiple flags to capture and multiple buildings to capture. Capturing a flag will earn you honor, as will capturing and then holding buildings. Lordaeron and Southern Kalimdor will also be altered to include similar events, though the phase that allows this will be segregated to the levels of the zone. Also, if you kill someone who is wanted in Local Defense, you will gain ten times the average honor. This will be the case for all zones.

Custom Regions

Players will now be able to create small, empty zones. Whether you want a place for your guild to hang out or a place for roleplay purposes, the custom region creator will be available to players. Create caverns, stockades, taverns, valleys or even small villages, there is no limit (besides size) to what you can create there.

New Reputation Factions

The new reputation factions are much more advanced that previous ones. Each faction is requires three times more time and effort than older ones, though offer more rewards for doing so. You may only choose to advance your reputation in one of the following per character.


  • Kul Tiras - The human kingdom of Kul Tiras, once thought to have been lost in the Cataclysm, has rejoined the Alliance.


  • Molegar Outsiders - Molerays who have abandoned their mad king. They have joined the Horde since the rediscovery of Kul Tiras.


  • The Andalar - A mixed high elven and blood elven knight's order that has been formed to fight against the Tyr's forces and the Bloodsail menace.
  • Vrykul Expedition - With the fall of their nations in Northrend, many vrykul have left for Kul Tiras to settle.