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About me

I'm a WoW player that likes to contribute. When I see questions on forums and I know the answer, I just have to answer. Also if I have some information that doesn't seem to be anywhere else, I try to write it down somewhere for the community such as a wiki. I am an altaholic and have every class at level 80 horde side. None of them are well-geared, but I think leveling them to 80 and doing some heroic dungeons is enough to get a good feel for them. I am planning do to 10 more alts on a new realm 1-60 to see the new races and zones in Cataclysm. As an altaholic, I think my ultimate goal would be having 50 level 85 characters with maxed professions and good gear. That will never happen, but I can always strive for it. Unlike a raider that may get bored after they have gotten all the best gear, an altaholic never really achieves their goal. They never get to that point of boredom.

My contributions

My favorite pages